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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Some thing to check: Is the physics type set to charactercontroller (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/scene-browser-r675) CollisionType to character what script is atached to the character
  2. If you are applying the (movement * appspeed) to the CharachterController SetInput command, thinks will go wrong: ...The input values should not be modulated by the application speed, since they will only be used once per physics step. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetinput-r706
  3. I haven't tested it out but if this is true than there is a huge fundamental bug in the software. In the mean time have a look at this article: http://www.learn-cocos2d.com/2013/10/game-engine-multiply-delta-time-or-not/
  4. Can you make a new topic for this? Please post the map and the code you are using.
  5. I have bought a huge amount of models and they all appear black in the asset browser. If I open them in the model editor, they are also black. Saving them in the model editor, somehow attaches the correct material automatically. Wouldn't it be easier if this happened in the first place?
  6. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetcollisiontype-r35
  7. That is good to know. Where is this documented because I must have completely read over it.
  8. That is what the 'scene' category is for.
  9. Boolean operations on CSG are not supported (yet), though they are requested in the suggestion forum quite a lot.
  10. Is the script in the background of the screenshot being used? if so, could you post it?
  11. Maybe I am overlooking things here but how do you structure your files then? You can't add the folders structure you have in the source directory. Please don't suggest using filters.
  12. To be honest: why would it be leadwerks responsibility to provide such models? Barbarian and crawler are there to demonstrate how animation works. If you want such a model with everything set up simply make it yourself or buy one. Where would you draw the line as to what leadwerks needs to provide for its users? If that fps model was existing in the default sdk you would have made a request for a house or weapon model.
  13. You might find this of interest. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/470-follow/
  14. I think 256 is a minimum, as the editor has this as the lowest option.
  15. I guess this is more a feature than a bug. When you create a new project, the project manager also locks up untill the engine is done creating the new project.
  16. Yes that is how Josh handles it. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9215-version-31-delivery-plans-with-steam-key-option/ I do not understand why people have to make a choice between them though. Why not give a key that is both used for Steam as well as the standalone updater? There is probably a very good reason for this but I am not seeing it.
  17. Another problem is the hierarchy definition. I currently have this structure in my scene to organise the scene: Buildings Houses House1 House2 Furniture Chair1 [*]Military Tank Depot Barrack1 Barracks2 [*]Characters [*]Waypoints If I select a chair1 in the scene, I select all entities that are a child of the buildings entity. The reason for this is because I use pivots as structuring mechanics. Since there aren't any folder mechanics to structure the scene I have to use pivots, however this leads to the problem listed above.
  18. In any case you get the standard Leadwerks version for Linux, Windows and Mac (if released). So Leadwerks Indie + upgrade to Standard. I believe that you have to chose between a Steam license or a standanlone application. Have you emailed support with this question? Because you should already have access to the available platforms.
  19. Or holding down a key while clicking the scene would enable single model selection. Without the key the situation would remain as it is now.
  20. Or use the C++ ready implementation: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/making-a-first-person-camera-r15
  21. I know, that is why I am suggesting how it could be solved. I am not saying it is working that way right now.
  22. How about this. Single Click on model in scene: Just that model selected. Double Click on model in scene: All the models selected that belong to the hierarchy.
  23. When you clicked on "edit post", you can then click on use 'use full editor', in order to attach zip files etc.
  24. Sorry to revive this topic again but I would like to know how this done with Linux in the picture. Should we use the Source folder for all de code or can we use the Project/Windows folder?
  25. are you registered for google sitemasters?
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