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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I think I found that page you mentioned. It is kind of sloppy since I reported it a while ago. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5251-dead-link/
  2. Hi, On which page is this broken link? The correct documention link is this one: http://www.leadwerks...ua-programming/ Video tutorials and Tutorial files There are 11 tutorials on Lua scripting. (because of previous youtube length limitations, they are cut up in to 10 minute videos). You can find a playlist of all my tutorials on youtube. All tutorial files: http://www.leadwerks...tutorial-files/ A little note on the side: some of the information is outdated. If you walk into a problem, don't hesitate to ask on the forum. I allways used the editor that came with the SDK. The sublime editor on the other hand is also very nice to work with.
  3. First of: Sweet menu paratoxic. My experience: The hd intro movie shows briefly but then dissapears rather quick in a windows mode. The mouse cursor is then shown in the top left of the screen for the rest of the movie and then I go to the main menu. When I do this with fullscreen I can see the entire movie playing before I go to the menu. Sound is working perfectly througout the menu.
  4. If you have any questions, let us know. We'd be happy to help.
  5. AggrorJorn

    Happy New Year

    Are joints going to have a debug feature as well? I would really like to see that. Something like this.
  6. You have to get the mouse z value.
  7. Hi, As far as we know you develop once and the game then works on all platforms. However, the steps to get an apk file might not be as easy as you are used to with Shiva. Now ofcourse I can't say that with certainty. Perhaps the developer (Josh) does go for a one click build solution for all platforms.
  8. Regarding terrain sculpting etc. there are severeall tutorials:
  9. Compiling was nearly done, When Santa’s Christmas ride had begun. Whilst sledding through the (public) void, Another build was released for Android. Meanwhile, heavy snowfall caused a lot of stress, In contrary to developing for iOs. Poor Santa had little time and was in a rush, while designers simply used a CSG brush. Santa worked so hard he began to sweat, while the artist easily imported another asset. Santa had almost arrived at the place to be, While everyone else was still waiting for Leadwerks 3. A smile appeared on Santa’s face, When he took another look at werkspace, It was time to start the feast, Because Leadwerks 3 was about to be released. Santa then saw a good opportunity, To wish a merry Christmas to all of the Leadwerks Community. Merry Christmas everyone!
  10. Nice post Pixel, you might want to conside this for a blog. It is really interessting to read about your experience. It is something that every (AI)programmer will come accross.
  11. Very nice Josh. Setting the correct size with a standard will save a lot of time. A request: can you also add a slider to this menu that updates the size in realtime? For some models you don't know the exact height. With a slider you don't have to guess the value and press Ok every time. That way you can customise it exactly the way you want. You do would need some sort of reference in the background though.
  12. From Josh's Blog -Any entity can be a physics body. -Any entity can have any number of scripts attached to it. The basic model script functions will be supported for all entities, plus specialized script functions for certain entities. For example, particle emitters will have an optional script function that is called when a particle is reset. This could be used to make a fire emitter "burn" a mesh. Script functions are called in sequence, so you can attach a chain of scripts to an entity to combine behaviors. -Prefabs will be supported, with the ability to drag entities together to make a hierarchy, add lights, emitters, and other entities, attach scripts, and then save a prefab. -Record screenshots and movies from the editor! -Tons of scripted behavior you can attach to your own models, and lots of scripted assets you can download. Basic AI features will be supplied. -The editor is being designed so you only need a mouse to make games. If you want to script or program or make artwork you can, but at the simplest level, the whole workflow can be controlled in the editor, with reloading assets, automated imports, and lots of drag-and-drop functionality. And with that: - Navmesh generation. - pathfinding implementation - Particle editor - Realtime Auto converting of models, textures etc. So adjusting in a moddling program or photoshop will emmidiatly affect the models in the editor. - CSG editing - Realtime shader editor - Multi platform: PC, Windows, Android, iOs, (Other platform will come as well, but are not officialy announced I believe.)
  13. 1. The initial release wont have deferred rendering. 2. LE 3 can be used with older versions of OpenGL and therefore targets more computers. The disadvantage with the initial release is that the realtime lighting and shadows will not be present. 3. I am not sure about that one. I don't think there is going to be any new features for LE2, probably just some bugs that need to be fixed. 4. Looking for it but can't find it right away. I will update when I find it.
  14. The download section got corrupted a long time ago. A lot of things, like Fontstudio, went missing- Re-uploaded it here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/385-font-studio/
  15. Thanks, really cool to be able to help you with it. A goodgame that does comments the game whilest playing it is Bastion.
  16. I have send you some samples.
  17. Finishing a small game is hard enough as it is. I would set that as a first goal before trying something as large as an mmorpg. @Rick, well said. If you need to ask those questions, then forget about making such a massive project like an mmorpg. Still, good luck with your game.
  18. Yeah I figured that my voice wouldn't sound old enough. I will give it a shot and send you some samples.
  19. Very nice work! Like pixel said: there are so many working items in your game allready. There aren't many who have gotten this far. so thumbs up on this! It also looks very good. I especially liked the natural stone bridge with the flowers on it. The feel of adventure is really well done in the game. I would like to help you with the voice, if you want to ofcourse. I am not sure if my voice would fit with the game character.
  20. AggrorJorn

    iOS 6 Blues

    No wonder Josh liked that status.
  21. I think you should wait a little bit. If you have a license then it will be solved soon.
  22. Happens to all of us. And ofcourse welcome to Leadwerks and werkspace! Have fun level designing.
  23. AggrorJorn

    Left 2 Do

    Only video: http://leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1370&hilit=breakable The list is getting smaller. Good luck in your final stages.
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