Lua encryption
All lua files can be compiled to luac files. This process is not automated yet.
DirectX 11
I think the DX11 was added by Josh, because you need a modern computer to be able to run DirextX 11. Since most people are more aware on whether they can run DirectX games, rather then OpenGL games its was more likely to put DirectX 11 as a requirement. People would think: "Aha, I need directX 11. I can't run that.". If people see "OpenGL 4", they probably don't know that this requires 'heavy' machinery.
But still: kinda confusing.
32x msaa
32x msaa is very heavy on your gpu. Here is a post which demonstrates the render time for a frame:
As for the request: You can make a suggestion in the suggestion forum. (I assume you have acces there?)