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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Nice work Marley. Do I see steering behaviors in the NPC's?
  2. Be aware that when you delete or alter the zip files in the appdata you will get trouble with keeping your files in sink with steam workshop.
  3. Bug report posted: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10161-workshop-prefabs-loses-connection-to-phy-file/#entry75237
  4. It has always been there. That is why I said that the linking to this phy file is no longer linked by the prefab. This does not look like intended behavior, so it might be a possible bug. If you go to your local appdata, you can view the entire file set that you have downloaded.
  5. Oww the viewport camera itself. I honestly don't know if that is possible.
  6. When you load a map that has a camera object placed in it, it should use that camera automatically.
  7. So you are creating a camera in code and you also place one in the scene? That might cause trouble since you now have two camera's.
  8. Are you using the model or the prefab? The prefab links to a phy file while the model doesn't. *Edit. After doing some checking I noticed that the warehouse prebaf is no longer linking correctly to the phy file. This is a bug I think. I have attached the phy file for the warehouse. thezone_buildings_warehouse01.zip
  9. can you post a screenshot of the physics tab of the building?
  10. Josh has stated that vegetation painting will be part of LE3.
  11. ow come on. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=274135797
  12. This is certainly possible but has nothing to do with the engine it self really. It would require you to make the tools to modify bone positions in a model, which is something you can technically do with the Leadwerks API. I do have experience with that but it is certainly doable.
  13. I am not sure if this is the issue but try using: Capital N for name GetKeyValue("Name") == "ball" then
  14. I have been thinking about the next tutorial series where a complete game is being created. Nothing to fancy really, but featuring several interesting game play mechanics. It is pretty much a simple puzzle game were you go from one room to another. Introducing small gameplay mechanics in each room. Eveything is programmed and designed in the video, so that people can watch the entire process. That includes sound, textures and level editing.
  15. Could you provide a little more detail in the steps you took to produce this problem?
  16. I really want to remake those terrain tutorials for Leadwerks 3, but it feels like new features could be added any day, making those videos quickly out of date.
  17. If you are painting with a texture layer selected, you can removed the texture by painting with the control key pressed.
  18. Granted they are somewhat hidden. Have fun coding. All tutorials are updated to work with the latest Leadwerks version. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6217-c-lua-and-editor-tutorials/page__hl__c%2B%2B+tutorials All source code can be downloaded here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/533-c-tutorials-31/
  19. Are creating a server using Leadwerks as well? or is that a separate program?
  20. AggrorJorn

    Workshop is out!

    How do the resolutions of the game center work? Does the game run with Leadwerks's own arguments of the resolution or does it take over the settings from app.lua?
  21. I would advice using a version control system like subversion, git or mercurial. ofcourse some FTP programs have some build in features, but not as extensive. Not only is it great to see what everybody is working on, but you also can revert back to previous changes.
  22. app.lua is always executed first and thus harcoded. What you can do is call your own script from app.lua. Other than that, you can paste the body of your code in to an object script which you attach to a pivot in your scene.
  23. The app.lua is allways the first lua file being run by leadwerks. if you replace your start function in app.lua it will work.
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