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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Ok, when reading your latest blog I can see how complex these bad boys are. Quick question: The Model::Box() function, is that not the same as the CSG brush in the editor? Still, I am happy with the CSG tools as they are.
  2. Just a little detail for when you use a callback to iterate over all the entities loaded: Lights and models trigger the callback, but CSG objects by default don't. So if you would want to save CSG objects in to a class then you either have to attach a script or set a mass.
  3. Are the CSG brushes also going to be available via the API?
  4. Josh is currently working on new CSG elements. Perhaps the boolean will follow soon after this. http://www.leadwerks...ed-csg-objects/
  5. I would add this to the bug section as well.josh is more likely to see it there.
  6. Not that I know of. A raw file is used for terrains that can be used by other programs. Vegetation and luau roads are not in this raw. The.texture info is stored in a texture.
  7. Hi BehdaSoft, first of: welcome to Leadwerks and the forum. Josh already specified the official tutorials. I also want to incourage you to have a look at starter tutorials about Leadwerks and C++: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6217-c-lua-and-android-tutorials/ If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us.
  8. I had a similar thing like this. My child was on index 1 instead of 0. Although I had only one child.
  9. Can you post an example of this Rick? I will have a look at it.
  10. how about loading a model of a gizmo and parent this to the object? Saves you the code for rendering lines with projections.
  11. Instead of adding torque you could also add a force. Have you tried this?
  12. Technically every new scene is a void: a huge emptyness. You can add whatever object you want to it. Also have a look at this script. I think you will like it. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/417-le3planet-movement/
  13. Ironically we had a discussion about this is in class today: This problem can be solved uing the FlyWeight Pattern.
  14. Note that that page is about le2 and not about Leadwerks 3.
  15. @ Juggernaut: Sorry but that is way out my league. I also think that the core rendering features from Leadwerks 3 should be build by Josh or a hired professional and not be a community port from LE2 to Leadwerks 3. I sure hope that LE3 will have the same (if not better) render power as LE2 someday, but for the time being we have to make due with what we have.
  16. Definitely a lot of those ideas should be build in to the editor.
  17. Just thought of another one: pathfinding. That is a really good one. That one will definitively be included. I think that people (especially artists) rather like to see videos instead of reading text and images when it comes to level design. People (myself included) tend to forget or skip parts of the text which contains a lot of useful information. As for the 2.5d game: that is what I meant with "How to make a game that ...". This is to generic. Josh is already making a complete FPS tutorial.
  18. I have only one more tutorial planned for recording which is going to cover Joints. After that I don't have any other plans on making any. Since there are going to be official tutorials about an FPS shooter, many topics will be covered in these tutorials. I think it is a bit pointless to create tutorials that cover these things as well. So my question is: what would you like to see? Note that I want to cover specific topics rather then "How to make a game that ...". Anyway, just shout, perhaps I will take it in to consideration. So far: Joints Saving and loading Pathfinding
  19. @Furbolg: Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely call them methods from now on. Lua script added for: Animation: http://www.leadwerks...o-animation-r14 First Person Camera: http://www.leadwerks...rson-camera-r15 Third Person Camera: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/making-a-third-person-camera-r16
  20. The following tutorials have now a Lua counterpart available : Sound: http://www.leadwerks...on-to-sound-r11 Free and Spectator camera: http://www.leadwerks...tor-cameras-r12 Raycasting: http://www.leadwerks...-raycasting-r13 Note that there are 3 lines in the tutorials above that require bug fixing. They will be edited soon.
  21. After trying myself, I can only come to the conclusion that this is a bug. I have also tried this by creating a player character controller by hand instead of loading a prefab. The result is the samen
  22. Doesn't look wrong by what I am seeing here. Could you paste the rest of the code or more parts of it. I will try it when I get home.
  23. A little surprise in between: Building for Android.
  24. I found that function you are talking about.however it requires a newton body, which I can't access, and a float matrix. I also don't think this is the way Josh intends users to work like. But I could be wrong.
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