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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You can revalidate the leadwerks cache via steam.
  2. Terrain editor part 2: painting the terrain:
  3. I recall there already was an option somewhere in the appearance tab that was called something like 'Collapse'. I don't see it anymore though.
  4. The C++ tutorials also have a lua script version. An overview of the lins can be found here: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:tutorials
  5. First part on how to use the terrain editor: creating and sculpting.
  6. Even if it is exposed, there is no official documentation. Since water is going to be added in 2015 I am expecting it will be implemented like with the water in leadwerks 2.
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7875-plugins-for-editor/page__hl__plugin
  8. With C++ you can even swap out the Newton physics engine for another physics engine if you want to. This does require some decent skills with C++ though. If you stay with newton, you would have to make your own class but you can make use of the physics objects that that come with newton.
  9. That is tutorial is from Leadwerks 2.
  10. CLicking and draggin is how it currently works. Yougroove is asking for just clicking without draggin. I think it is a good suggestion although I would like to add that the suggestions work in when you hold down shift or another key. Entirely replacing click and drag wouldn't be a good idea.
  11. Take a look at the following code: --Retrieve mouse coordinates local mousePos = App.window:GetMousePosition() --Check if the mouse.x is higher then the x position of the start text AND lower then the x position of the text end x. -- this also needs to be done for y axis if mousePos.x > button1.x and mousePos.x < (button1.x + button1Width) then System:Print("the position of the mouse is within the button ") end This image represent the code above. Since you want to check if the mouse is inside the button boundry, we have to perform these steps every frame. So the code needs to be placed either in UpdateWorld or in PostRender. For instance function Script:PostRender(context) local mousePos = App.window:GetMousePosition() if mousePos.x > 460 and mousePos.x < (460 + 100) then System:Print("the position of the mouse is within the button ") end App.context:SetColor(255, 255, 255) App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) App.context:DrawText("Start", 460, 280) App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end
  12. When you press the run button in the editor, it will launch the scene that is opened in the editor. When the game is published it will load the map you tell it to load via script.
  13. What level are you loading in your app.lua scripts?
  14. You can either merge the scripts or use pivots. With pivots you do have to take in to account that the parent of the pivot is the object you want to retrieve first, because the pivot itself is nothing but a point in space.
  15. If a person is looking inside the encrypted game folder and he might see something that is a spoiler I would say it is kinda his own fault.
  16. The polycount has to be really high in order for the fps to drop that muchmuch. Van you share some stats about the Models. Polies. Textures etc.
  17. Very good article. Describes the experience of working on character physics exactly as it goes in practice.
  18. Pseudo: if (window->Key:R) { world:Clear(); Map::Load("Maps/start.map"); } Note that when you clear a world, you also remove the cameras. So if your camera is created via code in the start level, you will also need to create a new camera via code.
  19. a basic player that walks on a fixed axis is certainly doable with the default character controller. however..... finetuning the physics behaviour is really difficult and quite an advanced topic.
  20. Not really sure what you are asking in the post above. This is how I would do it: You have a button with a buttonscript. You have a rock/box with a ActivateMassScript. The rock/box has a mass higher than 0 and is of collision type prop. The button script has a Flowgraph output called "button pressed". The massScript has an input function called "ActivateMass" (or a name that you find usefull) Inside the flowgraph editor you hook the output to the input. The massScript: The Start function has saves the current mass to a temp variable and sets the current mass to 0. The ActivateMass function sets the mass back to original value, which is stored in the temp value. (instead of swapping the mass value, we can also set different collision types. it realy depends on what you find most useful.)
  21. Sales for iOs and Android were too low, so the support was dropped.
  22. Top! This is very useful. This will be very useful for FlowGUI. Can't wait to have it in the normal version.
  23. Roof script: seta key for the roof with SetKeyValue("structure", "roof") have a temp variable that stores the original material of the roof. Have a inivisble material. camera script: send raycast every 0.3 seconds The raycast kits an entity and checks if GetKeyValue("structure") is equal to "roof". if so, store the roofs material in the temporary variable. Apply the invisble material next. Once you have that, you can take a look in to reapplying the original material once the raycast no longer hits the roof.
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