It has been said already but 'making' an entire tutorial is just a massive undertaking and a too broad spectrum. Like Josh is saying no matter what tutorial would be provided: you will always want to have something else in your game. If there was a tutorial on shooting your weapon, the next request is how do I programm upgrades, or how is a sniper scope created, how can I make bloodstains on the floor, floor can I make ragdolls etc. What it boils down to is that you either need a tool or piece of software that does things for you. Besides that, if you want specific gameplay then you have to program it yourself, pay someone to do it or team up with a programmer.
@Steeleb: Lets take the example of npc paths. There is not really an algorithm for such behavior. It really depends on how you want to manage your NPC's and what kind of functionality you want your NPC's to have. Leadwerks already provides pathfinding which is already one of the most difficult tasks. After that is implementing parts of code that you want. However this not really a design pattern but just implementing code logic.
If I where to make an NPC with waypoints
Create NPC class
Give it a movement state:
[*]Give it a behavior (state)
[*]Based upon how much life, ammo or team mates left you can change its state.
[*]If nothing is going on return to patrolling state
Seek the last know waypoint and walk to it.
[*]Make sure that the NPC has a Path object attached
The path object knows all the waypoints.
[*]If patrolling and waypoint is reached, set current waypoint to next waypoint.
It is a start where you can think about but it is really game specific and game design specific. Everyone wants to have it own implementation and there just is no perfect way of doing this.