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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. thanks guys. I will try this tomorrow. Events, delegates and C++ function pointers are new for me, but they are the things that I am looking for. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Ah yes that is what you need to use. GetSpeed is used to create the same value, no matter what the frames per second are.
  3. Something like this? float float timer = 0; float eventTime = 5 //Main loop or update Update() { //Update timer timer += Time::GetSpeed(); //If the time is higher than the event time, trigger event and reset timer. if(time > eventTime) { DoEvent(); timer = 0; } }
  4. Newton dynamics. http://www.newtondynamics.com/
  5. After some googling I haven't been able to find what I was looking for. What I basicly want to achieve is enter a string and that string is literally the function that I want to run. The thing is I don't want to use a swich that compares if the string is equal to a certain value, and then execute a function. I know this is possible but I haven't found a way of doing this. Can someone please send in the right direction? Thanks
  6. Did you manage to find anything?
  7. Uploaded the source of the player and exe.
  8. I have this sphere in my scene that I want to move using forces. However, as soon as I apply the following: model->AddForce(speed * Time::GetSpeed(),0,0); the gravity of this object is almost reduced to 0 velocity. Also, when trying to add a force to implement jumping, the sphere looks more like it is being positioned rather than and actual force is being applied. The jumping code is only activated when space is pressed and looks similair to the movement like above with the movement: model->AddForce(0, jumpForce * Time::GetSpeed(),0); This is the code of creating the sphere: //Create a sphere model = Model::Sphere(16); model->SetPosition(0,4,0); model->SetMass(1); //Create a shape shape = Shape::Sphere(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1); model->SetShape(shape); shape->Release();
  9. I would make some sort of GUI system. Starting with buttons and later on expanding this with chexboxes and sliders. During the creation of every button, I allways specify an image or the color of the button.
  10. ah there it is. Thank you. *edit: replace draw with debug camera->SetDebugPhysicsMode(true)
  11. Is there a command for debugging physics in C++?
  12. When there are textures in your projectm LE3 will convert them to a .tex file. If you want to create a material out of if, simple right click and select 'generate material'. The material editor updates the material realtime in the editor.
  13. AggrorJorn

    Launch Day

    Ole. Most of the communtiy will stay here. Thanks for the price reduction. I just couldn't afford the previous price. I wish you best of luck in the followings days.
  14. Lua is the scripting language used for LE2 and LE3. Which means that al kinds of behaviour can be sripted for your scene. An actual pluging system is not supported for LE3. Every game object can have multiple script attached to it. Input fields like float, int, string, bool can be created for every script. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-907-properties-and-the-editor-interface/ The Leadwerks engine, both 2 and 3, run on OpenGL.
  15. The length is good enough, but try to make it loopable.
  16. It sounds really good Chris. Nice gameplay music.
  17. I don't know, it just doesn't 'feel' right to do it that way. That may be a bit vague. It will probably work just fine.
  18. As for LE3, I am very happy with the realtime shader editing and the pathfinding build in. Some demo levels are nice. I do miss the Island demo. It showed of such an awesome view.
  19. What do you use for encrypting your data?
  20. I currently have my own library (C#) that I use to generate xml files. Instead of creating my own library I really want to use a C++ library that has more advanced features.
  21. Does anybody have a recommended C++ library for data serialisation? I want to store it more securely instead of having it freely accesable like XML.
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