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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have updated the FAQ a little bit. If you see something worth mentioning or incorrect info please reply.
  2. As a starter it can be really difficult to have a grasp of things. Even with tutorials it can be difficult. Programming and learning how to program takes a lot of time, frustration and perseverance. keep on trying!
  3. You can sell the games via Steam if you get your game greenlit. You can publish the game via the editor and you will get an output folder containing all the executables and data. Currently you can publish free to play lua-games directly to the Leadwerks workshop (this is not the same thing as the steam store). You do not have to pay royalties, display a leadwerks logo or even mention Leadwerks if you don't want to. Assets can be password protected via packages although I am not entirely sure how this process works.
  4. If you want to know the amount of lights or camera's you can make use of these: const int Object::CameraClass = 3; const int Object::DirectionalLightClass=4; const int Object::SpotLightClass=5; const int Object::PointLightClass=6;
  5. A tutorial on animation itself has been created a year ago. The video uses C++ but a Lua version is provided as well. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/introduction-to-animation-r14
  6. You can watch this parameter in action here:
  7. I will make a tutorial on importing characters and adding some test animation. Why would a character move ingame if you don't tell it to do so? Note that animations from one character do not automatically work on another character (unless it has the same rigged skeleton).
  8. Next to email, posting a topic and a private message you can try the chat on the bottom right. But only if Admin or Josh is online.
  9. @TattieBoJangle Can you describe the steps you have done so far to create an animated character? Does your character have animations? Can you see the animations playing in the model viewer? @leon: Can you describe in detail what you mean by 'importing'? Since Leadwerks imports assets automatically you shouldn't have to worry about that. Can you describe what you mean with 'setting character animations'? Fbx models that contain animations, already fully work and you can test that in the model viwer. When you want an animation to play in game you need to do that via scripting.
  10. Then it looks like an administrative problem. Sending Josh an email or a private message is a solution but he gets hundreds of mails every day probably. You can also try the chat if he is online. (Right bottom of your screen.)
  11. hey, You stated that you received a mail with downloads. Can I conclude from that, that you purchased Leadwerks via the website and not via Steam?
  12. Steam probably doesnt prioritize this issue since it only covers Leadwerks. Thats is why it is taking so long.
  13. I am sure that Josh is more than well aware of the capabilities of OpenGL 4.5 and that he would love to see the oppurtunities integrated in Leadwerks. The problem is it would take some time to make sure the engine utilizes that power. Since most people wouldn't even notice the difference it makes it not a high priority task.
  14. If you click on your profile and go to client area, were you can download the installers. As for your key please try emailing again or sending a private message.
  15. If you continue the tutorials, you will notice that this is something that is going to be solved. As for the collision: When you turn on physics view, what do you see? What kind of behavior do you expect from the turret.
  16. You can't attach C++ code as script since C++ code needs to be compiled. You could make a system that mimics C++ in to scripts, but in the end you will need to compile C++ code.
  17. As a side note: Changing the ambient light in the editor is not that ideal since it makes it difficult to edit your level. It is easier to make a script where you can specify the ambient. During edit time, you can have a bright scene and ingame you set the ambient provided in the script.
  18. I am waiting a bit on making new tutorials. The scene graph is getting messy and without a proper way of organizing things in a simple way, I can spend 10 minutes alone cleaning things up. Besides that there are some bugs in the bugtracker that need to be solved in order for me to continue with being hindered with annoying errors and crashes. Respawning after you die is on the list though.
  19. Can you place soms csg boxes in tour scene and try the navmesh generation again?
  20. Okay narrowed the problem down to the FPS player script. If I remove the player, and let a falling box trigger the NextLevelTrigger, the level switches just fine.
  21. The load level script contains a small typo. Script.Map is with capital M while self.map is lowercase. But now I am getting the error you posted in the first post. I will post again when it works.
  22. Any chance you have selected the navmesh obstacle checkbox in the physics tab of your floors? Can you post a screen of the monster script tab?
  23. And if you turn on navmesh view nothing is showing up? can you post some screenshots?
  24. You can export the project and send it to me if you want. I will have a look at it.
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