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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. The standard edition is also on steam.
  2. Since this no longer exists and the the fora are last used about 6 months ago I would remove them.
  3. How does your app.lua look? I would assume some code is present there, that check whether you are in debug or run mode.
  4. Looks like shadow acne. That would not be a bug but can be tricky to get rid of in my experience. Making the light radius smaller and changing the light offset should help.
  5. Wishing you and Roland the best of luck. SCOT has always looked really cool and you look like a great team. Looking forward to seeing some first screenshots.
  6. Can you post the app.cpp? It makes it a little easier for us to see what is going on.
  7. That would explain it. Normally when you have a lua project. A window, context and world are created in the App.lua. When you make a project with C++, the app.lua does not contain these variables. When you create a C++ project, it has an app.lua equivalent but it is in C++. The lua scripts are refering to App.window and App.context but since the app.lua doesn't contain these variables, the player and inventory scripts no longer work. You can replace those variables with the Window:GetCurrent() and Context:GetCurrent http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowgetcurrent-r628 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextgetcurrent-r632
  8. When you have model, lets say a house, you have to specify collisions for it. Setting the collision type only determines what kind of effect your can expect in combination with other collision types. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/collision-r778 In order to prevent the player from walking through your house, you can either use a brush (box, sphere ) in the physics tab. If you want more accurate collisions, right click on your mdl file in the asset browser and click generate shape. You can select convex for a rough collision layout and polymesh for accurate (but heavier) collision meshes. The generate button creates a phy file. This file can be linked in through the physics tab of an object that you have placed in your scene.
  9. Gave it another shot today since we had a physics update a few days ago. I made some rough models in 3ds max and some lua scripts. 3 - 4 hours work + and awesome swaying flag from Shad(er)mar.
  10. I think Guppy is Joking (as a matter of fact I am not sure who is and isn't joking at this point) but OP is asking for boolean CSG operations.
  11. Physics in Leadwerks3D are asynchronous, meaning that while the engine renders the scene and executes your game code, it's already calculating the next frame of physics on a separate thread!
  12. Not everyone uses the forum. I never go to the unity and unreal forum for instance, yet I use the engines a lot.
  13. As a side note to the OP, a 'normalized' vector is not the same thing as the normal vector. Vec3:Normalize returns a vector which is normalized (brought back to values of 1). Vec3:Cross returns the cross product aka the normal vector.
  14. I can have a look. send me a pm.
  15. Tutorial 17: Showing the inventory items
  16. Tutorial 16: Using classes to make an inventory.
  17. Have a look at http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:articles for more useful articles.
  18. 1. There is no roadmap. 2. I don't think it is.
  19. For code and documentation I use Bitbucket.org in combination with mercurial. For assets I use bitsync with a private server.
  20. Hey and welcome to the forum. That is a nice looking map. 1. Grouping objects in your scene is not a smooth as most of us like it to be. For now you can create pivots, (via the objects tab on the right and select miscellaneous- >pivots). Since pivots are nothing more than 3d points, you can use them for grouping. 3. Transparent textures need to be set to DXT5 (double click on the tex file and select DXT5 in the compression field). Also, when you have created a material, make sure that for the shaders, you have selected a diffuse+alphamask shader. 4. If you send me the torch and everything that is attached, I will make you a script you can attach. 5. Currently, I don't think this is possible. Even if you go to the local app data folder, the zip file containing everything is password protected. 6. This would need to be scripted. Again this would be something I can help with, but it is highly depended on what kind of character controller script your are using. Let me know what you are currently trying to do gamewise and we can create something.
  21. According to the votes the Saturn project is the way to go. Although I want throw in some new C++ tutorials too.
  22. The problem with that is that scripts can't be uploaded to workshop. And if you upload a prefab with the script attached, it will break the connection + you can't view the source.
  23. Thanks for suggestions: Changing weapons is already covered by rick. The sprint bar is almost identical to the healthbar. Can you give some details as to how you would like to see a high score table? I you want a local highscore, the project can't be uploaded to the workshop since you can't write and read files due to sandboxing. An online highscore results is a little bit more work but a basic one is doable. As for the results so far: I am happy that people are still interested in Project Saturn. That said I am also surprised how many votes the C++ has received already.
  24. I am getting a lot of feedback from people. Some useful and some that make me annoyed to some extend. (Why do your tutorial not teach how to place blocks. YOUR F*CKING VIDEOS SUCK) Anyway, some of the useful feedback was about the content changes I should consider for recording. Please leave a vote in the poll. If you want specifics or have good suggestions, please leave a comment. Thank you
  25. The middle mouse seems to be wrong but the right mouse button is correct. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowmousedown-r456 This can be one of the following values: 1: the left mouse button. 2: the right mouse button. 3: the middle mouse button (mouse wheel).
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