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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. The current API has these nice String converters. //Leadwerks.h std::string IntToString( int i ); std::string String( double f ); std::string String( int i ); std::string String( unsigned int i ); std::string String( long l ); std::string String( const unsigned long l ); I use these Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 converters myself. They might be useful for the API to be there: //Header std::string String(Leadwerks::Vec2 vector); std::string String(Leadwerks::Vec3 vector); std::string String(Leadwerks::Vec4 vector); //CPP std::string String(Vec2 v) { return "X: " + Leadwerks::String(v.x) + " Y: " + Leadwerks::String(v.y); } std::string String(Vec3 v) { return "X: " + Leadwerks::String(v.x) + " Y: " + Leadwerks::String(v.y) + " Z: " + Leadwerks::String(v.z); } std::string String(Vec4 v) { return "X: " + Leadwerks::String(v.x) + " Y: " + Leadwerks::String(v.y) + " Z: " + Leadwerks::String(v.z) + " W: " + Leadwerks::String(v.w); }
  2. You could make it one.. The periodic table in Fantasia Land exists out of mushrooms, bananas, cucumbers, coconuts and kiwi's.
  3. sweet, thanks for joining Aily and Daimour. This brings our total number of contestants at 11. Nice to see more people joining.
  4. I am intrigued... You are an excellent programmer and your previous demo's have shown that you are capable of quite complex structures. Looking forward to see your project.
  5. Holy ****, that is a massive list of improvements and features. My respect for sticking so long with a large project. How long have you been working on this? Must have cost you an enormous amount of time. It is very impressive to see this list. And it looks great of course. Looking forward to the video and a development blog as well.
  6. @Aily: Sure, use whatever 3d program you want but you have to use le2 or le3 to view it. In the mean time: For most of us the tournament has started. That every has fun developing/designing their project!
  7. Well, look at our last games, they were simple game demo's prototypes. When you have something playable and it has a nice touch of the theme, you are already golden. There seem to be more contestants this time which should make things more interesting.
  8. Sometimes when I press ctrl+s, the camera keeps flying backwards. Maybe this is correlated.
  9. @Arienthian. First of: welcome to leadwerks, hope you have lots of fun. second: of course you can participate. Never hurts to try, right! It is no use for us to use a timezone. When it is the 14th your country, you can start. Same thing goes for the end date. Just have fun and play fair, thats all.
  10. You need to have the "Developer" status on the forum. I think that some parts of the asset store (like the user guides) or downloads should be downloadable for everyone though. As for the previous license le versions: you are better of contacting leadwerks support. The chance that Josh will read this in this topic is not that big.
  11. The theme for this tournament is: Elements. Feel free to interpret this however you want it. - Earth, wind, fire, air - Chemistry - The element of surprise - ..... etc
  12. Le3 is completely rewritten from scratch using C++, while le2 uses blitzmax.
  13. @Josh: There are only going to be more and better game demo's from now on! We have upped the price money to a total of $45,00. @wayney: Welcome to the community, to Leadwerks and this tournament! Have fun.
  14. You can also put the invisible material on it.
  15. @yougroove: It is impossible to find a date that is suitable for everyone. There will always be a person who is not be able to join if we keep moving the start date. That is why we held a poll to see what the majority wanted as a start date. As a result of the poll we picked the 14th of august, which is still the start date. 2 days before the start date the theme will be announced. (which is randomly generated. Rick and I don't know the theme yet either) @xtreampb: have fun on vacation.
  16. Less than a week before we start. In 4 days we will announce the theme!
  17. HI and welcome to the community. To be honest: I have no problems using windows. I never really tried the visual Linux distro's, but did use knoppix bootable CD to access a crashed hard drive.
  18. I think you have to be a licensed developer to access some of the content in the asset store.
  19. Ah in that case: use the download manager to download Le2.3. That version contains the train scene with scripts and models.
  20. Like I said in the other post, why not use the train script form the train.sbx that comes with the sdk? When you go to the scenes folder, don't you see train.sbx?
  21. open the tunnels.sbx scene. Here you can see a sample of how the switch and fan blades are linked to gether and what scripts they are using. Go to the models folder and find the fanblades and switch. You will find a lua script with corresponding names. If you place these your scene and use a the fps script that comes with the SDK, you are good to go.
  22. We need a little bit more info than what you are currently providing. First of: On which two objects did you make a connection. Which scripts are attached to these objects.
  23. if you edit your post, click on full editor. You are then able to change the title. I think this is only possible in the sandbox.
  24. @Juggernaut The old user guide download page was deleted somehow and the link to it, forwards to a completely different page. Leadwerks 2.3 user guide:
  25. Don't you have a scene that contains a layed out track with scripts and everything? I don't think anyone has ever made a tutorial about this.
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