There are some really good suggestions in there. There are a few things I want to reply on:
3.1 will have Visual studio 2013 support
plugins/custom tools: This has been mention/requested a lot but shotdown everytime. Highly unlikely that this will happen.
Old shaders: V3.0 uses older version of shaders since the engine runs on OpenGL2. When 3.1 is out, all shaders will also have a OpenGL4.0 variant.
Terrain Filters: Josh showed in his blog that he implemented Perlin and other erosion filters. I am not sure though when these options will be released to the public, but Josh did say that this was going to be added.
Vegetation will be added at some point. With collision but don't know about the wind force.
Has been a kickstarter goal, but wasn't reached. Josh mentioned that he saw people found it important but that it was not a high priority.
Overall: I think Leadwerks will focus mainly on the release of 3.1 which includes dynamic shadows, Linux support and steam support. Before all the bugs are ironed out of that release, I think we will be in February.