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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. AggrorJorn


    Really love these blogs you have been creating Rastar. I am curious to see what you will be doing next.
  2. This is currently not possible in the editor. You would have to make your own terrain generation/import module. This is not the easiest thing to make yourself though. It is not something that can be easily done with just a tutorial. This requires advanced algorithms, shader knowledge and a huge amount of finetuning.
  3. A new Steam guide is available. This one covers the use of the Render menu, how make screenshots and how to publish them on Steam Workshop. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226285926
  4. This will be actually part of an official tutorial. However instead of a cylinder, the laser is constructed from vertices and triangles.
  5. as suggested, this requires fine tuning on your end. In the physics update you can check if you are being airborne. During airborne you can increment the speed which is applied at the z axis. When you hit the ground again, the speed should be reset back to its default value.
  6. It is not that hard actually, but it probably requires a lot of finetuning. I set the jump height to 14 and speed to 10. Level 2 from the tutorial set is actually a great test level. I used the FPSplayer for this. I simply removed the forward and backward movement. Jumping happens every physics update as long as we are not airborne and the player has started bunnyhopping. In the update function I check for the W key to be pressed, which activates the jumping. FPSHopper.lua http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxpoiQnRfPY
  7. It really depends on your own interpretation. 1 unit might as well be 1000 meters if you are making a space game. Just use a standard that you are comfortable with.
  8. So is your terrain height purely set by shaders? I use the diamond square algorithm myself, but that does not use a shader.
  9. Dynamic table inputs would be great. Good suggestion Rick.
  10. I haven't seen any changes in the API since the 3.0 tutorials. When 3.1 is out, all C++ tutorials will be checked on compatibilty with 3.1. (and of course altered when required.) As for the examples in the command reference, Hopefully when changes were made, the API documentation was changed as well.
  11. I take it the skinned(animation) shader is used for the material?
  12. Another advantage to this is that the objects do not use the pivot point to snap to the floor. This is usefull since the pivot of a model could be at the center of the model, instead of the bottom of the model.
  13. The skyrim editor has this handy feature where you press a key while in the editor, and your selected objects drops down untill it has a collision. This is very usfull for when you are placing objects on a floor. Rather then moving just on the Y axis, objects are directly and precisely placed/snapped on the floor.
  14. Or the material of the weapon can drawn in front of the level
  15. seems like a good investment.
  16. I am not sure as I have never used other font types. The engine supports true type fonts but I don't know if that includes unicode. Josh?
  17. Use the Math.Curve function() to smoothen movement. Have a look at this script: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/470-follow/
  18. Looking forward to seeing more blogs of you Rastar. I am working on terrain procedural terrain generation (both planair as voxel) and infinite terrain as well.
  19. The engine itself can not use paths that use the Cyrillic font.
  20. You can export position and rotation from 3d editors to leadwerks. Export to fbx Drag the fbx in your scene where you want it to play. Attach the camera to the animation object When the level starts, start playing the animation. When the animation is done, decouplen the camera from the animation.
  21. Thats a nice list. Do you mind if I add this to the User guide?
  22. AggrorJorn


    @BES thanks for kind words. I might pick it up again, when I start exposing some of my C++ functions to Lua. Then it would be useful for me. @Patrick Anything particular you were missing or needed?
  23. AggrorJorn


    I stopped working on this. I don't use this GUI myself as I program with C++. Just thought the community could use a simple temporary GUI until Josh makes an integrated GUI.
  24. I have edited the guide a little. It has now copy paste examples and more info on tables. Plus it is now also available as a download. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/479-leadwerk-3-lua-beginners-guide-pdf/ If you see any errors or typo's, let me know.
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