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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Gizmo's seem like an underrated feature while they are so incredibally important. I don't get why we have a standard like this for positioning, rotating and scaling. I prefer these ones:
  2. well you aren't the first person where an installation of Ubuntu has caused issues with the windows partition. Can you tell a little bit about your Ubuntu installation? Like do you use a sepperate hard drive/ssd for ubuntu, sepparate partion on the samen harddrive/sdd, are you using tools like Wubi to make an installation in your windows stucture. etc Any detail you can give might be a solution to solving common problems that others might have as well.
  3. If you are going to use C++ then you need 2013 anyway so give it a shot. It is possible certain DLL that are used by 2013 are not present on your computer. Let us know how it goes.
  4. @Oxford: Please read a little more carefully on the store page what the difference is between indie and standard edition. Indie costs 99 and standard cost 199. indie + upgrade to standard costs 198
  5. The linux version is not yet released on Steam. If you purchased via steam it will become available to you once it is on Steam.
  6. Try verifying the cache. Right click on Leadwerks in your library. Select properties go to local files Click the Verify integrity of game cache.
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7091-unofficial-leadwerks-3-faq/
  8. Conversion was easy enough except for the heatwaves which require a special shader. The fire and spark emitters are relatively easy to replicate.
  9. I agree it is confusing and you are correct about the kickstarter goals are now seemingly the same. Maybe the 100 linux only backer version is where you get Linux only as a standalone and not on steam.
  10. Well all things considered it is confusing. With the kick starter goals, the sepperate leadwerks licenses plus the sepperate distribution platforms are making it confusing. I believe this is the current overview:
  11. That is the DLC from Indie license to Standard license. Indie = 99 Upgrade = 99 Standard = 199
  12. I don't know how it is covered via Kickstarter goals but if you purchased indie edition you get it for all available platforms. See the store page for the indie edition: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/?app=nexus&showbanner=0
  13. Leadwerks has Indie and Standard license. Both licenses cover both Linux and Windows. The Linux version for steam has not been released yet.
  14. Have you downloaded vs2013 for windows or vs2013 for windows desktop?
  15. I had it the other way around. I couldn't use 3.1 on my laptop untill the last update.
  16. Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop http://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs
  17. Remember that the terrain you create in the editor needs to be of the same size as the heightmap you are going to import. If you create a terrain of 256 x 256 and you try to import a 1024 x 1024 raw file, it is not going to work.
  18. I honestly don't think this has been asked before. Good suggestion.
  19. It is good to see you are making all this progress. I still make this mistake: someShape = new Shape();
  20. Oftopic: when I first looked at the title of the topic, my first thought was that it was a spam topic. If you know what I mean.
  21. I believe IPB lets you make your own forms. Could be useful to add some extra information to bug post you are making. http://www.devfuse.com/products/63-form-manager/
  22. Although mostly just for hobby, I did manage to use Leadwerks 2 once for a commercial interactive architect demo. Although being serious in development of my main game, I doubt whether it will be eventually useful for commercial export.
  23. Sound like a good example but I think I would have to make a tutorial first on making the level in the editor, working together with scripts and C++ would be more suited first. Can you give a an example on what would be the subject of one of those tutorials? The only thing I have tought of so far are NPC's that use a state machine in order to perform tasks in the world.
  24. Thanks for this blog post Josh. Looking forward to the improvements and new features that are coming.
  25. Thank you. I just want to be clear that I am not against mobile versions at all. It would be great if leadwerks supported all these platforms. And it is certainly regretable that (unofficially) mobile has been dropped. but honestly: I don't know what a better solution to this would be. Lets hypothetically say the partially opensource option would be the 'best' way to go. First, I don't think the mobile code is a completely sepperate component from the render engine in 3.0. This would mean Josh has to spend a large amount of time sepperating all this stuff. My guesses are that is completely interwoven in the engine of 3.0. This would mean that you would have to strip out the mobile parts and somehow link the old render engine with 3.1 (since deferred rendering is too heavy). But who is going to do that? I know I wouldn't have the skill and or time for it. As a matter of fact, I think you need to be an expert on Game engine development, C++ and Android in order for that to figure out. This is not something fixed in a few days. It would take weeks if not months to get it up and running for android. Even if a part would be opensource,
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