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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. One way to do this is send a raycast from the camera to the player. When the ray doesn't hit the player, hide the entity that it hits instead.
  2. Do you work with the flowgraph editor? If you want to use a script and you want to set mass and collisiontype via script then use this: function Script:Start() self.entity1:SetMass(1) self.entity1:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) end
  3. Can you elaborate what you mean with button? Keyboard button or something ingame. If you have a partial script please post it.
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetcollisiontype-r35
  5. From where are you viewing the workshop? If I open up steam, go to Leadwerks and click on workshop there are many models and textures available.
  6. Can you show the script that sets the variables and tries to create the window?
  7. Looks like the gravity activator script is no longer there.However setting a mass is really easy: self.entity:SetMass(1) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetmass-r74
  8. What exactly do you mean with 'Letters'?
  9. I believe there is a material setting called "depth" or something like that which you can use for this.
  10. AggrorJorn

    The Magic Bullet

    Nice blog post Ben. Good luck with future development. It seems you know what the customer wants and you can react to those needs.
  11. AggrorJorn


    Update 1.0.1 released All updates regarding FlowGUI are going in the new topic, residing in the promotion forum. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11262-flowgui-for-leadwerks/
  12. Try setting the position of the emitter at a fixed position somewhere in your level where you can actually view it. At least you can check if the emitter is properly working. If it is properly working then you know there is something wrong with the positioning code of the emitter.
  13. Well since the character controller is a special object, it wouldn´t surprise me if the the offset values are not affecting the controller in the same way as for a CSG box for instance. Not sure though. Personally I never try to adjust physics to a mesh, but rather the other way around.
  14. Apparently when you have a pivot and set its type to character, the center of mass lies at the bottom of the cylinder. But like Rick said: can't you change it with the command?
  15. You can't use the box as a character controller though.The character controller uses its own custom physics. When using a character controller I would not use a custom shape, since a cylinder will always be generated by the character controller type. A better approach is using a pivot which you set to type character controller. Then let the box be a child of the pivot when it would serve as a hitbox.
  16. Well there is the unofficial wiki: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/ There are some useful items there, but it is not enough for a book.
  17. Which graphics card do you have? Do you have the latest driver for the graphics card?
  18. Very nice work Micheal. Keep up this amazing work.
  19. I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem. Can you provide some more information on your computer setup. OS, Drives etc.
  20. AggrorJorn

    Multi-threading woe's

    Can't hurt to try it. Perhaps you can find the entity count in the map format metadata.
  21. I haven't tried this, but when you have set the option for 'navmesh item' in the phy properties, did you have object modus or face modus selected? Resetting it and generating a new navmesh might help.
  22. AggrorJorn

    Multi-threading woe's

    Nah it is a simple but 'hackisch' way. You display an image as loading screen, then the next frame you load the map, before the screen is updated. After the map loading, you remove the image being drawn. So a moving or rotaing image is not possible.
  23. AggrorJorn


    I have the day off on wednesday which means I am able to provide support if needed.
  24. What are your material settings for this?
  25. AggrorJorn

    Multi-threading woe's

    I never had succes with multithreaded loading screens. You can show a screen like Rick says, but a dynamic progress bar (or anything moving for that matter) is out of the question.
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