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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Is this how it could look?: In the Source folder of all projects you place the RenderFramework folder. This folder contains all classes. how about the shaders? Do they need to be part of the shader folder to work?
  2. Also the name 'framework' is really generic. If it is restricted to rendering I would suggest calling it the EffectsFramework or RenderingFramework (or anything in that trend.). If someone would be making an FPS framework we would have similar naming styles.
  3. What would be an ideal way of offering the framework? It could be just the source or compiled libs / dlls.
  4. I think a RenderFramework written in C++ (which can also be called by Lua) could be nice especially if it is opensource maintained via bitbucket or github. So basically we would have this Init() { fw = new Framework(); fw->SetGodRays(true); fw->DistanceFog(true, ColorVec4, floatDistance); fw->SetBloom(true); fw->SetSSAO(true); } Update() { //game code fw->Update(); fw->Render(); //GUI stuff vsync(true) }
  5. Same here Shadmar, I can finnaly get rid of my own gui.
  6. Bit of an old topic but the libtheora player seems to be what you are looking for: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/730-video-to-texture-via-libtheoraplayer/
  7. Thanks for these updates. Helps saving so much time.
  8. Hi and welcome to Leadwerks. The beauty of Leadwerks here is that you are not forced in to using a game architecture. You can use Lua scripts to deal with entity scripting but don't have to if you don't want to. You can make it hierarchily based or component base. That choice is all yours.
  9. Does this have something to do with the the linker you have to add for the beta branch? There was this physic mesh generator included, but I can't find the topic anymore.
  10. Can you post a little bit more code on initialising an where you call the drawfunctions? Passing the context (a pointer) to other classes shouldn't be a problem. I do that all the time.
  11. Are those Start and Loop codes you posted snippets or complete code? Have you initialised the myObject in the Start method? Dont forget that you need to update and render the world. Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); //Do your drawing here context->Sync(false);
  12. All C++ tutorials have been updated to Leadwerks 3.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMlEX96KaAE Download the tutorial project here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/533-c-tutorials-31/
  13. This is the default steam project from the steam api. Just like the achievements.
  14. Okay. I will be at home in a few hours and have a look.
  15. It is a bug. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9625-loadworld-fail/
  16. In Leadwerks 3.0, when you wanted to use Lua, you had to compile the C++ solution. In Leadwerks 3.1 this solution is pre-compiled for you (there is an exe in your project root that is used by app.lua file). Your App.lua file is where your main loop starts and that is where you need to start working. next to App.lua you can ofcourse use lua script that are attached to entities. Everytime you press the run button in the editor, the app.lua is using the exe in your project root to run the game.
  17. Something that is unclear to me in the flowgraph: If you use the button, you both enable and disable the sound? What you can do is adding an output to the load level script that disables your sound from playing. The output would be called before you actually load the level. It would look like this:
  18. When you have the indie edition you don't have to compile anything. This is only if you are using C++. Lua can be run directly from the editor.
  19. That is the issue I think. When I try this with a model it works without problems. I have the map 25 error everyone else has, which doesn't allow me to test any further. Try attaching an empty lua file to the csg button.
  20. Mexsource is using a camera pick and not a global pick. He doesn't have to specify a starting 3d point as the campick takes the screencoordinates in to account as a startposition. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerapick-r199 @Mexsource, can you post a small demo a map and your code? you can also send a pm and I will have a look.
  21. nice improvement. Also if this asset remains in the workshop, you want to use the alpha shader.
  22. This is what I have. Don't know if this is what you are looking for though. terrain.cpp #include "ATerrain.h" using namespace Leadwerks; ATerrain::ATerrain() { width = 100; tileWidth = 1; defaultColor = Vec4(0.4,0.6,1,1); terrainModel = Model::Create(); terrainSurface = terrainModel->AddSurface(); CreateVertices(); CreateTriangles(); terrainSurface->Update(); terrainSurface->UpdateAABB(); terrainSurface->FlipNormals(); } int ATerrain::VectorToIndex(Vec3 vector) { return (vector.z*width)+vector.x; } void ATerrain::CreateVertices() { int tw = tileWidth; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { Vec3 indexVector = Vec3(j*tw, 0*tw, i*tw); terrainSurface->AddVertex(indexVector); terrainSurface->SetVertexColor(VectorToIndex(indexVector), defaultColor); terrainSurface->SetVertexNormal(VectorToIndex(indexVector), Vec3(0,1,0)); } } } void ATerrain::CreateTriangles() { for (int i = 0; i < width-1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width-1; j++) { int oriIndex = VectorToIndex(Vec3(i,0,j)); terrainSurface->AddTriangle(oriIndex+width, oriIndex, oriIndex+1); terrainSurface->AddTriangle(oriIndex+width, oriIndex+1, oriIndex+width+1); } } } ATerrain::~ATerrain(void) { }
  23. I don't think its going to be part of the native Leadwerks API, but that it is available under the steamworks namespace (if that exists). https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/api
  24. To be honest I never tried the ways that were suggested in that topic. They seemed like a lot of work. At that moment, setting and getting keys was the simplest solution and was enough for my scenario. When you go more advanced the suggested solution in that topic are the way to go.
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