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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I think they are great. These are excellent for narrow close combat areas.
  2. You can build for whatever platform you want. You don't have to make so that it can be ported to Linux.
  3. Like daimour says: Keep it simple. It is so damn easy to think of something complicated. Even the smallest game can take a huge amount of work. The theme "Machines" can be all sorts of things. Joints are NOT necessary but since the joint motor was released recently, we thought it could be a nice promotion for it.
  4. Hi, and welcome to werkspace. 1. Small updates happen every 1/2 weeks or so. These are free. There are also bigger updates like version 3.1. This one is paid because it brings us a deferred renderer, Linux support and steam integration. I it entirely possible that paid updates will be possible at later stages, but you can expect a pretty advanced feature for it in return. 2. You can always make a post in the collaboration forum. I think most people here are programmers (can't be sure) so I think artists are very welcome. (3)4. If you buy Leadwerks 3.0 now, it wont include the upgrade to 3.1. I don't know how much the update costs though. 5. I think the community is a pleasant one. If you have a problem regarding coding or about the editor people will answer (with some exceptions here and there ofcourse). I am not familiar with the Crydev community but it is probably a lot bigger than Leadwerks community. The other questions: 1. Terrain has only just been added. There are many features that are still in the waiting line. I haven't seen the features you are mentioning though. 2. Currently there is no LOD support (that I am aware of). Perhaps with Leadwerks 3.1 this will be implemented since deferred renders are heavy in computer usage. 3. Officialy, no. Programmers will be able to make a connection to Gamepads if C++ libraries are available on the internet (and there are plenty). 4. Short answer no. I honestly have never heard of it. The video on the website uses Blender by the looks of it. Since blender support was reached with the kickstarter, it might be a possibility. But I wouldn't count on it for now.
  5. Sweet! What lib did you use for navmesh generation? (Don't tell me you made your own?)
  6. 1:We can't control if people are spending time on making the game outside the official tournament dates, so we just have to rely on the honor system. Thinking ahead and doing some planning, writing down some ideas, is okay but getting all the materials, textures, sounds and models together is something you have to wait with. 2. Using textures from website like CG textures is allowed. If you want to use models from the Leadwerks assets store or any other website, be sure to credit the makers. FlowGUI On a side note: I will release FlowGUI to the asset store before the tournament starts, so that people spend their developing time on gameplay, rather then making a GUI. It will be free to use in all your projects (even outside the tournament).
  7. Well Leadwerks 3 is currently not officially supported for Linux (even though you are trying wine). You would have to wait till december when Linux is officially there. Leadwerks doesn't run on dot net. You only need OpenAL for sound but nothing else.
  8. You can start thinking and planning but no coding or designing the level(s) in the editor. The game demo has to be free but you do not have to post code if you don't want to. With the exception of written libraries (GUI, networking), you have to create everything from scratch. You can create the game for whatever platform that is available. Obviously, Linux is not possible. (yet..)
  9. Are you ready for the final tournament of Leadwerks 3.0? To celebrate the upcoming release for Linux we have picked a nice theme: MACHINES. Do you have what it takes to make a machine for Penguins? You have 4 weeks to develop an awesome game demo. You can win awesome prizes including a Nexus 7 tablet! This page contains all the information http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/a_machine_for_penguins.htm?shownav=0
  10. Since terrain is added, the navmesh is no longer being updated realtime since it will costs to much performance. There are also several new commands that lets you build the navmesh on runtime. see this blog post for all the details: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1133-leadwerks-30-terrain-update-now-available/
  11. Josh hasn't put all features in it yet since he wants to let users test it first. The terrain size will be bigger as well.
  12. Every C++ command has a Lua equivalent (or better said: the Lua function refers to the C++ command): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowmousehit-r457 Every command is documented with C++ as well as Lua.
