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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Couldn't have done it without the help of Shadmar.
  2. Probably not. The physics object of the player isn't just a cylinder. Highly fintuned code lies behind it to optimize it.
  3. You use the express editions free of charge.
  4. I have converted the entire steam guide to a PDF file as well. It has been uploaded to the tutorial section but needs to be approved by Josh first.
  5. It has been uploaded. There are some framedrop issues but all models, scripts, sounds and textures are there for you to use and explore. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/475-darkness-awaits-project-31/
  6. The engine is build with the C++ programming language. You can make your game in either C++, Lua or both. Currently there are 2 version of Leadwerks: normal and steam. The steam edition is Lua only while the normal version has Lua and C++.
  7. A Steam guide has been added which explains the basics of Lua. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221869951
  8. I have permission yes. Other people have been helping though. I was at the global game jam all weekend so I didn't have time for it. If all i well, it will be uploaded tomorrow.
  9. Not a bad idea. If people buy the engine via leadwerks, it could automatically linked to werkspace access.
  10. nice find norbert. I thought there was unicode support in the engine. I remembered reading that somewhere.
  11. The icons for the script editor and flowgraph editor have been requested several times since the release of leadwerks 3.0. Unfortunately this was not implemented yet.
  12. This seems like a big bug. This should be caught by exception handling. Did you notice any strange behavior in your game (if it got that far)? Does it happen with certain commands? This could better be placed in the bug section.
  13. Right now you are using object translation rather they physics translation. Like suggested you either use SetRotation or use AddForce
  14. Has anyone had trouble with setting up their own C++ project from scratch (not using the Leadwerks project creator)? I am still trying to get my C++ project to work via a non-automated way. This means I do not use the project manager of Leadwerks to create the C++ project. I am creating a static library and I am trying to get all the leadwerks headers in the project. Now that I have done that, I get a massive load of errors within the OpenAL and the mutex class. Some more info Static class (.lib) No precompiled headers All header sources are added that would normally had been added automatically. C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\packages\thirdParty\pthreads.2;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\freetype-2.4.7\include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\OpenAL\include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\packages\dMath;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\packages\dContainers;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\packages\dCustomJoints;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\coreLibrary_300\source\openCL;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\coreLibrary_300\source\core;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\coreLibrary_300\source\meshUtil;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\coreLibrary_300\source\physics;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\RecastDemo\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\DetourCrowd\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\DetourTileCache\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\DebugUtils\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\Recast\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\HACD\src\HACD_Lib\inc;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\coreLibrary_300\source\newton;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\Detour\Include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\tolua++-1.0.93\include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\LuaJIT\dynasm;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries/lua-5.1.4;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries/glew-1.6.0/include/GL;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\glew-1.6.0\include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\enet-1.3.1\include;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\zlib-1.2.5;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source;C:/Leadwerks\Engine\Source\Libraries\freetype-2.4.3\include;
  15. That is pretty sweet Josh. Now all we have to do is make the game.
  16. If you call SetPosition(newPosition) on your newly created object, the player wont see a thing since the screen has not been rendered yet.
  17. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetsweptcollisionmode-r147
  18. When you spawn an object it gets placed on the default location Vector3(0,0,0). You have to tell the spawned object to be positioned at a certain location. the first time you load a model, there might be a delay. However the second time you spawn a model, you can use Copy() function. This uses the existing model as a reference. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/asset/assetcopy-r40 How is your spawning set up? If you are just loading a model then the reason why you have that error is because the loaded model doesn't have script attached. Save your enemy with the script attached as a prefab and load that instead of the model.
  19. can you give us a little bit more information about your scene? Are you using CSG, models, what kind of settings do you have set so far?
  20. Welcome to leadwerks. Can you tell what 'high speed' are? If you are talking about bullets, then you want to enable swept collision.
  21. I assume you are using a character controller? Go to the physics tab of your floor and set physics to rigid body and collision type on scene.
  22. The pathfinding build in to leadwerks is a combination of recast (navmesh generation) and detour(pathfinding) which already uses A*. The navmesh is not continuesly generated or updated.
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