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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I don't think the person who send you this knows what OpenGL 2 is. OpenGL 2 was release in 2004 and should be supported with a very wide range of hardware. If you buy any graphics card from the last 2-3 years, you will be set for OpenGL 2. OpenGL 4 is a different story.
  2. See the command line here about Mutual Exclusives (semphores) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/mutex/
  3. Unfortunately this has changed, 2 updates back. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1081-leadwerks-3-update-available/
  4. That is for Leadwerks 3. He is using LE 2.5.
  5. Welcome to the tutorial. Map design tutorials are not existing as far as I know. The only video that I know that is about the editor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZzkyGIxNY
  6. Thanks Rick. Yes you are right. Josh suggested using "Script." and "self."
  7. Is the void cast necessary? Have you tried using just CSColl?
  8. Tutorial #15: The flowgraph editor. 40 minutes.
  9. Yes they can. Prefabs are entities when they are loaded.
  10. That is annoying. Marketing is one thing, but spamming fora's with messages like this is not good. If you want Leadwerks Kickstart or greenlight approved spread it via announcements rather then placing comments everywhere.
  11. I would rather make a pivot that is the character controller and then load the model. Since the characterPhysics automatically create a cylinder and I don't want it to mess with the mesh of the character. Then I parent this model to the character controller.
  12. camera->drawphysicsmode = true;
  13. Good news for Linux users. I have never used it but I am sure I would make my game suited for linux when the possibility is there. When you look at the humble bundle donations, linux has always to highest amount of donation average per donation. So my guess is that the linux community would be happy to support this. Question about pricing? If you have Leadwerks 3.0 (windows & mac), what do you pay for 3.1? If you are a BACKER for Linux (100$) do I also get 3.1 for Windows and Mac?
  14. ...running on Linux, Mac, and Windows, with an estimated release date before Christmas.
  15. Good news for Linux users. I have never used it but I am sure I would make my game suited for linux when the possibility is there. When you look at the humble bundle donations, linux has always to highest amount of donation average per donation. So my guess is that the linux community would be happy to support this. How about the pricing? If you have Leadwerks 3.0 (windows & mac), what do you pay for 3.1? If you are a BACKER for Linux (100$) do I also get 3.1 for Windows and Mac?
  16. I have asked Josh a question about this but I haven't gotten a response yet. I have been holding of the flowgraph tutorial for about 4 weeks now since I don't know how it works.
  17. Not much we can do about that ourselves really. The only improvements we can do ourselves: Multithreading: advanced topic Sound, large textures should be loaded after the level is loaded. Assets that are used multiple times in code should be copied rather than created. But you are right! I think this process can be a lot quicker.
  18. Are you using the debug or release version? Debugger takes longer for me in comparison with release. But overall speed is a bit low for simple levels existing purely out of geometry.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion Mike. But I have already tried that actually. I tested this for API spheres as well as imported models. I have used the following amount of polygons: 8 32 128 The amount of force increase slightly with every higher amount of polygons but behavior does not change.
  20. Torque or a linear force don't make a difference in the balls behavior so that is not the problem (for me at least ). Loading in a custom model of a sphere seemed to improve the motion of the ball which is deffinetly a big plus. the problem that remains is that the ball takes a really lone time before it stops moving. These are approaches that I tried: Model and shape: CSG brush sphere with editor shape fitting Sphere created via API with code created shape. Model imported of a sphere. Shape generated via editor as well as a programmeticly created shape. Friction set either via lua script or via C++ property. Changing the brush size from 1 to 10 units. Maybe size matters? Setting kinetic, static or static/kinetic friction on: just the ball just the floor ball and floor I have tried all sorts of combinations on all the possibilities above, but I have yet to see any difference between them. Friction is somewhat none existing for my game. Others can clearly see friction in their games so I must be doing something wrong. This problem and the problem with the physics bug I have when switching levels, has costed me more time then making levels and programming the gameplay so far. That includes making the game multiplayer! It is getting frustrating and I find it difficult to find motivation on spending more time on this project. I have put it aside for now till more updates of the engine arive.
  21. One more week and my finals are over. Then I will have plenty of time for some more tutorials.
  22. Ha! Yeah I wish I had their GUI library and ingame console. It works really nice. But I am getting closer.
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