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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Very nice work Averice. Especially having inheritance functionality when working with classes is something I really like to see. I am currently not using that at all in my scripts, which makes this so cool. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Saturn 27: Respawning after dying. Source code updated: http://aggrortutorials.com/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/4-project-saturn
  3. This would require a the standard license so that you can use C++. Without having knowledge on C++ I would not attempt this though. Josh stated that the physics engine could be "swapped out", but I really doubt it will be easy to do so.
  4. Thanks for the answer everyone. I find it quite odd why I shouldn't be able to check this multiple times per frame. That boolean for the key being pressed is set and not being flushed out. I can walk my way around it like you guys are suggesting, but having all of these extra booleans for every key and mousehit seems quite messy.
  5. I have a level with 2 lua scripts. However only 1 KeyHit (or mouse hit for that matter) returns true in a single frame. --Script1 in UpdateWorld if KeyHit:Key.Q then System:Print("You are in script 1") end --Script2 in UpdateWorld if KeyHit:Key.Q then System:Print("You are in script 2") end I am not flushing any keys. Is this intended behaviour or am I overlooking something obvious?
  6. This is roughly what I do:
  7. The navmesh is calculated by a library called recast. In C++ you have the ability to recalculate segments of the navmesh. This is not exposed to lua I believe. https://github.com/memononen/recastnavigation
  8. Okay some more testing then. replace if fire then if self.carryingEntity then with: System:Print("update") if fire then System:Print("left mouse button") if self.carryingEntity then Also, do you have a weapon assigned? to the player?
  9. This should really be a part of the default shader pack to be honest. Nice work Tim.
  10. okay that is good to know. The if statement is checking an entity variable and not a boolean perse. Maybe that causes trouble. change this line if self.carryingEntity then to this if self.carryingEntity ~= nill then and try again
  11. I want to check wether we actually reach the throwing code and also what the force is. Can you replace the following lines: if self.carryingEntity then local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() else with if self.carryingEntity then System:Print("Carrying item") local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) System:Print("x " .. dir.x .."-- y " .. dir.y .."-- z " .. dir.z) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() else And then post back here what the output is in the output tab once you ran the game and threw something.
  12. Can you post the FPScontroller script here. I am not at home right now, so I don't have access to Leadwerks.
  13. What happens exactly when you throw it? Possible reasons: cardbox has a higher mass. Throwing force is lower. Throwing functionality no longer exists in the FPS script.
  14. Not sure if it implies to the topic (quick look). http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6887-communicating-from-lua-to-c/
  15. @nick.ace: Couldn't have said it better my self.
  16. AggrorJorn


    Hey DerRidda, Sorry to hear that it doesn't work as smooth as it should be. To be honest: I haven't tested it on Linux. FlowGUI doesn't hide the mouse anywhere so this is either somewhere in the scripts that you are using or an issue with Leadwerks on Linux. Could you send me the script that you are using? I will install Ubuntu tonight and investigate the issue.
  17. Not to mention that le2 was Windows only.
  18. The only advantage that LE2 has over LE3 is vegetation painting. Other then that Le3 is more powerful on every aspect.
  19. I have never said that I wouldn't help people with FlowGUI. When people have questions regarding the use of FlowGUI, they can send me a private message. Many have done so already and I am glad to help them out. Making entire gameplay scripts is an entire question. But again if you have a question regarding FlowGUI, you send me a pm about it. I would be happy to happy to have a look at it. If you have a script that doesn't work or when when you have trouble with FlowGUI, this is something I will assist in. Personally I find this not only my responsibility, it also lets gives me direct feedback in to what users want or what they expect. Let us not hijack this topic any further on this.
  20. @imchasinyou: Have you removed the GUI items? I described this in an example in the PM I send you on 29 december. @Thirsty panter: Since so many people have questions about ending the game, I will propably do a quick video tutorial about it.
  21. Ironically someone asked me the same question yesterday evening. Here is my suggestion on how you can do this: 1. In app.lua before the App.Start function, add the following variable: App.quitGame = false 2. in the main loop change the following line if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end with this: if self.window:Closed() or App.quitGame or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end I simply added a check on whether the quiGame variable is true. Because if it is, then the App.Loop should be stopped. 3. Now, in your object script do the following: App.quitGame = true
  22. Are you inside the Lua sandbox mode? Via the options menu you can disable this.
  23. I think you have to use import instead of require. Not sure though.
  24. Any chance it is a CSG brush? Those get collapsed on scene loading for performace. Only when a script is attached these remain entities.
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