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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/ has some good articles. Among them are a lot of references to topics covering interesting stuff. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:communication-from-lua-to-c
  2. I have heard many others on werkspace talking about it. 50% seems like a really good deal. Just bought it.
  3. It certainly is possible. Just take quite some time to figure out how it works.
  4. When you have a terrain, the gridview and terrain wireframe clutter up the viewports quite a bit.
  5. Well those files only work with Le2 anyway. A custom dll was created for LE2 to support video directly in the editor.
  6. If you don't know that the blog title exists out of game names, you are probably a little confused . My upcoming job interviews are almost 2 weeks away, which gives me plenty of space to do some development stuff on the side from my main project. Besides my main project I have been working on the tutorial project Saturn as well as reviving the the Tunnels demo from Leadwerks 2. Project Saturn I didn't think I would have so much fun making project Saturn. It proves that making gameplay can be done very quickly. At the moment of writing this blog, there are 13 video tutorials. There are enough subjects left to cover, so if the videos gain some more popularity, I will start making some more. in the meantime you can also download the source from my website and you can even play the game directly via the workshop game player. Here are some topics that are in the queue for possible upcoming tutorials: Healthpacks Ladders Inventory Camera on rails/cutscene Tunnels The tunnels and Island scene from Leadwerks 2 are made me fall in love with Leadwerks in the first place. Having a go at reviving the Tunnels scene is therefor extra motivating. With some scary sounds and a dark ambience, the tunnels demo is nice little demo for the Leadwerks game player. Expect some more updates on this project later this week. Jorn 'Aggror'
  7. I believe the downside to those status tags is that when people buy through steam, Josh has to manually assign the correct tag to everyone. There is probably a steam api call that could that handle that, but it would take a day of figuring out how to get it to work.
  8. It will probably work, just 3d spatialization will not work I guess.
  9. Is there a version check I can do somewhere? I am registered to the beta and updated this morning but ingame, the particles are still a lot faster.
  10. #13 Improving the healthbar Source code download is also updated.
  11. Try this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9838-has-script-attached/
  12. What is the function of the barrel in all this? Every individual bone needs a shape. You can make your own phy file or press git shape and adjust the rotation and size by hand. Turn on physics view in the view tab to see what the results are.
  13. I received the sound file from FoxMulder and had a look at it. Leadwerks currently only supports wav files for sound. 3d sound (barrels, gun shots, monster shrieks) needs to be formatted as mono and 2d (ambient, music) sound needs to be formatted as stereo. If you are going to emit sound from an entity (3d sound), it needs to be mono. The original file was a mono file and the noise.lua script, requires a wav file with the stereo conversion. After converting it to stereo. it worked just fine. This is pretty actually important information and I can't find anything about this in the documentation. It should be added there unless I missed it.
  14. What Barrel? Personally I wouldn't do it this way, because the bones are all part of the same model. If a bone moves, it might affect its children as well, causing glitchy physics. I would start of with creating a pivot in the scene which is the rope anchor. The pivot has no mass or phy shape Then place a cylinder underneath it. the cylinder has a shape and a mass. Then via a script create a ball joint between the pivot and the cylinder.
  15. You need to set a mass as well as a shape.
  16. When you right click on a model in the editor you can create a phy shape. Convex or polymesh. Polymesh is high detail but also costs more performance. Convex covers the entire model in a simpe primitive, which is cheap. For environments that the player or enemy walks on I would suggest Macklebees method though, since it costs less performance.
  17. There are many approaches to ladder climbing. Both snapping to the ladder as well as the method you describe would work.
  18. thanks, that is what I currently do. Just is a nuisance to do this everytime after an update. Especially when you have multiple projects.
  19. I want to raise this topic again. Having the ability to chose which files are updated, or just the important ones is a must. I just updated 3 projects with the latest updates. This means that all kinds of models, textures and sounds are being downloaded to my projects again that I previously deleted. Since I don't use these models I don't want them in my project.
  20. if you select your camera in the scene, you can set its view range. Or by code: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetrange-r203
  21. It will be a nice thing to add on project saturn.
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