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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You misunderstand. What we requested is an API that allows the community to create tools/plugins.
  2. There are some really good suggestions in there. There are a few things I want to reply on: 3.1 will have Visual studio 2013 support plugins/custom tools: This has been mention/requested a lot but shotdown everytime. Highly unlikely that this will happen. Old shaders: V3.0 uses older version of shaders since the engine runs on OpenGL2. When 3.1 is out, all shaders will also have a OpenGL4.0 variant. Terrain Filters: Josh showed in his blog that he implemented Perlin and other erosion filters. I am not sure though when these options will be released to the public, but Josh did say that this was going to be added. Vegetation will be added at some point. With collision but don't know about the wind force. Has been a kickstarter goal, but wasn't reached. Josh mentioned that he saw people found it important but that it was not a high priority. Overall: I think Leadwerks will focus mainly on the release of 3.1 which includes dynamic shadows, Linux support and steam support. Before all the bugs are ironed out of that release, I think we will be in February.
  3. Hi Letschki, Glad to see you are liking Leadwerks. I am not an advanced shader programmer but this is what I know: Have a look at the existing shaders. I started looking at the diffuse shader and from there on made some adjustments to see what everything did. There aren't any specific tools for shader editing. You can use the leadwerks script editor to make shaders and test them in the editor. I am afraid that there is not much information about writing shaders unfortunately. At least, not specific for Leadwerks that is. The only documentation that I know is in the command reference: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/shader/ Sorry don't know this Sorry don't know this
  4. This is already fixed in 3.0, but the demo still contains it.
  5. WHEN: The tournament will start October 1, 2013, and end October 28th at 11:59 P.M. (Pacific Standard Time).
  6. The tournament has started. Good luck everyone. I hope to see some nice entries.
  7. Currently there is no such system, so I don't think it can hurt to have our own. Plus, it will cost Josh time to fiddle around with the website/tutorial section, while his skillset would be of better use on developing the engine. There is a FAQ which gets buried deaper and deaper in the forum. I could place it in the tutorial section or in the asset store, but it will be forgotten eventually. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7091-leadwerks-3-faq/page__hl__faq
  8. The editor is currently available for windows and max. Linux is on the way for december. You can ask any question you have in the general forum. The rest of the forum is protected to prevent piracy. Use the command reference to view all commands and C++ samples. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/
  9. It is an unofficial user guide, but contains basically all the official information from website. Send you a pm.
  10. I would replace keydown with keyhit since you are loading a new scene every single frame when a key is being pressed.
  11. what do you mean with GUI files? Textures like PNG, JPG can be placed in models or materials.
  12. That is a sweet backalley. I like how you can also have nice box physics around all these objects. I think I like the ladder the most. btw: you can change the topics title by editing your top post and clicking on 'Full editor'.
  13. AggrorJorn


    The next updates involve the following: Sliders (still a nasty bug somewhere ) Labels 0.3.1 Single Image Font Manager Select your font Select your size. Apply font to menus.
  14. The 2.3 versions no longer apply for Leadwerks 3.x. You could still watch them gain more experience in how GamePlay mechanics are programmed but the Leadwerks API is no longer valid.
  15. You have to convert your model (fbx, obj, x) to gmf. The Tools folders contains all sorts of converters. Simply drag your models on to it and the converters will do the rest. The LE 2.3 User guide contains this information as well: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7230-leadwerk-3-user-guide-pdf-10/#entry59579
  16. I think it is a good idea. However I would suggest going for an external wiki rather then having an official one. That way you are more free in what you can do. It can't hurt to have external websites with good info about Leadwerks. I think it would be best to host your own. Doesn't cost much and mediawiki (and others) are free install-able frameworks.
  17. A simple and free solution is now available in the assets: FlowGUI 0.3 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/456-flowgui-free/
  18. Josh mentioned Logical entities a few months ago.
  19. AggrorJorn

    A Red Letter Day

    I am not that excited about it yet to be honest. But then again it is good to have Leadwerks support for it. I am sure this will kick of.
  20. Probably after the release of Leadwerks 3.1 when Linux support, Steam integration and the OpenGL4 renderer are implemented. Which is planned for Decemeber.
  21. If you are using the demo (I assume you you do) then you won't have the terrain options yet. When you have the full version there is a tab next to the assets that says 'terrain'. In there you will immediately see the import height map buttons.
  22. Sweet work Tim. I will surely add this to my C++ projects.
  23. Yes you can use free or opensource libraries for GUI, Networking, ragdolls etc.
  24. This also goes for physics debugging. camera->drawphysicsmode
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