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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. nice work Tim, I will have a look at this.
  2. Hey Macklebee! good to see you again. Yes we can access this list but there is nothing in there that can be used. In the image below I have loaded a scene which contains 1 csg brush and a directionalLight. If I iterate through this world list and try GetKeyName("DirectionalLight1") nothing is returned. Also note how the errors are displayed by the entity list.
  3. Well I am looking in to the entire scene. Of course the bounding box could be set to 10000000. But that would be very clumsy in my opinion.
  4. Besides all the bugs that are currently happening with Lua properties: Default values error: http://www.leadwerks...et-for-vectors/ Material crash: http://www.leadwerks...material-crash/ Entity property doesn't work: http://www.leadwerks...lecting-entity/ Path filter doesn't work: http://www.leadwerks...er-doesnt-work/ I have some issues with creating 'Choice' and 'Edit Choice' properties in Lua. The dropdown is not filled with my options. The documentation specifies the following: Script.mode = nill --choice "Mode" "Happy,Angry,Sad,Thoughtful" I tried the following: Script.mode = --choice "a choice" "Happy,Angry,Sad,Thoughtful" Script.mode = 0 --choice "a choice" "Happy,Angry,Sad,Thoughtful" Script.mode = "" --choice "a choice" "Happy,Angry,Sad,Thoughtful" Script.mode = nill --choice "a choice" "Happy,Angry,Sad,Thoughtful" This doesn't do anything at all. Either the documentation is wrong or it is another bug. Has anybody been able to successfully do this?
  5. I asked this before but unfortunately this does not exist yet. Right now we either have to write our own implementation or wait for Josh to update the command reference.
  6. Does anybody know how to search entities that are loaded via map? LE2 LoadScene() gave back all entities but the current LoadMap function only returns a boolean.
  7. Right click on the file in the scene tree. Click on 'Generate shape'. Go to the physics tab of your object in the scene that needs the phy file. Click 'Select shape' and browse to your phy file.
  8. Josh is at the GDC. As soon as he gets back he will start bug fixing. There are lot of them so don't worry he will get to it as soon as he is able to.
  9. I think all platforms have an equal focus. However, since Leadwerks 3 is new to mobile, it might seem that most of the focus lies most on mobile. From what I have seen around the forum, the majority is still focussed on PC. You purchase separate licenses for: - Windows/Mac - Android - iOs Combinations are possible.
  10. I had the same issue. All I needed to do was remove the declaration in the header. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6321-le3updatephysicshook/
  11. whoops, how 1 letter can change the entire mood for the article:) thanks
  12. In follow up to Andy, I also want to do a little blog on my experience with Leadwerks 3 so far. The first week after purchasing I didn't have much time to spend on it. Luckily after that week, there was quite some time left for the start of a new adventure. Lua In contrary to Leadwerks 2.3, I now want to lay most of my focus on C++. That is kind of Ironic, since a lot more people are interested in Lua now that Leadwerks 3 has arrived. It is not that surprising since the advantages of using Lua have improved quite a lot. Ofcourse we have debugging and stepping through Lua scripts which is a huge gain. And the other thing is the flowgraph editor. Rick has provided me an extra motivation boost to try out the flowgraph editor, with his cool scripts. (Of which the volume trigger is my personal favorite ). I tried to create a little script myself and within minutes, real simple gameplay interaction was set up.(Gravity activator) Something that was a lot harder to do with Leadwerks 2.3. C++ and Shaders For my own portfolio and skill set I started with C++ and the LE3 API. Just like with LE2, the API is very easy to use. Chris and Josh have done an excellent job on describing commands for both C++ and Lua. Pretty much every command comes with a working example. In the future I also hope to learn more about shaders. Shadmar has allready created severall of them, which you should check out. Tutorials A good way to teach yourself something, is to try teaching it to others. Thats the motto I have been going with since I have started creating tutorials for Leadwerks 2.3. The road is wide open again with the arrival of Leadwerks 3. The first 5 video tutorials for using C++ with LE3 are uploaded on youtube and more are on their way. Eventually I hope to reach a point were we will create a game that uses a combination of C++ and Lua. For a complete overview of tutorials, have a look here: http://www.leadwerks...-lua-tutorials/ Future updates There are plenty of things that can be improved with Leadwerks 3. Thats a fact. I am not talking about the deferred rendering with dynamic shadows. It is really the little things that count. I am more than confident that these issues will be dealt with in the near future. As soon as Josh is back from the GDC, there will probably be updates every other day. For now, I am really happy with my purchase of Leadwerks 3. I am looking forward to all the cool stuff that this community is going to create. Jorn
  13. Having some issues with adding a physics hook to an entity. //.h void PlayerUpdate(Entity* entity); // .cpp void PlayerUpdate(Entity* entity) { //update player } bool App::Start() { //Somewhere in start function System::AddHook(Entity::UpdatePhysicsHook,PlayerUpdate); ERROR: IntelliSense: argument of type "void (App::*)(Leadwerks::Entity *entity)" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *"
