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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Instead of loading a model, you can load a prefab which contains animation. In another topic however, Rick seems to have found a bug where the scripts are executed when loading a prefab. Something which should happen.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I will use that next time. Thats the beauty of Leadwerks 3. There may be some small programm tweaks on Mac, but the code should be pretty much the same.
  3. I still hope we get official visual strudio 2012 support.
  4. When I restarted my computer this morning, everything worked fine! I haven't changed anything in the properties. :S Thanks for the suggestion Furbolg.
  5. Want to simulate a cave in? Scare the **** out of a player by suddenly dangling a skeleton in front of him? Use the Gravity Activator script. http://www.leadwerks...vity-activator/ In addition to Rick's game scripts: A simple script that can be used with the flowgraph. Video demonstrates with Rick's volume trigger but it can be used with other scripts as well. Place on object that has to fall. Give object a mass higher than 0. Set its collision type to prop. (Gravity is automatically disabled on level startup) Add the script on the object. Let an event trigger the script.
  6. The path of the file that Visual studio uses when I am compiling is correct.
  7. Why I run my program in Visual studio, the programm doesn't work properly. It constantly says that it can not find a file at a specific location, but it is definetly there. Weird thing is, as soon as I run the compiled program directly from the explorer it does work. The file is found and being used. Any thoughts on what might be going on here?
  8. @mockingbird: You should send an email instead of posting on a blog. I am sure they will send your key, but the possibilty exists that they do not read this blog or its comments.
  9. Have you clicked on Documentation-> command reference on top of this page? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/
  10. This topic lists all my tutorials. Whether it is C++, Lua scripting or editor use. Editor tutorial Project saturn With project Saturn we will make a game entirely from scratch. Using the Leadwerks engine 3 and the Lua scripting language we will look in to the challenges, obstacles and sometimes funny outcomes that happen during game development. See the youtube playlist here: All indiviual tutorials: Picking up items for the inventory C++ and Lua Tutorials You can find all the C++ tutorials source code and media files in the download section of Werkspace: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/533-c-tutorials-31/. Some tutorials also contain a Lua script. This Lua script is a conversion from the C++ script that is created in the video tutorials. Every tutorial page has a tab for C++ and Lua, unless the video is about Lua or purely meant for C++. (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) (C++ and Lua) Introduction to Android
  11. The following is code from my previous LE2 project. The Lua commands are different but the essentials remain. // Subtract the new position with the models current position TVec3 moveAmount = NewPosition- modelPosition; // Normalize it (Math function) moveAmount.Normalize(); // Calculate speed based on input value and equal frame time float t =moveSpeed * LE.AppSpeed() * 0.01; moveAmount = new TVec3(moveAmount.X * t, moveAmount.Y * t, moveAmount.Z * t); // Check if the distance that has to be moved is larger than a value. if so, move the entity if (EntityDistance(model, newPosition) > 0.1) { MoveEntity(model, moveAmount, 1); }
  12. I didn't know there was a character controller available yet. Did you find a documentation page of it?
  13. Here is my first short and simple tutorial about Leadwerks 3. More will follow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZzkyGIxNY
  14. The workflow could be greatly improved by having a quick button for creating pivots or folder for the scene hierarchy. It would also be very usefull to be able to drag mutliple objects to a new parent instead of just one. In the attached video I demonstrate how the scene hierarchy tab can be improved.
  15. Try the program L3dtT to load the raw file. Then try to export it as a model. http://www.bundysoft.com/docs or use the program itself to create a terrain.
  16. Not directly. You could use the raw file to convert it to a model. You can then load the model. All texture information is lost. So you would need to create a single texture of the terrain layers you have now.
  17. You can do that. Click on the 'Select Face button' (left arrow in the image.) You can drag material to a particular selected face. You can select multiple face whilest holding down Control. Per face or selected faces you adjust ofset and scale of the material applied. - BSP is still used by many Game companies. It can be used as a base layer for a level design or to make a simple area fror testing out game mechanics without having to create a complex scene. - Either you make a level with both BSP for rough level design and adding some models later to make it more beautfiull, or you create an entire model of a level in a different program. - Since LE3 has just been released with BSP functionality, I don't think this will happen. Besides that, Josh has outed many times he rather not wants to implement third party plugins. - Josh wrote in his blog that additional feauters are going to be added for BSP editing. This includes vertex editing. I am not sure if it also includes: Booleans extruding beveling, vertex welding
  18. What SpiderPig means is that the memory containing the loaded level is still there, even if you would load a new level. The release method is normally invoked to remove objects from the memory. However, what we don;t know is whether this also works for loaded maps.
  19. I trying to get better at C++ by making a debuggers console. I am also trying to create simple games for future tutorials.
  20. when you wan to edit the title, switch to full editor. It sits right below the text area. More options, like file upload and title editing are then possible.
  21. I will Rick. Ok have downloaded it before but I wasn't using cpp at the time.
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