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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. What do you have linked in as a the player?
  2. Tried this topic? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10080-steam-client-bootstrapper-crash/
  3. The image on the left is the current situation. On the right you see soft particles.
  4. Is there a existing way to create soft particles? current setup with default shader.
  5. I think you are posting in the wrong topic.
  6. The velocity of an emitter is different than the one during edit time. ****, put it in the wrong forum again.
  7. A vegetation placement tool is planned for this year. In the mean time you can place your trees by hand, which is really cumbersome or by code. Code wise, I would go accross all terrain vertices, have a random number choose whether to plant a tree, and as extra check also check the slope angle and/or height of the vertex.
  8. As far as I know this is functionality lies within the navmesh class of recast. Unless these functions are exposed to Lua, the only way to access them is via C++.
  9. This has been requested since the release of 3.0 more than a year ago. So lets try it again. :| http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8300-editor-icons/page__hl__pivot and here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6119-le3-marker-node/page__hl__pivot#entry52837
  10. Since download sections on werkspace are often either being removed or stowed away, I am storing the source files on my website. (work in progress.) I will update the source files after each tutorial. http://www.aggror.com/downloads/
  11. Well most of these functions come directly from the Recast API. Have a look in the docs. https://github.com/memononen/recastnavigation
  12. You can rebuild the navmesh on runtime. And not just the entire navmesh, also chunks of it.
  13. I will upload the source code for each tutorial soon. Actually I got a complaint about the zooming in and out in the videos. Since this also costs a lot of editing work,I am no longer going to do that.
  14. Thanks for the comments guys.
  15. Apply the invisible material (materials//effects).
  16. thanks for the suggestions, Hud and damage is one of the next things we will do with the turret. Health packs are also a good idea for upcomming tutorials. I am afraid I am not allowed to upload them to the tutorial section. I have to write the tutorial in text, I can't number them etc.
  17. You can load your map and store all objects like this: Map::Load("Maps/mymap.map(), StoreWorldObjects()); and then in your storeWorldObjects() function you can look up triggers. (Note that CSG objects need an empty script or a mass for them to be picked up by the load hook.) void StoreWorldObjects(Entity* entity, Object* extra) { if(entity->GetKeyValue("name") == "Trigger") { //Make a new trgger or something trigger = new MyTrigger(); } } If you have made your own trigger class you can add a trigger hook in there: void MyCollisionHook(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1, float* position, float* normal, float speed) { //A collision was made with the trigger } MyTrigger::MyTrigger() { entity->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook, MyCollisionHook); }
  18. Can you describe the process you took making the model, exporting it to leadwerks and seeing it appear in the model editor?
  19. For alpha textures you need to set the compression to dxt5.
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