Torque or a linear force don't make a difference in the balls behavior so that is not the problem (for me at least ).
Loading in a custom model of a sphere seemed to improve the motion of the ball which is deffinetly a big plus. the problem that remains is that the ball takes a really lone time before it stops moving. These are approaches that I tried:
Model and shape:
CSG brush sphere with editor shape fitting
Sphere created via API with code created shape.
Model imported of a sphere. Shape generated via editor as well as a programmeticly created shape.
Friction set either via lua script or via C++ property.
Changing the brush size from 1 to 10 units. Maybe size matters?
Setting kinetic, static or static/kinetic friction on:
just the ball
just the floor
ball and floor
I have tried all sorts of combinations on all the possibilities above, but I have yet to see any difference between them. Friction is somewhat none existing for my game. Others can clearly see friction in their games so I must be doing something wrong.
This problem and the problem with the physics bug I have when switching levels, has costed me more time then making levels and programming the gameplay so far. That includes making the game multiplayer! It is getting frustrating and I find it difficult to find motivation on spending more time on this project. I have put it aside for now till more updates of the engine arive.