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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. AggrorJorn


    I would start with a gui manager which holds a list of all GUI objects. Start off with a simple click button with a mouse hover and click event.
  2. Yips, I tried all sorts of combinations.
  3. What are the correct settings for particle materials? I have a simple texture with a lot of transparency. After switching from shade, to alpha; this is the best result I have gotten so far:
  4. What are you talking about? Everything you place in the editor is loaded via the LoadMap function. Animations, prefabs csg, eveything is there. You can call hooks on loaded entities that are models, have a script or have mass. The only thing that we are requesting is that you simply add a checkbox for CSG that allows you to call a hook on it during map loading, without having to add a script or set its mass.
  5. There already is an option for that but it is undocumented and it does not work in combination with map hooks. So it either doesn't work or it does something else. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6893-csg-mergedont-merge-option/
  6. I too prefer the entity callback. It allows you to store only the objects that you actually need. The documentation states that you have to specify a boolean when you want to load script and flowgraph information. However this seems to happen anyway. Also, I have no problem loading in a scene with animation. It works right away.
  7. What you can do is click on 'calculate the lightmap'. During the calculation, click on 'Cancel'. This resets all the lightmapping calculations and leaves you with a scene without shadows.
  8. One of the leadwerks 3 tutorials covers classes in C++. The pathfinding tutorial also covers inheritance which you will find useful.
  9. I have uploaded version 0.03. (see first post for download) Improvements Camera jittering has been reduced by 90% - 95%. The game starts with level selection. Further known issues Bug during level switching has not yet been fixed Josh is working on it. [*]Boundries still absorb any bounce back forces. [*]Lightmapping sometimes looks weird. [*]Ball and scenery seem to completely ignore friction. Level csg has been set to scene collision type that makes movement smoother.
  10. For assets: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/asset/assetcopy-r40 For entities: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitycopy-r172
  11. There already is a Suggestion for that made in the suggestion forum. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6894-option-for-empty-project-or-template/ Once this has been build in, I would be happy to provide the basic templates for the community in both C++ as Lua: FPS camera Weapon shooting 1 weapon Firing and reloading animation Sound Raycasting or projectiles for bullets [*]TPS camera [*]2.5d camera
  12. A request has been made in the suggestion forum for this behavior.
  13. I am not sure there is. I asked these questions myself when I started out with programming but there aren't fixed algorithms for such things. There are software design patterns that you can implement to improve complex handling of code: http://www.dofactory...s/Patterns.aspx
  14. @cassius. Yes that was intentional. Like Beo6 said, when you set an object to physics mode 'CharacterController', it automatically gets a cylinder shape. The cylinder mesh I added was purely for visualisation.
  15. It has been said already but 'making' an entire tutorial is just a massive undertaking and a too broad spectrum. Like Josh is saying no matter what tutorial would be provided: you will always want to have something else in your game. If there was a tutorial on shooting your weapon, the next request is how do I programm upgrades, or how is a sniper scope created, how can I make bloodstains on the floor, floor can I make ragdolls etc. What it boils down to is that you either need a tool or piece of software that does things for you. Besides that, if you want specific gameplay then you have to program it yourself, pay someone to do it or team up with a programmer. @Steeleb: Lets take the example of npc paths. There is not really an algorithm for such behavior. It really depends on how you want to manage your NPC's and what kind of functionality you want your NPC's to have. Leadwerks already provides pathfinding which is already one of the most difficult tasks. After that is implementing parts of code that you want. However this not really a design pattern but just implementing code logic. If I where to make an NPC with waypoints Create NPC class Give it a movement state: Idle Walking [*]Give it a behavior (state) Patrolling Firing Seeking Fleeing [*]Based upon how much life, ammo or team mates left you can change its state. [*]If nothing is going on return to patrolling state Seek the last know waypoint and walk to it. [*]Make sure that the NPC has a Path object attached The path object knows all the waypoints. [*]If patrolling and waypoint is reached, set current waypoint to next waypoint. It is a start where you can think about but it is really game specific and game design specific. Everyone wants to have it own implementation and there just is no perfect way of doing this.
  16. It is a bug: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6858-lighting-quality-on-high/
  17. Yes. Took 2 hours for me.
  18. You can either script your game entirely in Lua or program it with C++. It is also possible to make a combination of C++ and Lua. The engine itself is build with C++ for maximum performance and cross platform support.
  19. I don't mind tweaking and adding some logic myself but this behavior is just weird and what a physics engine should do for me. I might as well make my own phsyics. (not going to)
  20. I don't know why I haven't asked this before, but does anybody else have html tags in their mail?
  21. I figured it might be to small and the physics don't like that. Are you using force or torque to move your ball? The ball on the left is what I used previously. The on the right is for the testing I am doing right now.
  22. Besides the ball, everything is CSG. I am applying friction to various objects because I have no idea what else to do. I tried all sorts of combinatoins Only the ball Only the floor Only the walls Ball and floor. It just doesn't affect it. It is weird because in a tutorial that I created, it all worked for me. @ beo: Yes I have done a resize in the editor. I will try to rescale outside leadwerks to see if that works.
  23. Dammit, I have another physics bug http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6927-newton-crash-on-collision-hook-2/ The friction issue still remains as well as the bounce back issue when a ball hits a boundry.
  24. Okay so a value between 0 and 1 is required. The problem I still have is that the friction doesn't seem to be doing anything to my object. I have added friction to both the ground and the ball but the ball just keeps on rolling like it has no resistance at all. I will upload a video. Also, when a ball hits a side, it completely absorbs rebound power, while the acceleration in the hitting direction is slowly decreasing. The walls have friction set to 0. This is really weird behavior that makes it difficult to continue working on it.
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