  13. I think this is a bug, since it is happening everywhere in debug mode.
  14. The last year of my Game Development study has already started. With only one year to go it is time so look ahead and view the possibilities that are available. Focus The coming 20 weeks I am following a minor in advanced software engineering and Game Technology itself will be put in the background. Game development will mostly be something I will do in my spare time. I thought that this year would be really busy one but so far it has been very quiet. The focus of the minor lies on Java, the Spring framework and web applications. I don't have much experience with those so that might come in handy for later. After those 20 weeks I will start my graduation trainee ship, although I first have to find a decent company where I can actually learn something. Starting a career I am a little nervous about comes after finishing my study. I could study further if I wanted to, but the experience I have had so far is that you just have to sit down and make something. Especially if you have someone (either friends or colleagues) that can help you develop your skills. I want to start my own game company but I do have a small college debt that I need to pay of first. So most likely I will start seeking a job withing the Gaming or Software industry. Projects My main project is still in combination with Leadwerks. Especially now that terrain has arrived I can really test out my work that I have been preparing for it. Progress has been going really well, although actual gameplay is still really far away. My game will be playable both singleplayer as multiplayer which adds an extra level of complexity and delay to the development and gameplay. Tournaments It is really nice to see more activity and interest with the Leadwerks Tournament. Although it can be really difficult to actually make something work in the amount of time you have available, it can be just the push you need to produce something. I have to admit that I was very enthusiastic about a themed tournament but in the end it didn't really helped much at all. Anyway, the third tournament will be a big one and has yet to be announced. The prizes will be even bigger and the length of the tournament will be extended to 3 weeks. Tutorials I haven't made a tutorial in a while although I do still want to make at least one of them (Particles). When the terrain has had some patches and/or new features, I will make some videos about that as well. I have created a nice little Tower defense game entirely with Lua. This game will be rewritten from scratch in a large video tutorial set. I am thinking of making this a paid tutorial set, which I can make available to users for a small fee. I have yet to see whether this is worth its time, but experimenting with it can't hurt. FlowGUI Besides the tutorial set, I'm also thinking about releasing FlowGUI as a simple GUI library for like 2/3 dollar. That depends a little on whether people would be interested in it or not. I stopped working on it when Josh announced a GUI editor with the Kickstarter, but since it might not be part of the engine for a while, it might be worth taking a look at it again. All scripts would be freely accessible and could be altered to a persons desire. Let me know what you guys and girls think. Jorn
  15. Thanks for the reply. I know C# has the auto serialization based on public variables, but I don't think C++ does this the same way or even at all. I use TinyXML when using XML. http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml/ But I am about to switch to JSon since I want to send over a lot of data to a server. http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/
  16. Nice blog. Can you explain the Serialize point a little more? How do you handle this. Does every object that needs saving have an interface to a Serialize function?
  17. Reaction from Josh In the future, a combination of static and dynamic data will be used, much like how the shadowmaps in Leadwerks 2 work, but for present we will rely on precalculated data generated in the editor or by a command. Looks like the navmesh can be generated when you have altered the terrain at some point in your game. I have no idea terrain deformation is possible right now. at least not with the API.
  18. Here are the winners of Leadwerks tournament 2: 1st: Daimour: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/449-golden-elements/ 2nd: Arinthian: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/448-elemental-collapse/ 3d: HisaShimaru: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/450-greenflask/ We will contact the winners for their prize. Tournament 3 Stick around for the announcement for Tournament 3. There will be even bigger prices!!
  19. Here are the winners of Leadwerks tournament 2: 1st: Daimour: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/449-golden-elements/ 2nd: Arinthian: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/448-elemental-collapse/ 3d: HisaShimaru: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/450-greenflask/ We will contact the winners for their prize. Tournament 3 Stick around for the announcement for Tournament 3. There will be even bigger prices!!
  20. It would be useful to increment/decrement the radius of the brush while holding the CTRL key plus scrolling with your mouse. CTRL + scroll for outer radius CTRL + SHIFT + scroll for inner radius
  21. It depends a little on how much performance this is going to take. When placing a single object it would be a waste to recalculate the entire navmesh for everything. I also don't know how Recast handles this since it might only affect a small portion of the navmesh.
  22. With each tournament we learn a little more about what to do and what not do. The third tournament will have some changes.
  23. Nice question beo6. I didn't know the answer to this so I fired up Gears of war. In gears of war the listener is still placed at the camera rather than the player model.
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