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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. For flat terrain it is the easiest. Just a plane with a transparent texture on it and the plane placed at the feet of your unit. When using different levels of terrain, use Ricks approach.
  2. Yeps, I use the xbox controller for windows daily.
  3. Probably not until leadwerks is fully working on all promised platforms and a new demo is created. No use putting the old one up since it is almost a year old.
  4. Also thanks for reporting this btw.This has probably changed since the release of version 3.1. I have updated the lua snippet in the tutorial section.
  5. Edit** I have made some progress myself. I don't have to fill in the linkers and I can just link all the libraries that Leadwerks uses myself. Luckely this could be done by copying part of .vxproj instead of adding all those folder by hand. Lots of errors remaing about stdafx and what not.
  6. Also, like Tim SHea says: this is not the lightest subject and you may not get the perfect character control behavior you want. Finetuning player controls can be a massive undertaking. Even the more experienced programmers have trouble getting the results they want for their game. My advice would also be: lower your standards a little bit on how your character control handle. It is something that helps me at least.
  7. I am working on a framework. This framework can be used when a new leadwerks project is generated. I learned from Rick that I can create static libraries to harness the framework in to a .lib file. The problem I currently have is that my own framework relies on an external library as well(SFML) as well as the leadwerks.lib. It seems as if it is not possible to link static libraries in to a static that is yet to be made. Any advice on how to properly work with static libs while making a static library would be great.
  8. Ah like that. On the positive side: there are currently a few bugs which can really be annoying during development and designing your level. When you get access to the full version, these will have been ironed out (hopefully).
  9. The script above is just an example of how the code would look like. Of course if you want to it be a little script that you can simply attach, it will need some work. The main scene script you see above has functions like Start() and Update(). Scripted objects have the same functions in them. This means that the code you have above can be partially copied in to an object script. I can make the script for you but that way you wont learn how to script. Here is my suggestion. Make a new lua script. When you make a new lua script, the editor fills in all the possible functions that are automatically called by the editor( functions like Start(), Update(), UpdatePhysics() etc) Try moving parts of the code from the script above, in to the Start and Update() function of your new script. If you get stuck there, post your script in a new topic and ask for help. This way you learn about object scripts and you will learn bit by bit how to do stuff in Lua.
  10. Although I would agree with the idea that it might be useful to have people, who ordered the full edition, should be given acces to the steam edition, I don't see why this is an issue. The deal was "If you pre-order before the sixth, you get free access to the steam edition". If Josh would give buyers access to the steam edition while they have purchased the steam edition after the sixth of januari, he would contradict the deal. People who have pre-ordered before the sixth of januari would be mislead.
  11. - Pivots, Camera and emitters have the same icons. It would be useful to see different icons like the one below (the images attached are free to use). - Too many icons in the scene can also be annoying. The ability to quickly toggle categories of icons on and off would be great. Emitter Camera
  12. double entry. please delete.
  13. When its done. There are plenty of bugs that need to be fixed in the lua edition which also reflect back on the full edition. Although Josh gave the estimate that it could be a few weeks after the release of the steam edition, you can never know for sure. I am sure Josh is working hard on it.
  14. that is odd behavior. I will try this out tomorrow.
  15. You create pivots via the objects menu. The texture you see in the materials folder is purely the icon that represents the pivot in the scene.
  16. The options menu (via tools -> options) has a auto save timer set to 5. I assume it is in minutes.
  17. Forgot about that one. It has a been a while since I edited it.
  18. I have asked Josh if I can make it compatible for 3.1 and upload it. waiting on the response. Edit** Josh gave me permission. I am working on the conversion and will upload soon to the workshop.
  19. Have a look at this command. The script below uses the example from that page but only applies movement on the X axis. function App:Start() --Create a window self.window = Window:Create() self.context = Context:Create(self.window) self.world = World:Create() local camera = Camera:Create() camera:SetRotation(35,0,0) camera:Move(0,0,-8) local light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) --Enable navmesh debugging camera:SetDebugNavigationMode(true) --Create the ground local ground = Model:Box(10,1,10) ground:SetPosition(0,-0.5,0) ground:SetColor(0.0,0.25,0.0) --Create a shape local shape = Shape:Box(0,0,0, 0,0,0, 10,1,10) ground:SetShape(shape) shape:Release() --Create a model --This is an obstacle the player will walk around self.entity = Model:Box(1,1,3) self.entity:SetColor(0.0,0.0,1.0) self.entity:SetPosition(0,5,0) self.entity:SetMass(1) --Create a shape local shape = Shape:Box(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,3) self.entity:SetShape(shape) shape:Release() --Enable navigation obstacles ground:SetNavigationMode(true) self.entity:SetNavigationMode(true) --Create a character self.player = Pivot:Create() local visiblecapsule = Model:Cylinder(16,self.player) visiblecapsule:SetScale(1,2,1) visiblecapsule:SetPosition(0,1,0) self.player:SetPosition(-4,0,0) self.player:SetMass(1) self.player:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.CharacterPhysics) return true end function App:Loop() if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return false end Time:Update() local strafe = ((self.window:KeyDown(Key.Right)and 1 or 0) - (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Left) and 1 or 0))*4 self.player:SetInput(strafe,0,0) self.world:Update() self.world:Render() self.context:Sync() return true end
  20. Like shadmar mentioned, when you want to move objects with physics behavior, you need to use the PhysicsSetPosition and PhysicsSetRotation command.
  21. Git or mercurial would be my recommendation. Not only do you have an online backup, it is easier when you work in teams. Not even mentioning the version control and branching. Dropbox is nice for an online backup but is not ideal for version control.
  22. Load the weapon in your scene during editing. Make sure the hitbox is okay, save everything as a prefab. Load in the prefab with code.
  23. Have a look at wikipedia Lua games. Often the engine is C++ (just like leadwerks) and the gameplay is done by lua. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lua-scripted_video_games
  24. If you don't want to let it check the code every frame update, then you can also use UpdatePhysics().
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