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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. A 'simple' mobile product as yougroove suggests will still cost an anormous amount of time and money. What would be the difference with a 'normal' mobile add on? You would still have to make all the support to several android devices. You still would have to adapt and maintain the render engine speciffacly targeted to mobile.
  2. @DerRidda: haha I must say that I hadn't though about that.
  3. Isn't it possible to generate a key which can both be used Steam and also by the leadwerks downloader? That way everybody wins.
  4. With the release of 3.1 full edition around the corner, I want to make some new video tutorials. I still want to put my main focus on the C++ API but using some editor features in combination with C++ is also something I would like to consider. One of the first tutorials will be on Leadwerks to Steam related API commands. Feedback or suggestions are welcome.
  5. Our arguing is getting us nowhere at this moment because we don't know the exact detail of the path that is going to be walked. An official statements needs to be made on the website or blog somewhere on what the plans are. Right now there are posts that contain (partially) incorrect information.
  6. - Where are you basing that 90% on? - "Besure that money will talk soon if you chose to go this path". The last year has proven to be the exact opposite of that. Why does everybody keep comparing to unity and unreal? Josh is a 1 man team while these other companies have millions of dollars and more than 50 people working at them. They can afford to do a lot of free and open source stuff. If the sales for mobile don't provide enough money for the maker of the engine you will have to make a decision at some point to just stop working on it. This isn't an easy thing to do and you will always kick someone in the chins with it. I rather have a more stable platform on windows, linux and mac, then a half baked engine on windows, linux, mac, ios and android.
  7. It never hurts to mess around. And by the way: welcome to Leadwerks.
  8. If is just the height that you want to check on, then you don't need physics. just attach a lua script to the objects that you want to check and in the update function of the script do something like this (pseudoisch): Script function:Update() if self.entity:GetPosition().y < minimumHeight then self.entity:Release() end end
  9. Correct me if I wrong (@Josh), but I don't think you have to install Lua. You don't have to do it for Windows or Mac either. The only thing your have to do yourself is installing visual studio for Windows and I believe I read about using Xcode for Linux/Mac if you go for C++.
  10. You don't have to install Lua yourself if you want to use the Leadwerks engine. The Leadwerks engine has the lua library build in.
  11. It is in private beta atm. see Josh's blog post.
  12. what do you mean with 'destroying' a collision? Collisions or triggercollision happen in game and cant be destroyed. The objects that have physics elements or are triggerzones can be removed. Can you elaborate a little more on what you are trying to do?
  13. That is the advantage of the workshop. Just subscribe to the item. you dont have to install it, the item is automatically downloaded, placed in your project folder. The person responsible for the item in the workshop can make sure that the file is always up to date. So no need for testing on your end either. Making the community more responsible for the content will result in quick fixes. If you leave all of this in Josh's area you will have to wait longer since Josh has other priorities to attend to.
  14. These are great items for the Steam workshop.
  15. Nice work Shadmar. I have added it to the wiki for future reference: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:reflective-cubemap-shader
  16. Just tested with 3.1 for both run and debug, but everything works perfectly here. with vsync on I stay at 60 fps
  17. Some information on exposed uniforms: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8203-internal-shader-uniforms/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning
  18. I need to test out the C++ tutorials for 3.1 anyway so this is a good excuse to start with it.
  19. Why wait for LE4? The first video: are those purely particles? or a mix of particles and glowing objects? Second video: It think this requires something special to be done with the newton engine. By the looks of it this is heavily optimized and not something natively supported out of the box. This is the kind of thing that I would like as a plugin. If we have access to making a plugin, we could make a community open source particle editor.
  20. I will try this tonight (2 to 4 hours from now). Which version are you using?
  21. That is a good initiative SFW.
  22. Are uploads directly visible or do they have to be approved first? You can if you are a private beta tester. Go to the steam workshop itself in order to delete your items in the workshop.
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