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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Right click on Leadwerks in your software tab, and go to the beta tab.
  2. @Chrisv: thanks but it is just a simple project to spend some time on in between the larger projects. It's a good way to take a break. A new update has been uploaded to the workshop. - improved camera controls - 1 new track - new powerbar gui - tweaked ball behaviour slightly
  3. What I meant on my first post is that the OP is using a lua script from Leadwerks 2. If you are looking for a simple animation test, use this script: Script.speed=1.0--float Script.sequence=0--int function Script:UpdateWorld local t = Time:GetCurrent()/100 self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(t * self.speed, 1, self.sequence) end
  4. Beta's are only available on Steam.
  5. Yes you are correct. I should have said: the require("scripts/class") is no longer used in LE3.
  6. The scripts still works with some tweaks. As for the require keyword, this is no longer used in LE3. If you want to import another script you can use the import keyword.
  7. This was something from Leadwerks 2 and is no longer used in Leadwerks 3
  8. If you print out the value of Player to screen what do you get? System:Print(self.Player)
  9. I do this for the Tunnels game options menu in the workshop and the context seems to adjust to to it. What you can do however is display an image before loading, and in the next frame you start the loading of a map. When the map is done loading, the image is no longer drawn.
  10. If you want to resize a window (resolution selection), you can simply call http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowsetlayout-r444 instead of removing the window.
  11. Lua has a loadmap callback too. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:entityindexer The point Rick describes is that Maploading is not multithreaded in such a way so that we can request the loading progress to display a loading bar.
  12. Try this as well: local distance = self.entity:GetDistance(self.Player)
  13. The scripts are are very simple and don't cost much. What costs a lot of time is the loading of all those models and textures. THere was this unofficial function that allows to load textures dynamically. Can't find it right now.
  14. You might want to add some frequency timer. 2 or 3 times a second to check the distance is more than a enough. Also in your if statement you calculate the same distance twice. If you store it befor the if statement, you save another calculation.
  15. A small demo has been uploaded to the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=311533257
  16. Every entity can have 1 script. Create a pivot and drag in under the base entity and you can attach a new script on that. This tutorial covers a healthbar and shows how you can attach it to the player.
  17. It would clear up some space, but no big deal really. I thought it was there for everyone.
  18. Sweet. I really like the CSG brush update. When it is official I will make a video for the user guide. Why the term 'Shape hint'? Would 'CSG child physics' be more descriptive?
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