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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Sweet Rick. I didn't even know Lua had coroutines. That is so useful!
  2. The solution to this is to only allow approved members to add new articles and change mediawiki files. I you would set this up I would recommend assigning a few admin-moderators who are the only ones who have access to editing. Spam attacking in general is everywhere, even this forum has spam from online stores from time to time.
  3. Ah yeah good one. I don't see a reason why that would not be allowed? Now that you mentioned it, why wouldn't that project be included as well? It has some nice assets.
  4. If you pre-ordered (before 6th of january) then, yes, you should have access by now. Try contacting support via Leadwerks 3.1 is now available for pre-ordering in the Leadwerks store..... ....New customers can pre-order Leadwerks 3.1 for $199. Order before January 6 and get the Indie Edition on Steam for free.
  5. When using physics you should really use PhysicsSetPosition rather SetPosition.
  6. Welcome to Leadwerks, have lots of fun and don't hesitate to ask when you have a question.
  7. You can simply open a new topic on the general forum where you request programming services. Just state what kind of work you want having done and ask people to contact/message you if they are interested. There actually was a collaboration/paid work forum not to long ago but i was removed to clean the forum a little.
  8. Like Rick said, apply a little rotation with the Curve function on the z axis of the camera.
  9. You will have to create this from scratch or find someone to do it for you.
  10. Nice one Rick. Might want to add 'Tutorial' in your title on youtube. Great to see more videos being made.
  11. First are windows and linux. secondly mac and finally android and iOS.
  12. You can also use the update button from the project manager. That way you don't have to create a new project.
  13. upgrading to full: I have heard it saying by the developer but it was too early to tell how this was going to happen. It was also mentioned that the normal edition (C++ and Lua) would also go to steam since its updating goes fairly easy. However, these are all rumors. Let us know how things are going regarding your purchase/refund etc.
  14. If you the engine via the website or steam then your account will be upgraded to deloper. Unfortunately this process is not (yet) automatically. You will have to be patient but don't worry, it will happen. Also, The developer has temporarely disabled the asset store to figure out if it can be merged with steam content. A lot of stuff in the asset store is outdated or used in a older version of Leadwerks. It will be back.
  15. If you buy the engine via the website or steam then your account will be upgraded to deloper. Unfortunately this process is not (yet) automatically. You will have to be patient but don't worry, it will happen. Also, The developer has temporarely disabled the asset store to figure out if it can be merged with steam content. A lot of stuff in the asset store is outdated or used in a older version of Leadwerks. It will be back.
  16. There seems to be a lot of confusion about 3.1. Not everybody has read Josh's blog so here is a recap: What can you buy? Leadwerks normal: C++ and Lua support. (bought via the website) Leadwerks indie edition: only lua support. (bought via steam) What is currently released? Version 3.1 is currently only released for the Leadwerks Indie edition on steam and only for windows. What has yet to be released? 3.1 Indie edition Support for Linux and Mac 3,1 Normal edition Release of 3.1 on Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS Leadwerks 3.1 for Linux and Windows will be released together next, with the exact release date to be determined. Leadwerks 3.1 for Mac will follow this, with mobile add-ons for iOS and Android coming last.
  17. You don't have to send them an email but since you have trouble with your order, I would reccommend doing so. If you just explain it I am sure that the issue will be resolved. Just to be clear: You payed via Paypal and after the payment was transferred you cancelled the order. Paypal has already subtracted the money from your back account. Is that correct? The steam edition that was launced 6th januari 2014 is version 3.1. This version has only Lua support. If you want to use C++ then you have to purchase the normal edition from the website. 3.1 normal edition is released for windows, linux and mac later this month or in februari depending on how much progress the developer makes. The indie edition on steam will also get support for linux, max and even SteamOS.
  18. I agree with SarperSoher, I has been suggested a long while ago but priorities where low for it. Personally I to think that this is rather a broken implementation than feature request.
  19. Have you send a message to support (at) leadwerks (dor) com. Can you also provide some more information? Where did you buy it? Steam or website. What is the payment method you used etc.
  20. If you have applied shadmars changes and it still doesn't work, can you try out Copy() and see if it makes a difference.
  21. @nate066, I would like to know this to. If you have found the answer could you let us know? thanks in advance.
  22. When you select the light, go to the Appearance tab. Change the diffuse color.
  23. Hi Chud, Thanks for reviewing the leadwerks steam indition. The only feedback I want to give you is calling your article 'A first impresion to Leadwerks' rather than an engine review. This is simply because the amount of time spend using the engine is not that high.
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