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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. See here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/merchants
  2. When I apply friction to a an object (ball in the minigolf game), it doesn't seem to affect it at all. Are there minimum and maximum values that I should use for friction? I have used values as low as 0.001 to 10000 for both kynetic as well as static friction.
  3. I loaded in my own model but I forgot to scale. Made me laugh!
  4. I didn't only try CSG. The first demo (0.01) was a csg ball while the second one (0.01) was a Sphere created via Model:CreateSphere. This worked for me when making tutorials but it doesn't seem to be good idea in this case. Anyway, I am glad the jittering is solved. Now on to the rest. The next demo will contain a 'model' of a sphere. (just a sphere that I dragged and created in Blender. )
  5. Not persé, CSG physics work fine for solid geometry, but for moving objects that apply force to rigid bodies it doesn't work properly.
  6. I would like to see friction properties in the physics tab. It would improve workflow a lot.
  7. Would be cool for Steam workshop as well. You could simply make your own levels and add them to Steam. Simply subscribe to the golf course on steam and the next time you start the game your mod will be downloaded. Physics: I also have a huge physics improvement for the ball-camera jittering. I no longer use a CSG sphere with editor shape or a Sphere created with API with a self made shape. I now use a model of a ball and let the editor set the size. The ball rolls more natural and there is no jittering. Only the bouncing off on walls is still not working the way it should be. Levels 2 new levels 1 level redesigned 2 levels adjusted geometry @Rick, Shooting during rolling I though I had that working but turns out I forgot something: Old code: if(velocity < 0.2) // Allow shooting New code: if(Math::Abs(velocity) < 0.2) // Allow shooting velocity can also be in a negative direction and thus the if statement for checking the velocity should convert velocity always to a positive numer: math absolute.
  8. +1 switching between viewports and the ability to lock grid scaling (with key shortcut) would be nice.
  9. That is true but then you would have to know how to do this programmatically. The editor only allowed selecting 1 out of 5 layers and not 'chunks' of the selected layer. It would have been cool to have that support though. nice idea.
  10. Splatting was used in LE2 to store terrain texture info. This had the negative side effect of only supporting 5 paint layers. The virtual texturing system simply allows you to have way more paint layers.
  11. Thanks, I just tried this for the minigolf game and the physics have improved a lot. From now on I wont used CSG brushes and API Models anymore. Representation is good but somehow the physics are not working properly there. Thanks! Maybe the steam workshop will allow this since modding is its core funtionality.
  12. Long story short: Leadwerks 3 doesn't have a networking API and I doubt it will be build in really soon. It has not been mentioned on the previous roadmaps (as far as I can remember) and there are many other features that have a higher priority. Leadwerks allows you to use whatever library you want to work with or even write your own library. If networking is that important for you to have in the API of the engine, then we can conclude (for now) that Leadwerks is not suitable for your needs. Hope that makes your decision easier. I do want to say that cross platform network support would be cool to have in the API. I don't have the experience to say how complex or easy it is to implement this though. And although we can implement whatever we want, it could be very useful and might attract a lot of people.
  13. This version works really good on my old laptop and gamer PC. I hit 60 fps (vsync on probably). I really like the game concept and this game has good potential. The graphics also pretty good already. Looking forward to future levels and obstacles. Some feedback: Replace the green, red, yello button with icons: Block (stop), Walk (arrow), Run (2 arrows) Map the help page to H instead of K. Also display a little text in screen to press H key for help.
  14. I would rather have Josh's time spend on improving the editor, ironing out bugs, terrain and openGL4 than spending time on Networking. I agree with Red Oktober that people think it is easy to do networking once you have a proper library while most of them don't know how or even have finished a simple single player game. MMORPGs are, in my opinion, a massive undertaking that are not fit for a very small team, let alone a single person. That said, the only time that I used networking for a Game, I used Enet in combination with SFML. I thought performance was pretty good but I have no idea how it would behave in 100+ players environment with complex server structures behind it.
  15. AggrorJorn

    Leadwerks on Steam

    Oh how awesome is that. Especially the integration with Workshop holds so many benefits.
  16. Nice work Beo, I really like these sweet little games. The physics part is really extreme. I have never seen that before. Also your ball movement is really smooth. How did you create it? Is it a sphere model, sphere brush or 3d model? Any specific physics settings?
  17. Remember that cameras are also part of the world and thus will also be removed. You will have to create a new camera in order to do rendering. That might be the reason your project crashes.
  18. Sometimes when you render your lightmap on high settings in the editor, objects get this weird color. It is the same thing you had: http://www.leadwerks...uality-on-high/ Random crash: posted in bug reports. http://www.leadwerks...ook/#entry56611 Through walls: Swept collision is turned on for the ball but hardly affects it. The only thing it does right now, is stopping the ball even when it lies on a steep slope. Physics speed on level start I have this as well but especially in debug mode. This has always been around, it goes back to Leadwerks 2. No idea how to get rid of it. This is what I use: //Clear the world App::world->Clear(); //Create new camera App::camera = Camera::Create(); //Load the next level Map::Load("Maps/Starter/" + GetCurrentMap());
  19. thanks for the feedback. I will reset the power indicator after when you start powering for a new shot. Level 6 has some faulty geometry that makes is diffcult to manouveure As for the physics: This lies out of my reach. I agree it feels jittery and the bouncing is not correct. The physics are by far from smooth and I have no idea how to set it right.
  20. I uploaded a new version of the minigolf game with some improvements. There are some issues with the collision hooks in newton somewhere that crashes the game at random points, but it should be doable. 7 levels Better gui Score chart
  21. Right now when you create a new project you have starting code which allows you to fly around the start.map that every project has by default. With templates you have the abilty to load a map but instead of a flying camera, you have a first person camera or a third person camera.
  22. Resolution support and GUI scaling is something for much later when all the gameplay works properly. But the walls absorb too much damage indeed. I had hoped to set this with low friction but that doesn't seem to affect it. The next update will have some improvements.
  23. If you make the background in photoshop black, do you also have that white outline?
  24. Yeah I have that too. It is just a sphere with a force being applied. Not much else I know what to do with that.
  25. Thanks for the feedback. Will implemented it right away.
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