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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. From Lua to C++ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6887-communicating-from-lua-to-c/page__hl__communicating
  2. I actually rebuild the lib for debug and release with visual studio 2013 without errors. Where visual studio 2010 recognised the lib and I was able to succesfully link, it doesn't do anything in 2013 with the new libs. After setting the command output to verbose (/VERBOSE). I get no messages on that the library is linked succesfully but neither are errors being displayed. With 2010 everything works just fine. If someone is willing to check out if they can link it, I will post the lib tonight.
  3. Multiple animations per model import are supported as of 3.0. Look at the barbarian or crawler model and you will see mutliple animations.
  4. I have a static library which I use for a leadwerks 3.0 project but then in VS 2010. I have created a new 3.1 C++ project and now I have trouble getting the lib to work. I have followed all the steps from adding additional folders to specifying the lib name, but including my library simply doesn't work. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235627.aspx Anybody having good experience with lib linking in vs2013?
  5. Github or bitbucket. In combination with git or mercurial.
  6. The functionality is already in the editor, you just can't do it with multiple selected models. (not that I am aware of at least.)
  7. Will this kind of flexibility come back at one point or are you intending on keeping it this way?
  8. I have no interest in bigger icons, Now I can only see 4 assets, which is even worse. List view differs a lot from thumbnail view (regardless of size.) Right now this requires lots of scrolling and constantly loading/refreshing of thumbnails which makes the editor not response for half a second.
  9. It has been asked more than a year ago, but couldn't find the topic. A list view of assets would be really useful. Not only are names unreadable, it makes it really hard to search through the assets.
  10. I used to have the assets folder layout and the contents window next to each other, but this seems to be no longer possible. The right sight bar is also a fixed size which is really annoying when dealing with a substantial amount of assets. Anyone else experiencing this? See this video: http://youtu.be/CtZzkyGIxNY?t=58s
  11. A new model pack that I have bough contains 618 models. All of these models are exactly 100 time to big in the world. Right now I have to scale them 1 by one. An option to apply the scaling on multiple models would save a massive amount of time but I am not aware of such an option. Any ideas?
  12. you are adding a minus before a value that is already a minus value. self.entity:AddForce(0,0,-self.forceSpeed ,false) so you are saying: - -30, which results in + 30. Just remove the minus to solve it.
  13. Currently you will run in to this issue http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9511-updating-essential-files/
  14. I wouldn't trust on Steamworks alone either. Better be safe than sorry when it comes to networking. And the additional steam message interface can always be added later.
  15. Just don't initialize steam in the init of the game and remove the steam.dll. Tada: steam independance..
  16. I find this tool to be very useful (plus it is free). This extension replaces Visual Studio vertical scrollbar with current text document overview that works as scrollbar at the same time. http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/1b0d7360-40dd-447e-8bef-90e2cf52f683
  17. Something like this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/introduction-to-animation-r14
  18. Http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/ Welcome to leadwerks.
  19. I think the demo assets only should exist in the demo project/tutorials. But an empty project is what I would like to see too.
  20. I take it you have contacted support about this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Company/contact Are you a backer from the Kickstarter project?
  21. I have used gamecreators cleanup tool which does the job. I just think this could be simply solved by Josh, by placing sample media in the tutorial project and not as a part of the official files that need to be updated to every other project.
  22. I like to keep my projects clean. That means models, textures, maps I don't use or are by default part of the SDK, are removed. The problem is that when there is an update for your project you need to select the project in the project manager. Then you click update and all the sample models. scripts and maps that are part of the SDK are once again downloaded in to your project. Another problem that occurs is when you are working a lua project and your version of the App.lua gets overwritten by the default one. Could all these default models, sounds and textures be placed in the sample project, rather than in the SDK? Or having an option to update the project with only essential files instead of adding all sample data.
  23. Performance updates and vegetation painting are on the roadmap. performance fase 1 is planned when Linux is released on steam. There is a free water prefab you can add to the game.
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