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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You and me both man, you and me both.
  2. @scrotieflapwack: Shadmar and I were sarcastically joking. This technology is under heavy development. Not even PhysX is going to have this in their games for a couple of years probably.
  3. I would love to see a small window or menu that allows you to generate convex or polymesh in 1 go for multiple selected models or folders.
  4. Good work Gamecreator. This will be a very nice reference for me and a lot of others..
  5. Gold info. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:checking-if-script-is-attached
  6. If you dont want to be tied to steam you go for the website version. You can integrate/use the steam api if you want to. You just miss out on featurs like workshop which is embedded in to the editor. I didn't know the steam dll would be shipped with the website version as well.
  7. If you want the native steam support directly at your disposal you will have to use the steam versions of leadwerks. However, if you use the version from the website, I think you can still use the Steam api. You just have to request Steam to give you the API and then you have to implement it yourself.
  8. Josh is it possible to have the tabs menu's available for the new tutorial section?
  9. @tkunze, it is still there. http://leadwerks.com/wiki
  10. The documentation for LE2 is still available. The people that use those versions know those links: For instance: http://leadwerks.com/wiki The reason there is no seppearte forum is probably because there are so few people who still use it. No reason to have a whole forum for it anymore. I do not agree with the tutorial section being filled with old stuff though. I understand that the forum category is automatically filled with topics when new tutorials are added in the tutorial. But right now it contains so much old stuff. The first thing this page calls: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials is the old user guide for 2.3. Untill some 3.1 tutorials are moved in to the new tutorial section, I would not show it. Right now it is only confusing things.
  11. hi Roland, see this topic: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6386-c-finding-entities-in-a-scene/#entry54110
  12. Any chance we will we getting an official API for these awesome features this year? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1124-procedural-terrain/
  13. An excerpt from the old wiki: http://leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php/DrawText makes me miss the old wiki style. // 2d drawing SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA); int line = 0; DrawText(0,14*line,"FPS: %f, TrisRendered: %d, Light tris: %d [lights are only updated if something moves]",FPS(),TrisRendered(0),TrisRendered(1));line++; DrawText(0,14*line,"Hold P to debug Physics.");line++; DrawText(0,14*line,"Use WASD to move. SPACE to jump. Character controller airborne?: %s", ControllerAirborne(character)?"yes":"no");line++; DrawText(0,14*line,"Use the arrow keys and the right mouse button + the mouse to move/rotate the camera.");line++; SetBlend(BLEND_NONE); // flip buffers Flip();
  14. At any rate, it might be something that we as community can help with. Although other frameworks might be a nice idea as well.
  15. Now that the engine has been rewritten in C++ I think it will take a while before version 4 appears. In the mean time, there are enough parts of Leadwerks 3 that are not ready yet: Vegetation placement Networking And then I am not even speaking of the stretch goals such as: Blender integration Full support for linux, macos and windows for both steam/standalone and indie/full edition.
  16. I have created a repo here https://github.com/Aggror/LeadwerksRenderFramework unless someone wants it on their account. Rick and Shadmar I believe I have your email addresses and will add you as admins. I have added shadmar but I can't find an account for Rick. @Rick: do you have a github account? if not, can you make one?
  17. Unless a good reason (for instance an un-announced feature) is given, I would suggest we go for it. Personally I think the whole community can benefit from these opensource projects.
  18. I personally think the API is Leadwerks sellingpoint rather than the editor. Although the editor is useful for creating your testlevel, I spent all my time writing C++ code.
  19. +1 Or a categorised tutorial section. The tutorial list as it is now is not effective at all. All tutorials are being pushed away even further with each new article.
  20. Well it depends a bit on how shaders work (and my knowledge on them is very low). Lets say shadmar has created 3 post effects that need to be in a certain order, he can make a new class deriving from EffectCollection and add his effects in the order they are supposed to work. Although you still have the freedom, you also have a container of effects that belong together. But this is something shadmar needs to shed some light on. I have no idea if this way would be ideal.
  21. I like this approach. I do have the concern about rendering the effects in a needed order. Although I like the freedom of everyone adding the effects in the order they want, we could provide a solution to some of the core features. Something like an effect-collection is what I would have in mind. An effect-collection can have effects added to it in a specific order and than the effect-collection can be added to the renderframework. ec = new EffectCollection(name "superproces") ec->AddEffect(EffectA); ec->AddEffect(EffectB); ec->AddEffect(EffectC); framework->AddEffectCollection(ec);
  22. Okay sounds good. And since this is going to be very popular we can even set up our own template for the project manager.
  23. What is the advantage of storing the shader effects in a namespace? Just for clearity or does it have a deeper purpose?
  24. Then I would suggest adding a subfolder to the RenderFramework folder that contains all the shaders (and their possible sub folders).
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