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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Thanks but I am creating my own API where I need the tool for, not the Leadwerks API.
  2. Can anybody recommend a tool for creating CHM/Offline documentation? I am currently working with a PDF file which is just not that useful when dealing with API and code snippets. Another possibility would creating an offline website like a wiki or custom website, but CHM would be nice too. All your thoughts are are welcome.
  3. AggrorJorn

    Slight Rebrand

    If you see the topics in the steam discussion then it makes sense to rename the indie edition to just 'leadwerks engine'. That solves a lot of confusion. I would also communicate this discission via email. The more people using the proper term, the better.
  4. I don't know how the player prefab looks like these days, but is it possible that you need to link the camera to the player script. Can you post a screen shot of your scene hierarchy and a screenshot of your player prefab settings? Is there a camera in your scene?
  5. Well I have been holding of to do a clean install of windows 10 (instead of the update from windows 7 I have now.). Guess I'' try that next.
  6. Yep, I created a new admin. Reinstalled Steam (as it was installed per user and not available to other users) Command prompt tasklist tells me that there are 2 Leadwerks process active: 1 master and 1 child. Process explorer says both these process can't be shutdown because I have no access to them. Taskkill with PID and /f (forced) says also something different: the processes are currently not running and can't shutdown. So we have: Both process are active: Tasklist and steam Both process are active but you have no access: process explorer Both process are not active and thus can't be shutdown: taskkill.
  7. Unbelievable. I managed to solve the problem last night by copying all my data (800 GB) from my second harddisk (for games, development and programs) to a third harddisk. I then formatted the second hard disk, reinstalled steam and restored all my data. Leadwerks fnnally started normally again. Unfortunately my victory was really short. Just started my computer to do some actual work and I have the same problem again: 'Leadwerks is already running'. The process is once again not in task explorer and I can't delete Leadwerks since its already running.
  8. Awesome article. If you have the time I would love to know more. I also added this blog as reference for shader programming in the community wiki: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:article-tutorials
  9. Leadwerks nor steam is autostarted by booting my computer. Hopefully this is a Steam issue that can get resolved quickly. Something worth mentioning is that I am participating in the Steam beta branch. Switching to the default branch doesn't affect the issue though.
  10. It's coming along nicely. Good job.
  11. I have resorted to cleaning up the register by hand as well using tools like process explorer and process hacker. The leadwerks process that is present is both running and not running. I do not have permission to do anything against the process (as administrator). Reinstalling steam and locking my self out from via Steam guard has not affected the issue. Last thing to try is reinstalling windows, which I am not going to do atm. So no Leadwerks for me for a while.
  12. Do you have the script attached to each segment or just the parent cylinder? Because when you attach the script to each element, the behaviour of each element rotating is then correct. Can you also post a screenshot where all segments are rotated?
  13. For some reasons other games can run although Leadwerks still has the status 'running'. I have Steam only installed on this machine. I can try to lock my self out via Steam guard on my phone, but honestly I don't think that that would cause the issue. If I run tasklist via command prompt I see 2 leadwerks processes. Trying to kill these process doesn't work. It give me the message that these tasks are currently not being executed.
  14. Normally I also get the error like macklebee describes above. If I want to restart leadwerks a second time while my computer is on, I am forced to close steam via the process panel first before launching leadwerks again. This time its different as leadwerks doesnt even appear in the process panel. Whats even weirder is that leadwerks is 'running' after a reboot.
  15. So I booted my computer and tried to launch Leadwerks but I get this error saying its already running. Looking in my active processes, Leadwerks is clearly not running. Things I tried to resolve the problem: Restarted steam Restarted computer Verified cache: everything is fine. Other games/software can't launch as Leadwerks is still 'running' Can't delete local content Leadwerks as Leadwerks is still 'running' Force delete leadwerks folder via command prompt not working Switched from beta to default branch but has to wait for download as Leadwerks is still 'running'. Stopped Antivirus. Run windows in safe mode with network enabled Restarted again, even unplugged power. Removed Leadwerks configs. Anyone else running in to this problem?
  16. If you want you can also switch between resolutions ingame with the SetLayout command. Unfortunately you can't set it to border/fullscreen with that command though. window:SetLayout(100,100,800,600);
  17. I think that depends on the models purpose in the game. I believe 15k is okay for main characters. But when you a few enemies on screen I think you need to go down a lot.
  18. yes, i have an update for that. I want include some other fixes and features as well. When le 4.0 is out of beta I will release it.
  19. No problem. I have been absent from Leadwerks for a while as well, so things like this are good to catch up to.
  20. Hi Erika, Leadwerks changed the API quite a while ago for the color settings. Colors no longer have to be divided by 255 in order for them to be processed correctly by Leadwerks. so this: self.backgroundColorFractioned = Vec4(c.x/255, c.y/255, c.z/255, c.w/255) becomes: self.backgroundColorFractioned = Vec4(c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w)
  21. Perhaps it has been requested before, but just in case: Something I really like to see is a Collision matrix/table editor. The ones that are part of the editor could be static, but you would be able to define your own collision groups.
  22. They are already on the todo list. especially point 2 and 3. . Same thing goes for shaders.
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