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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Nice to see approved banners back. Clicking on the link provided results in the following: "Please create an account to view this page." I am logged in btw.
  2. This has been requested before, but you are right. It isn't doing Leadwerks any favor by having the steam gallery and the auto generated facebook and twitter updates to display a box with a texture saying "I made this with Leadwerks". A special category or displaying items that have at least 10 upvotes might work.
  3. Its is probably a sales and administration thing. Otherwise you would just get a key that would work with the Leadwerks Updater AND with Steam.
  4. Either way, if you buy something via Steam, you need Steam to download it. I understand why steam is being pushed as it makes distribution so much easier, but luckely the game you are making is not tight to the steam platform.
  5. like this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/mutex/
  6. Have you tried this suggestion?: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Setup\WindowsSdkVer.exe”
  7. Are you talking about this SDK? http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40758 Because you do not need this to work with Leadwerks.Visual studio express 2013 is more than enough.
  8. Send you a messsage to the wrong person. Can you add me on steam: Aggror
  9. had the exact same issue with the green texture last week. For other visitor of this topic:
  10. be sure to select dxt5 otherwise alpha channels are not supported.
  11. AggrorJorn


    what is the height of the individual stairs? can you show what happens when you debug in physics view?
  12. I didn't make the models and their LOD versions. Since they are already created I simply added them to the upload. I would be a shame to leave them out. An LOD system is going to be part of the engine one way or another and when that happens the lod models are available for usage. Hence the reason they are not textured yet. The models from the Zone all have collisions, set to scene and use a polymesh phy file. The workshop items even contain screenshots on how they look in physics view:
  13. Those are lod versions. I will update all Zone collections ones I have every item main model textured. The workshop is then filled with all items and the process of tweaking all collections can begin.
  14. Starting some new tutorials and to kick things of: project management with GIT.
  15. They will come. With this 'Advanced sky scattering system', I assume you mean godrays or Volumetric light scattering.
  16. At first I said lead as in leading to victory. But then josh told me it was pronounced as led as in led light.
  17. You need to set those properties on the object that contains the physics settings. Try putting them on 'Collision'
  18. Now that we have a demo for Windows and Linux, the faq has been slightly updated.
  19. Well, unfortunately those effects aren't one on one compatible with 3.x otherwise they would have been implemented already. But that is what happens when you do a complete rewrite of the engine instead of expanding an existing engine. All these features will be added eventually, priority lies with steam and linux atm. The root node of any scene is used to attach all post processing effects. I haven't tested it yet, so I am not sure. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1170-leadwerks-game-engine-on-steam-gets-plugin-post-effects-system/ Vegetation painting is sheduled for 3.1 btw.
  20. The link I provided is from the werkspace download and doesn't require steam (as far as I know). If you want the C++ version there is also this beauty created by Shadmar. https://github.com/Aggror/LeadwerksRenderFramework It is not an official API skybox but it sure works nice.
  21. Have a look here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/485-posteffect-pack-with-manager
  22. Dont we have emitter deflectors? Or are those not exposed yet. This was something that was worked on. Never checked for it actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGddHF7qUpQ
  23. Do you want to remove it? Or does it look bad?
  24. Shaders created in a program aren't directly one on one compatible with other software. The same goes for Leadwerks. What effect are you trying to achive?
  25. Set the movement to global instead of local. Then everything should work just fine. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitymove-r165
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