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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Well said Roland. Perhaps it is possible you can lock the thread?
  2. My project runs on C++ meaning that I am using 3.0 mostly. Once 3.1 for C++ is official I will stop using 3.0. However I have been using 3.1 Lua edition for tutorials and converting old lua projects.
  3. 1. Not that the community here knows of. 2. Not as far as I know. 3. There is no splash logo or watermark 4. What do you mean exactly? Once 3.1 is released for all platforms, the command reference could have an update, but there are no major updates planned for the documentation to be expanded.
  4. You can use context->GetHeight() or window->GetClientHeight(). And of course also for width.
  5. What is the path to the level name in this example?
  6. I think what he means is being able to use code completion in the leadwerks lua editor. Or allowing other editors to be opened when double clicking on a script in the editor.
  7. I was under the impression that listeners didn't have a range. Maybe the reason that Listeners are not listed in the command reference is because its support is not officially there yet.
  8. You are right. This should be mentioned in the documentation. As well as a link to the listener class.
  9. Just make sure your sound is in mono format instead of stereo. OpenAL will not be able to use it for spatialization.
  10. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/listener/ Seems like the link was removed or forgotten in the command reference.
  11. Don't worry about, I have hit the same problem over and over again. It can be really frustrating.
  12. I think you want to use a colon instead of a dot/period. mob:SetPosition()
  13. A model already takes the phy file in to account and does not have to be se manually. (as far as I know) How did you set up the floor? Have you set a collision type in the editor via code? Convex hulls have no inward vertices and represent a simple shape to enclose the object (not the same as AABB). I believe polymeshes are the same thing as concave meshes. Convex hulls are easier for the physics engine to handle or concave meshes require a more complex calculation by the physics engine.
  14. Here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/ Here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6217-c-lua-and-android-tutorials And here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8103-gameplay-tutorial-requests-here
  15. Josh has mentioned a free weekend for the engine to. Next to 'release-discount', Steam also often has 'Free-weekend + discount for full purchase'. Josh has not mentioned an exact date, just that he is really close to finishing Linux support. The original idea was that the C++ version of 3.1 would be released 'a couple of weeks' after the Steam release of 3.1. Like pretty much all software/game development, delays are a recursive part of the process.
  16. You can select all you children and add a script to them at the same time. No need for manual assigning. Doesn't the option 'Don't merge on load' solve this problem?
  17. I am not sure but I thought someone mentioned that for Lua these points are not exposed. But the link gamecreator is refering to would be the solution.
  18. At the time it was. It was very quiet the last 6 months before 3.1. I don't think it is the size that matters (not to be funy here ) but the amount of active members on werkspace. There are 1500 user registrations since januari 6th on workspace (not all of them have a licensse). Anyhow, that is already higher than the amount of licensed developer of Le2 and Leadwerks 3.0. I just hope its not going to be a failure like the last tournament.
  19. Count all children. Then loop through all children and use the Hide command. no physics, invisible, no shadow
  20. In the first post you suggest a rendering style, while your second post says that we should not constrain people to a rendering technique. Leadwerks is not FPS creator and never will be. Josh has stated this over and over again: he can make as many tutorials or generic scripts as can, but it will never please everybody since there is always someone who wants to have different things. Just make anything you can in those 2 days.
  21. @yougroove: whats hold you back from creating those scripts yourself? It is very unlikely that Josh is going to rewrite those scripts. @gamecreator: I don't think themes should be used at all. The previous tournaments deffinetly proved that this was a really bad idea. I agree with Rick. Just make a new game for the tournament without a theme, that is hard enough as it is.
  22. Can you be more specific? If I press button X, then it takes a long time to do X. The following artifacts are visible. Icons do not change. If window X is dragged, I expect this to happen but instead I see the following. Give a comparison.
  23. Sounds great, but 'a few days' will probably not sufficient. Have a look at the previous tournaments: tournament 1: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7223-leadwerks-game-week-tournament/page__hl__tournament tournament 2: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7333-leadwerks-game-tournament-2/page__hl__tournament Unfortunately it has proven that although there are awesome prizes, that this does not equal many contributions.
  24. There is an issue with that one. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8764-failed-to-create-background-context/
  25. Ah that explains it. The trial is very outdated and contains numerous bugs. That includes the character controller. This was a problem more then 6/7 months ago, but the character controller has been undergoing a few optimizations since then.
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