From Josh's Blog
-Any entity can be a physics body.
-Any entity can have any number of scripts attached to it. The basic model script functions will be supported for all entities, plus specialized script functions for certain entities. For example, particle emitters will have an optional script function that is called when a particle is reset. This could be used to make a fire emitter "burn" a mesh. Script functions are called in sequence, so you can attach a chain of scripts to an entity to combine behaviors.
-Prefabs will be supported, with the ability to drag entities together to make a hierarchy, add lights, emitters, and other entities, attach scripts, and then save a prefab.
-Record screenshots and movies from the editor!
-Tons of scripted behavior you can attach to your own models, and lots of scripted assets you can download. Basic AI features will be supplied.
-The editor is being designed so you only need a mouse to make games. If you want to script or program or make artwork you can, but at the simplest level, the whole workflow can be controlled in the editor, with reloading assets, automated imports, and lots of drag-and-drop functionality.
And with that:
- Navmesh generation.
- pathfinding implementation
- Particle editor
- Realtime Auto converting of models, textures etc. So adjusting in a moddling program or photoshop will emmidiatly affect the models in the editor.
- CSG editing
- Realtime shader editor
- Multi platform: PC, Windows, Android, iOs, (Other platform will come as well, but are not officialy announced I believe.)