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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I believe either Shadmar or Klepto said he was working on a Prefab version that did not require attaching to the camera. That said: a water tutorial seems unlikely since this require a good knowledge of GLSL. Since there are not many people who have mastered this, I doubt there will be a tutorial on how this is made in code.
  2. C++ libraries are not yet released for 3.1. It will happen soon since Linux is pretty much working. As for the jumping. I have seen this issue before and thought this was resolved. Can you post what you have?
  3. The post effect system from Josh's blog explains that we can relatively easily swap out post effects. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1170-leadwerks-game-engine-on-steam-gets-plugin-post-effects-system/ Official post effects have yet to be publisched, but an unofficial post effect manager has been created by Klepto and Shadmar. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/485-posteffect-pack-with-manager/ Feedback: your question is hard to read. Please use question marks to end separate questions. Something like this: I have heard about the 'Plugin for post effects', can anybody tell what this is? Where can I download it? Additional information: I use the Leadwerks Steam edtion.
  4. I don't think it is going to be that easy with just an export button from Axis game factory. All the models that are build are stored as prefabs rather then fbx or obj. meaning that for every save type you would have to write your own converter. That is if you can the save files are open and not encrypted. Then there is the terrain, if you can export it as a raw file for the heightmap, you also need to see if you can export the texture mapping information. As for lights and other special object, this is not something that is instantly compatible with Leadwerks.
  5. One more argument I want to throw in one this. How about if the code looked like this: if entity.script[HealthManager].health>10 then entity.script[FPSPlayer].jumpHeight = 50 end The name of your lua script would be the array index of all scripts attached to the entity.
  6. So although this works, it is not ideal. If you make a script that you want to share you always have to take in to account that you are possibily a child of the object and that the script is not attached to the object itself. It breaks the logic of every script that you can find in the workshop. So be careful.
  7. It is unfortunately no longer possible to add multiple scripts to 1 gameobject. What you can do is add a pivot to the scene, make it a child of your prefab, and attach the script there. You do no need to make sure that the child references the parent though (depends a little on what you want your script to be doing).
  8. What is the definition of 'dynamic geometry' here? Geometry that gets placed by the gamer (eg a building in an rts game) or props that move due to physics (like crates, barrels.)
  9. For the skybox: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/485-posteffect-pack-with-manager/ Oftopic: When creating topic titles, be sure to make it more speficic to your actual problem. "I have some problems" is very generic and not clear. A better title would be: "How do I add a skybox?"
  10. You can draw shapes, text and textures to the screen via the context commands. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/ Alternatively, have a look at FlowGUI. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/456-flowgui-free/
  11. It depends a little what you want to show on this minimap. If it is a realtime topview of the map then have a look at the security cam. Instead of rendering to the texture of a model, render to a texture that is drawn on as a 2d image. http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:render-to-texture-security-cam
  12. I have used in one of early projects, so I assumed it would still work. Not all commands of the Material class seem to have examples. bug report made.
  13. Why would you need to recalculate the entire navmesh once a person reaches its destination? I would only recalc the navmesh once you have placed a building. I haven't tried it yet, but instead of recalculating the entire navmesh for a terrain, it might be possible to 'add' a new region to the navmesh. Not sure if there is a build in solution for this. Secondly: If you are using character controllers (thus physics) for movement, consider using position translation. Have a look at this topic: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/ Thirdly: Although there is some movement behaviour build in, it is difficult to have a solution that does exactly what you need and is finetuned to your needs. You would need to build in your own steering behaviours for your units. Edit* I am not seeing any official API calls to make alterations to the existing navmesh. The navmesh system that leadwerks uses (recast) does have this functionality, but there isn't a nice mapping via the Leadwerks API. Would love to see this though.
  14. This option is set for the material: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/material/materialsetshadowmode-r257
  15. To be honest: this doesn't work properly all the time. I have yet to create a good looking particle effect. A separate window for a particle preview (somewhat like the model editor) would be nice to have.
  16. Yes? I am going to assume you mean map loading. You can load a map with the Load() command http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/map/mapload-r510 You also have to clear the current world, otherwise you will load a new map in to the existing world.
  17. Do you mean loading another level or changing an object's position in a loaded level?
  18. @Rick, I believe shadmar also posted something like this: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:simple-lua-oop http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7695-really-simple-lua-oop-exercise/ I haven't checked it out but for consistency, it might be worth looking in to.
  19. Can you explain what it exactly is what you do not understand? can you define what you do understand?
  20. Leadwerks 2 we had the possibility for using abstract commands. e.g. Model myModel = Abstract("Mymodel.mdl"); It would return the first find in the assets based on the given search parameter. I don't know if Josh has plans to bring this back in to the current version.
  21. Here is some pseudo code yougroove //variables currentModel HighPolyModel NormalPolyModel LowPolyModel closeRange = 10 meter maxNormalRange = 100 meter Start() currentModel = HighPolyModel HideAllModels() Update() distance = GetDistance() if(distance < closeRange ) HideAllModels() ShowHighPolyModel() elseif if(distance > closeRange and distance < MaxNormalRange) HideAllModels() ShowNormalPolyModel() elseif(distance > MaxNormalRange) HideAllModels() ShowLowPolyModel()
  22. when you place objects in the world you need to set its physics properties in order for it to fall down or block the character controller. Try setting its mass to 10 Collision Type 'Prop' Via the view menu you can turn on physics debugging to see if your object has a correct phyics collider.
  23. If you are using the build in character controller then your controller uses a locked 45 degree angle for slopes.
  24. Because the current engine performance is not because of the lack of an LOD system. Ofcourse such a system for wide worlds would be important. Just saying that right now it wouldn't make much of a difference since the engine first needs to tackle a more stable rendering performance.
  25. You are correct. I either made a typo or missread it at the time. Thanks for reporting!
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