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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. How does tour scene look? What are the proporties of the scenery?
  2. OpenAL is the sound driver. Do you have sound in either two levels?
  3. I would go for an internal one. With an outside one, you need to make sure everyone can only vote once. Here you already have that solution. Try grouping some stuff together so save some options.
  4. I am not sure since I haven't test tested it, but the there are 2 alpha mask shaders available. diffuse + normal+alphamask and Diffuse+normal+specular+alphamask. Since you provided a specular map, I would also choose the shader with the specular. If that doesnt work, remove the displacement map.
  5. I think it is time for step 2. The amount of suggestions is getting quite big and is full of suggestion that are simply out of reach (for now). Lets see what the community together prioritizes.
  6. Textures using alpha transparceny need to be set to dxt5. In the material you also need to set the diffuse shader to diffuse+alphamask. This depends on whether the texture has black parts that need to be removed or whether it contains transparency.
  7. Very nice of you to share this. I am sure many people will like it.
  8. The Sound class plays a sound once. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/sound/soundplay-r515 For more control over sound you should use Sources http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/source/
  9. If you have those comment sections in there, nothing will happen at all. The only part of the script that gets executed are the first two lines. --[[ and ]]-- are for multi line commenting.
  10. Try out the unofficial wiki. Thats the reason Rick set it up.
  11. What is the script you currently have?
  12. Have a look at the raycasting tutorial. There is also a lua variant. I think it does more or less want you want to achieve. Especially the Camera:Project() function. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/introduction-to-raycasting-r13
  13. You are drawing in the update function. You need to draw in PostRender(context) Also note that Sync() might already be called in app.lua.
  14. Don't forget the extra parameter to support multiplayer: MakeGame(gametype, multiplayerSupport)
  15. The entire 'MyGame' project exists out of demos. You can try restoring the backup files which you can find at the same location as every map. Automatic saving during editing can be disabled, but not when you run a game.
  16. Both the rectangle as well as the grouping is just something that should be in a program. I can't believe it is still not there.
  17. I know it is frustrating. Especially, like yougroove said, when this has been requested many times over the past 18 months. As for grouping: you can use pivots to group objects together. However this unveils another annoying missing feature: you can only drag 1 item at the time to that pivot in order to group it.
  18. I can see that work. Maybe a tag that you can add after a variable could indicate that it needs to be saved when a save function is called. Script.levelProgress = 10 --Serialize I really doubt Android is coming back. It was dropped 6 months ago.
  19. Do you have the indie editie or standard edition? If you have the indie edition you can only use Lua. You run the game directly from the editor or double clicking the executable in the game root. When you are using Lua from the editor you are not compiling Lua. (Technically Lua files can be compiled but I doubt you are doing that.) If you are writing C++ code (and thus have the standard edition) then your code needs to be compiled before your game can run.
  20. As for the vegetation: your tex file needs its compression set to dxt5. Otherwise alpha channels wont work. Are you using release or debug from C++ or lua? Debug mode seems to be having an issue with the latest update. The pistol shooting is a confirmed bug.
  21. Can you provide an example map so that it is easier for Josh to debug the problem?
  22. Linux on steam, Macos support, Vegetation system and networking integration are more than enough for Josh to have his hand full until the end of 2014. It wouldn't surprise me if this would take longer than estimated. @reepblue Saving and loading system: What exactly are you expecting here? You can write and load int, float, string. Could you give an example of how your suggestion would look in the API? Editor: Listview for the assets. The thumbnails are either so small that you can't read the name or they are so big that it takes ages to find what you are looking for. Vertext snapping. a selected entity snaps to vertices while a key is being is pressed. Physics snap placement. A selected object gets moved downwards until it has a collision. Very useful for placing objects in the scenery. Scene tab: dragging and dropping multiple selected files instead of moving everything one by one. Rename model mesh in model viewer. EditorScripts: Used for drawing or generating objects in the viewports. Use full for drawing lines (camera paths) for instance. Sound node with range indicator: Sound nodes are very commong entities. Right now it is making a pivot and attaching a sound player object. Seems to me this would be a special entity. A sound range indiciator (like with a point) would be nice. ToggleGrid option Rectangle selector for entities in viewports. Icon for the flowgraph editor Zooming in/out flowgraph editor Expose line editor as a script property Curve editor (bezier lines) script property Terrain: Invisibility patches Base texture Holding down control + scrolling mouse wheel to increase/decrease brush radius. LUA editor: basic support of intellisence control + arrow keys to move quicker over lines auto tab API Window:ResolutionSupported(int x, int y)
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