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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. picking only works on entities with physics shapes. I am not sure if the navmesh has that.. You can also set a key value for your floors and for every pick check if the key is set.
  2. Yips that's the problem. The raycast doesn't work on the character controller. Using a hitbox with as test type debris works. I thought I was misunderstanding the way the collision parameter worked, but luckely that was okay. Thanks for the help guys. Making a hitbox hadn't crossed my mind.
  3. I am using a pivot as a starting point for the pick. So no model is interfering there. I have placed an oilbarrel in the picks raycast for testing. If I use: if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, Collision.Prop) then Then it will return true since it is hitting a oilbarrel. If I use: if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, Collision.Character) then Then it will also return true since it is hitting a oilbarrel. However, if I move the oilbarrel out of the way and I use either 2 lines, the player does not get detected. Maybe the player controller can't get detected that way.
  4. That's the problem: When set to character (or even leaving that parameter empty) the pick is unsuccessful.
  5. Either I am doing something wrong or it isn't working as intended. The last parameter from the world.Pick() is used to check for a specific collision type. However for me this pick only reacts to props. Whether I use Collision.Character or set a custom value for my object. If I would set the collision type to character for instance and place a barrel in the raycast, then the pick is saying it is succesful while the barrel is of type prop. local pickInfo = PickInfo() local p0 = self.entity:GetPosition() local p1 = Transform:Point(0, 0, 5, self.entity, nil) if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, 25) then --the 25 is a custom collision type System:Print("pick success") end
  6. Hello sabino, Short answer: yes Leadwerks can do that. Long answer: from your post I am making the assumption that you are not too familiar with game development yet. An RPG is an immense amount of work that even for 1 professional is something very difficult to achieve. if you are going to make games, start out with something simple at first. You will experience that that is difficult enough on its own. We are happy to help you here on the forum if you have any further questions.
  7. 36 debris models from The Zone by Dave Lee are ready for download in the workshop. Textures, materials, phy files and prefabs are ready to use. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=290985331
  8. When you want to save your entity in your scene as a prefab, you have to give it a new name. It would be useful to have the entities name in the scene, as the default name for the new prefab.
  9. So school time is over. I graduated from the Hogeschool of Amsterdam as a Game Developer which means I can officially put 'ing' (from engineer) in front of my applicant name. Now that the 'study' period of my life is over (although it isn't really, right? I mean when do you ever stop learning!) it is time to get a job and start earning some money. Guerrilla Games For the past 6 months I did my thesis internship at Guerrilla Games. Which was awesome. I was surprised at first that they offered me a internship and being it was an opportunity of a lifetime, I gladly accepted it. I spend most of my time on research rather than doing programming. But still, I spend a solid 2 months digging myself in to the engine, tools and what not the company has been developing over the years. Overwhelming, insanely complex and mesmerizing at the same time, I slowly began to understand the enormous process of making a AAA game. How they are able to produce games like Killzone is, from my point of view, a pure miracle. I did gain a lot of new experience in C++ since I was stationed between the Game coders. Working with Game designers was a lot of fun since I never ever worked in a team before which had team members which had such focused tasks. I met some very cool people along the way. One of them was John Gonzalez, who was the lead writer for Fallout New Vegas. It was so inspiring and awesome to have such people surrounding me. Also really cool: the building was located in the centre of Amsterdam near a beautiful canal. Looking for work So with a certificate in my pocket and a cool intership on my resumee it is now time to start seeking a job. Game developer jobs are not super scarce but it is not that you get a job without making any effort. I have yet to send out my first job applications but remarkably I did get a lot of offers to work as a software developer or web developer. That is kind of motivating and I am sure that if a job in the game development stays out, I will go for one of those. But my passion lies with games and a job in the game industry would have my preference. We'll see how it goes.. Tutorial project Saturn In the mean time I am busy on my own project as well as a new tutorial series going under the name of 'Project Saturn'. The idea here is that we make a playable level and in each video we see the development take a direction. Nothing is really predetermined in to what kind of game it eventually should turn out to be. All assets and scripts needed for the tutorials are either created during the tutorials or they are already part of the Leadwerks SDK. If you have some nice gameplay mechanic that would be a good idea to add, you can leave a comment. Maybe it is something we can add if it is not to massive to implement during a video. See the first video here: Jorn
  10. So it returns the quat but without having acces to xyzw. I honestly dont know how to do it without de quaternion.
  11. Something like this I believe: entity:GetQuaternion() * Vec3(0,0,1) *Edit Unless the GetQuaternion is not exposed in lua.
  12. The steam update I just did this morning, fixed it again.
  13. You are right, it went away for about a week but now it is back again.
  14. Scaling is momentarily a lot of guess work. Opening up the model in the model editor, pick a percentage that might be good, drag a new model in the scene and repeating the process until the model in your scene is finally okay. Some sort of reference during the scaling preview process would be nice to have. Below are several animals I imported with extremely varying sizes. (With a landscape of 256 x 256)
  15. Today is the start of a new tutorial series. We will be making a playable 'game' from scratch. And with game I mean, we will be introducing new gameplay mechanics in each new tutorial. Gradually we will create a larger scene that the player can play. We will talk about how to solve problems and how to use the editor. Everything will be created during the recording. That means that it is possible we end up with design decisions/ bugs/ funny problems that might be changed in later videos.
  16. 1. Yes you can. 2. Can you post your app.lua?
  17. It is the time factor relative to the FPS. For instance: Your game runs at 30 FPS: Time:GetSpeed() returns 1.0f. Your game runs at 60 FPS: Time:GetSpeed returns 0.5f. Note: I used 30 fps as the base FPS. It could be 24 or some other value as well.
  18. I assume it will mean that you no longer require a license.
  19. Interesting stuff. I have been making the steering behavior for my NPC's this week. I didn't take in to account that recast perhaps already uses steering controls. As per the terrain update in 3.1, dynamic navmesh generation is disabled. You now have to generate in the editor or call the API call manually.
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