  14. Okay thanks, that solves the jumping problem. Any idea on the strafing?
  15. When I wanted to record the project to show what is going on, somehow the jumping worked. It turns out that the FPS causes the jumping to either work or not work. After setting the vsync to true (60 fps) jumping works normally. without vsync I have 800 fps.
  16. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or whether this is a bug. My characters movement seems to work fine at first, but after some walking around, I notice that the strafing no longer works correct. sometimes I go into the opposite direction of where I want to go. The example attached shows that strafe walking doesn't function properly and that jumping has some issues as well. //Get the mouse movement Vec3 currentMousePos = window->GetMousePosition(); mouseDifference.x = currentMousePos.x - centerMouse.x; mouseDifference.y = currentMousePos.y - centerMouse.y; //Adjust and set the camera rotation camRotation.x += mouseDifference.y / mouseSensitivity; camRotation.y += mouseDifference.x / mouseSensitivity; camera->SetRotation(camRotation); window->SetMousePosition(centerMouse.x, centerMouse.y); //Player Movement playerMovement.x = (window->KeyDown(Key:) - window->KeyDown(Key::A)) * Time::GetSpeed() * strafeSpeed; playerMovement.z = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S)) * Time::GetSpeed() * moveSpeed; //Update the player player->SetInput(camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, 0, crouched, 0.5); Vec3 playerPos = player->GetPosition(); camera->SetPosition(playerPos.x, playerPos.y + 1.8, playerPos.z); Jumping also has problems. I have this really simple code that lets the player jump. Unfortunately this only works sporadicly, after hitting the space key a 10 to 20 times. The weird thing is, when you leave out the check for the Space key being pressed, the character jumps perfectly normal (although it keeps jumping ofcourse, since we no longer check for key pressing). // Check for jumping float tempJumpForce = 0; if(window->KeyHit(Key::Space) && player->GetAirborne()) tempJumpForce = 10; //Update the player player->SetInput(0, 0, 0, tempJumpForce , false, 1); Any body else getting these results?
  17. This is not the first physics problem that occurs with Leadwerks 3. All of them come from the newton classes. It is best if you post it in Bug reports instead of general topics. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6244-phsyics-crash-intersecting-shapes/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6281-character-controller-bug-again/
  18. Tutorial 5: Free look camera and spectator camera.
  19. As long as a player has the feeling of being in a specific building it doesn't matter how detailed it is. A simple design which distinguishes a sewer from a basement is more than enough. bottomline: more detail in small models is not always necessary to establish the idea of the current level architexture. When playing half life 2, try using the god model where you fly through walls. The starting area of the game is so small compared to what the player experiences. Many details are also placed inside a texture instead of added as a low poly model. This especially counts for objects where the player is never going to be.
  20. I will concentrate on the basics with C++ first. When that is done, I want to start combining C++ with Lua. The tutorials are not ment to imply that you would create an entire level by code, that is after all why we have the editor. However it is essential to learn some basics before moving on to the more complex stuff.
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