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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have been getting weird results with my GUI. I made a script that displays the x and y coordinate of the mouse. My window is 1024 x 768. I would expect that 768 is the bottom of the window, but the mouse coordinates indicate that height 768 is actually lower than the window. I am not sure if this is intended or a bug. See the video attached: The image shows a blue dot where my mouse is.
  2. The Le2 SDK has a folder called tools. In there you will find a fbxtogmf.exe. Drop your fbx model on top of this exe. The location from where you drop your models from is used to store the converted gmf model.
  3. How so? I agree with encapsulation as much as possible tough. I think it looks more professional, but everyone is free to use however they want. Take the volume member for instance: You can use SetVolume() and GetVolume, but you might as well just use the Sound.volume member.
  4. AggrorJorn


    Whoops typo. Its just 2d rectangles.
  5. If you make a game like cycling manager (tour de france, la vuelta) then you need long tracks. Sometimes races are 30 minutes.
  6. Josh said he would make a blog about the terrain development soon.
  7. Do you mean importing into leadwerks 2? You need to convert fbx/obj to gmf.
  8. When you use require, are properties being created?
  9. AggrorJorn


    buttons are either 3d 2d rectangles or textures. You can load in any kind of texture you want. The boundries stay rectangle though. I have added submenus to the list as well since they are quite easy to implement.
  10. I think ww2, irak, gulf war are completely dried out these days. WW1, Western, Futuristic, Space, Fantasy are more likely to get more attention.
  11. AggrorJorn


    Yips, You can have a different color or image for normal state, mouse hovering state and mousedown/mouseHit state. Images weren't working yet when I recorded. Recording is done with Camtasia.
  12. AggrorJorn


    FlowGUI is a flowgraph and editor based GUI system for Leadwerks 3. 1.0 release http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11262-flowgui-for-leadwerks/ Thank you to Rick for finding the global Lua table issue.
  13. my bad sorry. Leadwerks 2 is no longer for sale, so you don't have to worry about that.
  14. Leadwerks engine 3 requires a minimum of OpenGL 2. OpenGL 4 is added later but users can choose between opengl versions. Perhaps you read about Leadwerks engine 2, which supports only OpenGL 4.
  15. This is too much game independent. Minecraft handles its world in chunks. Only the chunk the player is in will update objects but it is possible to see multiple chunks at the same time.
  16. I have some issues I am adding buttons to a gui manager object. When I add them to the parent they are added the wrong way in the list. You can swap drag a child back on to the parent again to make it apair on top of the list again. This makes working pretty annoying. An an automatically alphabetically sorted list would solve this.
  17. Forgive my poor farmers foolishness dreams, your highness. This topic can be closed.
  18. Although a wise rule for the way we live and program, I would like to add that there is a point were you have to look realistically at things.
  19. Josh posted the following in another topic, but it is relevant to this topic.
  20. Out of curiosity: where did he promise that?
  21. Rick found the solution to this problem. Declaring lua tables like this: Script.myTable = {} --or local myTable = {} somehow makes them global and thus they will overwrite each other when the script is attached to multiple objects. Rick found out that you can solve this as follow: Script.myTable = nil function Script:Start() self.myTable = {} end
  22. So I have been working on a flowgraph GUI and I am running in to an issue. When you click a button you can connect to a gui collection that hides all gui elements (in this example, 3 buttons) of a certain category. Everything works fine except when I add another gui collection to the scene. Works fine.. Once I add a new gui collection to the scene (also 3 buttons in the image), all 6 buttons hide the second gui collection, although the first 3 buttons are not connected to the second GUI collection. The problem must lie somewhere in the buttons array that I use to store the buttons. Buttons are added to this array on startup by looking through a gui collections children. I tried using both Script.buttons = {} --in start --store children as buttons self.childrenCount = self.entity:CountChildren() for i=1, self.childrenCount, 1 do self.buttons[i] = self.entity:GetChild(i-1) end as well as: local buttons = {} --in start --store children as buttons self.childrenCount = self.entity:CountChildren() for i=1, self.childrenCount, 1 do buttons[i] = self.entity:GetChild(i-1) end Any ideas?
  23. Could you also post an exe? If you uncomment the badguy creation and everything else that has nothing to do with the player, do you get the same result?
  24. I really doubt it that that is going to happen. Josh has spend all these years with OpenGL. DirectX would only apply for window, windows phone and xbox. But who knows. In the meantime there are so many things planned in the coming 6 months that I wouldn't count on it.
  25. Once again you fail to see the point of this topic. It is a FAQ not a complaint or suggestion of the engine should have. I partially agree with your point, but make a topic for it and don't post in here. You talk about more examples and that people just place objects and call that "their" large game. Ironically that is the exact same I expect you to do when there are multiple game demos. Do some adjusments, use 90% of the code base provided and then calling it your game.
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