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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. It is not weird at all Yougroove. It would be bad practice to manually having to specify every single sound in this case. I my case I have a complete soundpack called "naturesounds". All sounds go from naturesound1.wav to naturesound186.wav. What a nightmare that would be if I had to manually specify each sound. I also don´t think it is Leadwerk´s responsibility to detect whether such 'dynamic' named files are being loaded. It would be very hacky the least and you will always have some sort of exception to the case. The bulk of the assets are already being loaded via the ways Josh has described in his blog and I personally think those methods are just fine. When files are used like in the example above, a 'simple' option to select folders or files with a certain extension for export would be a good solution. Something like below would do the trick. Not only does this give Leadwerks a unified way of detecing export folders, it also gives the programmers a way of creating dynamic variables without having to worry about missing export errors. ExportInclude "Sounds/Player/Footsteps"
  2. Very cool marchingcubes. Great to see this kind of creativity.
  3. If you click on edit post and then on 'More reply options' you can add image and even change the title of the topic.
  4. That should not happen. Can you record a short video of the process?
  5. In my recollection I though that when you downloaded items via workshop, they would be automically added to the addons. This might be in beta, so restarting the engine will do the trick as this is the old way.
  6. It is possible but multiple worls will have consequences for the physics engine (if you are going to use phyics). When you create game, you create a 'world' which is similar to an empty void. What your create inside it is up to you though. The engine does not have build in planet orbiting systems, planet based wheather systems or partial level streaming. So it is technically possible, but you will have to build it yourself. Have a look at this video:
  7. Do you use multiple screens? Alternatively you can delete the config file in your Documents/leadwerks folder
  8. It is there under entities: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/
  9. Perhaps you find this useful: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:entityindexer
  10. Vegetation and water are first on the list, road where not on the blog post for 2015. Roads are one of the reasons why I would love some support for plugins or scripts that can be executed in the editor.
  11. Rather than blanking out with color, why not alter the string that you want to display? The way I do is I store a boolean for when the backspace key pressed. Then depending on where the cursor is, I remove a letter from the string.
  12. I´ve honestly never heard of it. Josh never mentioned anything about glScissor.
  13. Does that google+ link go anywhere specific about the hangout? For me it just refers to profile of Josh. Anyway, I would like to be there this time.
  14. If you use C++ and you want more control over the physics, you could use a 2d physics engine like http://box2d.org/. You also want to set your camera to orthographic mode: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetprojectionmode-r204
  15. Do you have the latest graphics card drivers?
  16. Physics objects with the props collision type can't intersect. They will start to glitch out of each other like in your screenshots. I would set the white box as a parent with type Prop and the red boxes as children with type None.
  17. 4 year topic, but still useful. Uploaded to workshop this time. 24 high detail heightmaps: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369555935
  18. if you uncomment the two lines and comment out the first SetAnimationFrame command you will get a continues animation of 1 sequence. Script.Speed=1.0--float Script.Sequence=0--int function Script:Draw() local t = Time:GetCurrent() self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(t/100.0*self.Speed,1,self.Sequence) end
  19. Perhaps this "nivel%03d.dat shoudl be this: "nivel%i.dat http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/printf/
  20. Can you send the project via pm? I will have a quick look. Also if you send it, remove assets that are nogt required for me to test the level. (Sound or large terrain textures for instance).
  21. AggrorJorn

    Full Steam Ahead

    Although I don't think everyone will be happy about it, I do find it admirable how the community has kicked in to fifth gear lately (due to Steam and the wintersales). Personally I find it steam a huge advantage. Not just the update and beta access butmostly the popularity boost. The forum gets filled with lots of new talent. Looking forward to see what else will come in 2015.
  22. That is very nice topology. It looks very clean. Also: I hate to be a grammar nazi, but is the title intended like that? Because it is either "I've (I have) seen aliens" or "I saw aliens".
  23. The code you provided looks fine actually. My guess is, like Josk says, that there might be some code somewhere else that conflicts with the code you are currently showing.
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