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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Tutorial #8: FPS character controller. I will update the repository tomorrow.
  2. Is there something special I need to do after updating Leadwerks 3?I have this simple program which displays some text but I get errors with it. If I comment out these 2 lines, the program works again.
  3. Those images look really good. thx for the updates.
  4. Nice work Tim, may I suggest putting this in the asset browser.
  5. It is a great device but using for Leadwerks? Especially at this stage would be very unlogical. There are way to many other features the engine could use before going to something like the Occulus Rift. Terrain, Defered rendering, gui. Perhaps also linux.
  6. I have added a new executable to the first post. At my computer it is easier to get a higher highscore now. - Since the new LE3 update animation is a lot more fluid. Also the weird jumping is no longer taking place at my computer. - Animation blending added. - Character sometime still has jittery movement.
  7. That is where the pumpkin comes from yes . It is also included in the the entire source code of the tutorials https://github.com/Aggror/Leadwerks3Tutorials:
  8. AggrorJorn


    How about just a box with dimensions like (20,0.1, 20)?
  9. Glad that it works acefelis. Did you create the project via the Leadwerks project manager or via visual studio itself?
  10. I will try this tomorrow. I don;t have the project on my laptop. Right now I am using the character input in a Physics Hook instead of the normal main loop. Both give me the same effect.
  11. Yeah I had weird addforce behavior as well. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6110-strange-addforce-behaviour/
  12. I think that the following 2 subforums of the bug reporting would be good. - Confirmed bugs - Fixed bugs
  13. Not at all, thank you for the feedback. The character jumps sporadicly really high for some reason. I will add some tweaks and code to see if it stabilizes. You can debug physics by pressing P.
  14. Tutorial number 7 is here: Animation!
  15. Will we be able to set the slope of the character controller, just like in LE2? It is not essential right now, but important for future tutorials.
  16. Is this a lua project or C++ project?
  17. A quick game example made in Leadwerks 3. Contains some bugs but prototype works. # 0.2 - Animation blending - smoother animation due to latest LE3 update
  18. Like Rick said, official Lua tutorials for a complete game with LE3 are being created. Besides that there are unofficial C++ tutorials which cover the basics first. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6217-c-lua-tutorials/
  19. AggrorJorn

    Post-GDC Wrapup

    A pity I can't access the vault without having to pay 500 dollar for a membership. Seems like the GDC was a good choice. Looking forward to the future development of leadwerks.
  20. De-referencing a pointer can result in to another pointer. I didn't know that. Thanks everyone. Learned something new here.
  21. Thanks for the suggestion. Still have a question about this: if we put '*' before the variable, don't we de-reference it? Why can we still access functions then via the -> notation?
  22. Ah the parentheses around the *iter are necessary. I hadn't tried one. thanks for the help Rick.
  23. I am iterating through a list of LE3 Models. I had some trouble getting the position of every object during an iteration. I finnaly found something that works, but it looks really nasty. There must be a different way of accessing LE3 commands but I haven't found another way. list<Model*>::iterator it; for(it=roadBlocks.begin(); it != roadBlocks.end(); ++it) { it._Ptr->_Myval->GetPosition() Also when I debug, this is how it looks:
  24. This is reported in the bug section.
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