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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I am not sure if you will get the desired results with using just a box. I would start with just a box and applying forces and torque.
  2. You can use the bracket keys [ ] to make the gridsize very large. I don't see an option to turn it of completely.
  3. I have the idea that the suggestions forum is somewhat never looked at. I have been liking and +1 a lot of suggestions that have been posted since april. There are a lot of them out there that request new features, while others request editor workflow improvements. Some of these suggestions are not only really good; they absolutely belong in the editor. Even better: some of these suggestions should be in any 3d editor of any sorts and can't really don't deserve the name 'suggestion'. They are missing elements of the editor. I would like to see if suggestions are being taken in consideration or whether it is just not going to happen. Some support from the rest of the community would be welcome.
  4. The play animation button is something that I wanted to suggest as well.
  5. Yeah it is really annoying that this isn't implemented yet. It has been suggested several times now but it doesn't look like this is going to happen soon.
  6. +1 A sound folder could be included as well.
  7. Thanks for confirming. @Josh, can you move this to the bug section?
  8. Some sort of dynamic list as a lua property would be great. You could simply add another pair to that list.
  9. +1. I think a wireframe instead of an entire box would be the best.
  10. AggrorJorn


    FlowGUI 0.2.0 Checkboxes added. Checkboxes can be either staticly positioned or part of a menu. (Just like buttons) Checkboxes can be either rectangles where you set the colors for or you pick your own images. Checkboxes can have text positioned to their Left, Right, Above or Underneath the checkbox.
  11. The documentation states that it is possible to have a color picker but I haven't been able to get it working. Tried the following. Script.a = "" --color Script.b = Vec4(0,0,0,0) --color Script.c = Vec3(0,0,0) --color The particle emitter has a color picker in it so it must be possible.
  12. The models I used for my minigolf game are obj so maybe it is a bug.
  13. At the moment you have only opengl 2.1.
  14. AggrorJorn


    FlowGUI 0.1.3 Buttons now support images (with alpha).
  15. AggrorJorn


    FlowGUI 0.1.2 Menu's can now be placed on 9 different locations for both horizontal as well as vertical. Menu options. Horizontal example Vertical example
  16. I made an image which display a window of resolution 1024 x 768.
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