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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. It is called the tuernary operator. If you have a really simple if statement (like choosing the player height), then it can be useful.
  2. I am not using any library. I just draw rectangles and print text on it. I do had to create my own GetChar function since the LE3 api does not have that. I can share it if you want.
  3. Really missing this. as well as the automatic tab when working with indention.
  4. I use SFML packages to support multiple arguments. I first used void pointers, but I like this a lot better. It works really simple: packet << floatValue1 packet << stringValue packet << someInteger packet >> Vec3Leadwerks //Later when you read it again packet >> var1 // float packet >> var2 // string packet >> var3 // int packet >> var4 // Vec3
  5. After creating my Component based engine structure for my main project, I have now moved on to the next stage of development: an in-game console. Possibilities To sum up what you can do with it, here is a little video demonstration. On the To-Do list Although the core of the console is finished and working the way I want it to work, there are some slight improvements. Grapics are simple boxes at this point. I want to go for Valve's in-game console look , which looks simple but suits its purpose really well. Used command are stored and can be retrieved with arrow keys. Error message or help text should be displayed above the command line. Show a cursor. Adding useful commands, like toggle sound, sound volume, load level, set players health, ammo, armor etc. Trying to build the console as a library so that it can be easily included in other projects.
  6. @d123s404d Current situation for LE2: OpenGL 4 Dynamic lights and shadows/ deferred rendering Terrain Windows only Current situation for LE3: OpenGL 2 Lightmapping CSG brushes Better project management Crossplatform: windows, mac, ios and android Projected shadows Flowgraph editor Publishing to desired platform On the road map for LE3: OpenGL 4 Dynamic lights and shadows/ deferred rendering Terrain Not sure: linux support Steam SDK and workshop integration
  7. You might want to place questions like this in the art section instead of the programming section. I am sorry but I have no experience in Blender.
  8. Sorry I hadn't seen your response Furbolg. Won't that create a memory leak? Player* playercast = dynamic_cast<Player*>( *iter ); if (playercast != NULL) std::cout << "PLAYER" << std::endl;
  9. Thanks Rick. I thought that there might be some C+ functionality that lets you ask about subclasses or something. But your virtual ToString idea is also very nice.
  10. This is a nice one. I am iterating through a list of gameObjects. I want to know when one of these GameObjects is a Player class (player is a subclass of GameObjects). But the iteration iterates through gameobjects and not players. //GameObject list iteration for (iter; iter != gameObjects.end(); ++iter) { //If the gameobject has sub classtype player.... if(typeid((*iter)) == typeid(Player)) { Is there a nice way to handle this?
  11. I don't think this is possible. You have to load the BHV file via a program (3ds max for instance) and export it with bones. You can then extract animations via the model viewer. You can make a suggestion for it in the suggestion box. I wouldn't get your hopes up though. There are many items in there and there are tons of things that priority to this.
  12. Your body is created inside the ground. moveentity carBody, vec3(0,-0.2,0) Try moving it up a little. That might also be the reason your tires are stuck in the ground.
  13. AggrorJorn

    LCP 2.0

    SVN, git, mercurial. All is welcome. I use Git the most (With GIT extensions) followed by mercurial. Github (open project) and bitbucket (closed project) are great websites for hosting as well.
  14. AggrorJorn

    LCP 2.0

    I am still looking forward to some sort of blood splatter shaders like they demonstrated with Overgrowth:
  15. Is the greenbox representing physics boundries? If so, Set a cylinder body to all wheels. How are you creating your car? Can you show some of your code? It is pretty hard to determine what is wrong without seeing how you created it.
  16. Have you created a new camera in the scene you loaded?
  17. AggrorJorn

    LCP 2.0

    When I uploaded it, I included every asset that I could find . That includes max files, fbx, obj etc. Perhaps it is not entirely complete. I will check it out as well.
  18. AggrorJorn

    LCP 2.0

    sweet initiative Rick. You can count me in for scripting. I think this approach is so much better than the previous one: one guy telling us what to do without having all kinds of debates, brain storms, polls etc. Also a reasonable team is much more suitable here. All source code and assets are in the assets store under the game section. http://www.leadwerks...-source-assets/
  19. YIps I tried loading ogg files I used with LE2 but these are not working. At this point I only have wav files that work. The documentation doesn't specify anything about what types of audio are supported. One page in the documentation about Lua script objects uses .wav and .ogg as an example for file filtering, but that doesn't persé mean it is supported. As a matter of fact I think Josh should add a page about supported sound formats.
  20. AggrorJorn


    GUI is on the roadmap. I think that is a reason why most people won't be bothered with writing their own unless it fulfills their requirements for writing it themselves. If you mean GUI layer just use a transparent image that gets drawn on top of the scene once the word rendering is done.
  21. Make a class for that character. Store the entity of the character inside the class Save all its animations sequences into an array Play animation sequence depending on the characters state: walking etc.
  22. I am going to wait if Josh can clarify sound usage of the engine.
  23. Terrain streaming is being build as we speak. Levels can be enormous although it also would require a longer loading time. You can divide your level in to chunks and load them in when you reach a certain area.
  24. As far as I am aware, Leadwerks 3 only supports .wav (LE2 also had ogg) which means uncompressed sound. The quality is good but the file size is huge. For some ambience music of 3 minutes I have a file of 38MB. Are there any alternatives?
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