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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. This feature was probably temporary dropped to get Leadwerks 3.0 released on time. I wouldn't focus to much on this and spend more time on developing your game. That said I don't think implementing a LOD system will magically result in uber performance al of the sudden. The core performance of the rendering is not even up to level of Leadwerks 2.3. Even if we would have an LOD system, it wouldn't matter for performance much at this point anyway.
  2. 1. Release date for Leadwerks iOS is not yet know. MacOS and Linux are sheduled to be released first 2. I you have purchased Leadwerks Steam indie edition, you have no acces to 3.0.
  3. AggrorJorn

    Up! (Part 1)

    I will deffinetly have a play with this in the weekend. really awesome explanation and great to see all these steps.
  4. As for the comparison between C++ and Lua. Perhaps in the long run C++ might have more performance. However, your game needs to be so big that as indie game developer you are probably not going to reach such a game size. For your average indie game, it will make no difference.
  5. 1. Can you post the error.log? 2. leadwerks 3.1 is currently windows only. MacOS is on the way. 3. It is best to start either here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/introduction-to-lua-r19 here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/flowgraph-editor-r46 or here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8103-gameplay-tutorial-requests-here/ 4. You can not directly put textures on a csg object. You first need to convert textures to a material. Also see the http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7091-leadwerks-3-faq/ and the user guide http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/
  6. I haven't checked it for 3.x, but with 3.1 the Luac compiler was shipped with the editor. This small program compiled .lua files in to a .luac file. although luac encryption is not super secure it will protect your code to a certain degree.
  7. @Guppy: thanks for the feedback. Will correct at once.
  8. I have added some questions to the FAQ. If you think something is missing, let me know.
  9. FAQ Short answer: 1. Was supported for 3.0. Is not yet ready for 3.1 2. Yes
  10. Do you have an example for us? I backed away from sliders in 3.0 because of this.
  11. There is no terrain API, although I agree this would be cool to have. As for the camera effects. Are you talking about the beta branch? Because that one only speaks of editor post effects. http://steamcommunity.com/games/251810/announcements/detail/1675639995148281126 The AddPostEffect seems to be lacking documentation indeed, but it is possible that this is because of its unfinished state. See below for some commands. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6744-post-processing-effects/page__hl__camera-#entry55882
  12. I think he means that all the resources that are unpacked by this exe, are not exncrypted or stored in protected data files. You can acces all sounds, art en lua scripts.
  13. Visual studio 2013 will be supported once 3.1 is released for C++
  14. Thanks for the help Tim. I was missing the OPENGL preprocessor.
  15. I think Shadmar is correct although the wording might be confusing. Entity1 gets all the information about position, rotation and scale from entity2.
  16. I agree with Rick's statement: "I teach the things in a way, how I wished that I was though". Good going Rick.
  17. The packaging of a game that you made has been requested before. And although I am sure that Josh will implement this at one point, this is not high priority. As for the user guide. There is a PDF format which you can find in the workshop under tools. I am working on an updated version.
  18. This can not be done with just a single command from the API. If you want to stream other world parts in your current level, then you will have to make your own implementation. Like said by Rastar, that is pretty complex and requires a custom made solution. you can load another level if you want to which has different terrain, but then you will want to discard the old one
  19. Although not entirely the same you are asking for Shirk, but you can optimize your scene using static lights. Select a light and go to the appearance tab. Here you can set its shadow type.
  20. I am afraid your graphics card is not sufficient enough to make use of OpenGL 4. After a quick google search OpengGL 3 comes out as the highest version of support. When looking for a graphics card online, make sure it is compatible with OpenGL 4.x. I don't know your budget, so for instance for 80 euro you have a very nice card: Gigabyte GV-R777OC-1GD (rev. 1.0). But there are many out.
  21. Lua encryption All lua files can be compiled to luac files. This process is not automated yet. DirectX 11 I think the DX11 was added by Josh, because you need a modern computer to be able to run DirextX 11. Since most people are more aware on whether they can run DirectX games, rather then OpenGL games its was more likely to put DirectX 11 as a requirement. People would think: "Aha, I need directX 11. I can't run that.". If people see "OpenGL 4", they probably don't know that this requires 'heavy' machinery. But still: kinda confusing. 32x msaa 32x msaa is very heavy on your gpu. Here is a post which demonstrates the render time for a frame: As for the request: You can make a suggestion in the suggestion forum. (I assume you have acces there?)
  22. Thanks for the reply Tim. I will check on this tonight.
  23. He is probably really busy with work/study/life and his project.
  24. @Thorne: The current terrain editor works the way you are describing it. This terrain editor is limited to terrain sizes of 4048 x 4048.
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