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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. So you have the standard edition as a standalone AND the indie edition via Steam?
  2. I agree with Rick. There are 3 vectors that you can use: pickinfo:Entity:GetPosition(): the actual entities pivot position. For models this is often at the bottom of the model for instance. pinkinfo.position: the actual point where the raycast hits something. Pickinfo.normal: the direction perpendicular on the face that the raycast has hit See the image below:
  3. Just give it a minute before so that it can download everything. it is like with word where word hangs until it is entirely done with loading. just don't click on anything untill its ready. this process should display some sort of progress bar or loading icon.
  4. I haven't tested it myself but with face I assume the actual Face is being returned, which has nothing to do with the normal vector. Those fractioned normal values seem correct actually. it could be that they are returned in world coordinates instead of local.
  5. Your svn, git, or mercurial repository can also be on a remote server or webhosting instead of a local repository. I consider those my backups.
  6. Fyi. In your first post you are using getkeyvalue with Name instead of name.
  7. I am not following what you are trying to do here. You have your own mesh which you move right?
  8. Not entirely. All children rotate around their own axis instead of 1 centered axis of the selection group. I would post this in the suggestion forum.
  9. If you want multiplayer in your game you will have to program. There is no way around it.
  10. Are you use you exported with animation? Because the model doesn't contain any.
  11. With environment I mean resizing your models. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/model-editor-r16
  12. Are you opt in on beta's on steam? Because it contains the fix to the gun shooting. Re-sizing the player wont work, because eventually you will get in to trouble with the navigation mesh. You have to resize the environment.
  13. If you want to attract people to making a game in a team you need to provide more information. Tell a little bit about the game. Scifi is a broad topic, where does your game take place? Year? Technology? Also, talk a little bit on what your role is in this project and what kind of people you are looking for.
  14. if you import a workshop item and compare that to one of your prefabs, what do you see? If you prefabs are much larger then you need to resize the models. If that doesn't work you have recreate the prefabs.
  15. The unit system has been converted to the metric system a few months ago. 1 unit == 1 meter == 100 cm
  16. Okay, I have to admit this information is far to tucked away in the forum to be useful for newcomers. The documentation for this really needs to get updated. This video shows how to add simple geometric physics shapes in a 3d editor.
  17. Macklebee is right, the curve angle is the problem. Mesh slopes that are higher than 45 degrees (be default)block the player from walking up to it. In your screenshot you can see this slight curve on the edge of the sidewalk. The solutions are : Like marleys ghost says: Create an invisble ramp near the siwewalk Instead of using a polymesh shape, create physics shapes in your 3d editor. the advantage to this method is that you get a less complexer phy shape and you wont have to build invisible ramps everywhere.
  18. The physics actually look pretty well. The weird stripes look odd but that only means the physics shape is intersecting the model which is a good thing. How did you create the physics mesh? You can also upload the images directly in to this post btw. This will prevent the topic from having broken links once you have deleted the images.
  19. Can you post a screenshot from the physics view? via View -> Show physics
  20. The community wiki contains some useful reads as well. It is not as filled up as we want it to be but it slowly getting bigger: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com
  21. For Lua starters you want to check out this video in particular: 1 side note: At the time of recording you still had to compile the C++ code. This is no longer neccesary and that is also why the video starts at 3:44
  22. I had a look at the script. The script for the FPS weapon is highly dependent on how the animations are done and bone names are named. I created another script called FPSFireable weapon which is more generic. Both the 9mm and the shotgun work with this script. @TJHeldna: The script reload function plays the reload animation to its end. For the shotgun however this ends halfway in the air. May I suggest ending the animation so that it moves back to its starting position? FPSFireableWeapon.lua Is the index of the reload animation. If you go to the model viewer by double clicking on a weapon, you can see in the animation tab which index an animation has. Speed of the reload animation Is the index of the fire animation. Speed of the fire animation. The offset for the muzzle flash. The child bone/entity where the muzzle flash is positioned Default rotation of the model. If a model is rotated in to the wrong direction (which is the case with the weapon pack) you need to set an initial rotation. Every weapon model from Tim Heldna's weaponpack has a child entity called muzzlePoint. That entity needs to be linked in to the script to let the script know where the Muzzleflash should be positioned.
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