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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Leadwerks 3 tutorial #14: pathfinding (40 minutes) Tutorial page: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/pathfinding-r43
  2. This is probably caused by a framerate that is higher than the physics update. The solution to this is by placing physics movement in a physics hook. As a temporary solution you can also set Vsync to true/false to limit framerate.
  3. I agree with Rick that having good art can be a drawback for inspiration. However my challenge lies in completing a game coding wise.
  4. I stand with Rick on this as well. Another downside to one script is that we get cluttered and messy scripts that are more difficult to understand. They are also not suitable for re-using. lets say you have 3 functionalities for entities: Rotating Moving PlayingMusic Lets say you need to combine scripts together to get the desired result, you will get the following scripts: Rotating Rotating-Moving Rotating-PlayingMusic Rotating-Moving-PlayingMusic PlayingMusic PlayingMusic-Rotating PlayingMusic-Moving Moving Moving-PlayingMusic That means (nn) (33 in the example above) different scripts have to be made. This is a serious drawback.
  5. A little preview on the upcoming tutorial for pathfinding. It is going to be awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryJN5e-IHWA
  6. How about messages? Send a message to all components attached. //Send message from script 1 SendMessage("Damage", 10.0) //Handler in script 2 HandleMessage(message, extra) { if message == "Damage" then health = health - extra elseif message == "Repair" health = health + extra end } Overhead is really low and when a component HandleMessage body is empty it simply ignores messages.
  7. I have a tutorial on the lua flowgraph but it is completely useless now. I am holding back on a new tutorial for now until it is a little more clear what the new system does for us. Don't get me wrong, I want to make a video about it, but the new system confuses me in its approach.
  8. Dynamic joint placement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndJeGRoIVbQ
  9. Check the blog: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/41/entry-1081-leadwerks-3-update-available/
  10. Step 5: Instead of a static position. try to set a dynamic position and move shapes to their correct places. As you can see here, I need some slight tweaking.
  11. yeah. Joints don't have any debug information gizmos unfortunately, so I created visual placeholders. They are not updated in position though.
  12. thanks guys. I really appreciate the comments. Another Lua tutorial is planned as well. Tutorial page: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/saving-and-loading-data-r42 Tutorial #13: Saving and Loading.
  13. So I am trying to create ragdolls. I have never done that before but I think it is time for it. Who knows what cool stuff comes out of it. In this topic I will keep images of my progress. Step 1: Create a static mesh for testing which exists entirely out of cylinders, boxes and a sphere. Step 2: We create the joints and link limbs together. Step 3. Apply shapes and mass to the limbs and see if there any "problems". Picture below shows the groovy dance style that my ragdoll has learned all by himself. Step 4. Just for fun: add mass to the body and torso as well. Side note: record progress to let everybody know that ragdolls are funny to work with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txfbfSXtT4I Step 5: Instead of a static position. try to set a dynamic position and move shapes to their correct places. As you can see here, I need some slight tweaking. To be continued....
  14. @Josk: very sweet. It is like a 3d lemmings game. Very nice concept. You should make your own topic for your showcase where it can get all the attention it deserves.
  15. Sweet list of updates Josh. I do find the script changes a little weird though. It completely removes the component based behaviour. Instead of script that are dedicated we are now getting massive scripts. I think this makes it more complicated to script.
  16. I think a tutorial that sets up a project and shows some random examples about communication between C++ and lua would be good. Something in the following lines for instance when activating a switch in the game Player in C++ Raycast in C++ Add script hook for in C++ lua script action in Lua (the switch) switch toggles light (in lua)
  17. I don't know what else to try here. I made a lot of different combinations but it just doesn't work slidingDoorJoint->SetRotation(0,30,0); slidingDoorPivot->SetRotation(0,30,0); slidingDoorJoint->SetRotation(0,30,0, 1); slidingDoorPivot->SetRotation(0,30,0, 0); slidingDoorJoint->SetRotation(0,30,0, 0); slidingDoorPivot->SetRotation(0,30,0, 1); slidingDoor->SetRotation(0,30,0, 1); slidingDoor->SetRotation(0,30,0, 0);
  18. After some testing together with Rick, I to have the same problem. if you add self.animations = {} to the SetSequence Function in the animation manager, it just skips on to the next variable that it can not find.
  19. you mean actual windows updates? or leadwerks updates?
  20. you can also use the model from the community project.
  21. I will try it out. Is it just a Lua only? or an entity script while using X++?
  22. It is certainly possible since there already is a C# version. It is just not officially supported. It is also in beta: http://www.leadwerks...s-and-template/ I don't think it is smart to support so many lanuages. C++ is the core of the engine en Lua can be used for scripting. That is perfect. Other language ports can be made by the community.
  23. I think the requested workflow is far more important than any new features. This should be a standard feature.
  24. What is it exactly that you seek in such a tutorial? Be really specific on topics that could be covered.
  25. When you write a float or integer to a file, is it supposed to be encrypted? myData->WriteFloat(1.7);
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