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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You are colliding with the entity that is pressumably the box? If so do the following: entity.script:YourFunction()
  2. AggrorJorn


    Only Josh can add paid DLC to steam atm.
  3. Have you linked an entity in to the the respawn point?
  4. AggrorJorn


    You are correct. All buttons are placeholders for now, but they should definiteley have a better default style. It would sure would make it easier but I don't have that option at my disposal.. On the other hand, I would probably have to pay a percentage to Steam and/or Leadwerks. Adding buttons is easy and done within a few minutes. Adding the desired functionality to those buttons is more work. Still, its is a good idea and I will include it in the example.
  5. AggrorJorn


    I want to launch the beta version 0.9 of FlowGUI next week. It will be available for $5,00 during the beta stage and $10.00 on release. You will have always access to the latest version of the scripts, examples and documentation. FlowGUI is royalty free and does not require a back link or logo referring to its usage. Once I ironed out possible issues that users have found I will move on releasing the other elements. Beta will include: buttons checkboxes labels sliders (horizontal and vertical) radio buttons Input fields (single line textbox) Examples and documentation Demo (see screenshot) Main menu + options menu
  6. AggrorJorn


    So close.....Just the sliders. I hope to do some work on it this weekend. Fulltime job + custom jobs for people is taking most of my time. Sorry I have removed the old verison.
  7. realtime navmesh updating was removed as of the terrain update. Which has been more than 1.5 years ago. You can update chunks of the navmesh instead of generating an entire new navmesh. This functionality is not exposed to Lua.
  8. What I do for my own game is using the navmesh as a base for where movement is possible. Then I create my own layers of walkable areas on top of that (both waypoint and grid). When you look in to the recast repository it is actually not that common to make severall navmeshes. I also would have though this was something common but apparently this isn't the case.
  9. All 'The zone' already have a corresponding phy model. I connected those to the prefabs. The prefabs no longer work but the phy files are still there.
  10. I wouldn't count on it. This has been requested as of day 1 since leadwerks 3 was released in januari 2013. Many have already asked for it.
  11. What is happening on that doodle page? I got like 50 emails in a week.
  12. Personally I find the combination of bitbucket, tortoiseHG workbench and mercurcial a good solution.
  13. Can't you switch between the two when needed?
  14. When you want to place code and don't want to lose the indenting, click on the top left button 'Toggle editing mode'. (click on more reply options if you don't see that button).
  15. Leadwerks and GIT
  16. I had the same thing since I have access to all their models and textures. Most buildings require severall textures but since these textures are on different locations, leadwerks doesn't where to find them. Opening the model editor after recreating some faulty materials did the trick for me.
  17. Without seeing code we can only guess. How do you spawn enemies?
  18. AggrorJorn


    FlowGUI 0.9 (beta) is almost ready, just finishing up the documentation and making various examples (including an example main menu with options menu). Since it is the beta I am leaving out the resolution scaling and the dropdowns to see if people are running in to trouble with the other functionality. Beta will include: buttons checkboxes labels sliders radio buttons I am currently waiting on a bug fix that prevents me from properly testing things, so here is a screenshot in the mean time. As you can see you can create gui styles for each individual gui element. If you want to have you buttons the same style, all you have to is make 1 style and apply it to the buttons.
  19. 1. Leadwerks is a game engine. Anything gameplay related has to be programmed. There are some gun examples in the deafult SDK but dual wielding is not part of that. This is something you would have to make yourself. 2. This is really complex stuff you are talking about here. I would not recommend doing this and rather use existing animations. 3. 2 answers here: Yes you can inlock the mouse: ShowMouse() to view it and making sure the Mouse coordinates are not centered every frame. Maximizing a window can also done by code. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowcreate-r462
  20. You dont have to rebuild the entire navmesh. You van update per chunk as well.
  21. From the first day I worked with Leadwerks (2.2) this is what grabbed me: Clean API Dynamic lighting No royalties
  22. Since standalone isn't available (anymore), I have removed that specific section from the FAQ.
  23. I have the command reference open by default when I start my browser.
  24. Like I said, I really doubt that that will happen. This has been requested by others starting at least more than 18 months ago. So I just wouldn't count on it.
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