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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. There is no release date planned. Development is in the final stages but it is uncertain how long it takes before its finished. Purchasing the current engine (LE2) enables you to purchase a LE3 license with a reduction. The total of a Leadwerks 2 and Leadwerks 3 license will be cheaper than when you only purchase LE3.
  2. @Dadonik: What is the gain when using a pre-incremented value? @Furbolg: Thanks for sharing
  3. Today I learned a pretty basic but very usefull programming principle. It is about declaring multiple initialisers in a for loop. I am working with a mobile application and speed and memory are more of an issue than on computer right now. My application is finished when you look at its functionality and construction, but it has to be optimized. Here is a narrowed down example of what I am doing: for(int i = 0; i < veryLongArray.length(); i++) { DoSomething(i); } This is very basic coding right here that can be found in many language. What I didn't know is that you can declare multiple initialisers. It is very simple but has increased the speed of the for loop (which is pretty huge) immensly. This is how it looks now: for(int i = 0, j = veryLongArray.length(); i < j ;i++) { DoSomething(i); } By initialising the j variable at the start of the for loop, we can save a little time. Instead of checking the length every loop we can simply refer to the j variable. ofcourse you can store the length of the array outside the loop as well, but this is so much nicer. One catch though: If the length of the array is dynamicly changed during the loop, then you shouldn't be using this. So simple, yet, I have never come accross it before.
  4. The 2.0 video says it can make terrains up to 33 million triangles. I haven't tested it myself but this video (from pixel perfect) shows quite a lot of animated characters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C3mWo9i0uo
  5. AggrorJorn

    A Red-Letter Day

    Already purchased it. 60 euro for Windows 8 Pro is a very good price. I think the same thing will happen as with windows vista. There are going to be millions complaining about this and that, xp was better bla bla etc. After the dust setlles and people have gotten used to its new interface, people will actually start liking it.
  6. The code you provided does look a lot like how I would probably do it. I would loop through the bone hierarchy and create a physics body for a bone. Ofcourse you could be finetuning it and only create the bodies for the bones that you want. Certain bones have limitations in the amount they should rotate.
  7. Thats true Scarlet. I would recommend using C++ but finding C# easier. Als using Lua in your game can be very usefull.
  8. I find C# a lot easier to learn than C++. The experience I have so far is that developing with C++ is slower whilst with C# I have results a lot faster.
  9. haha that should be an option. I think this happens for most of us.
  10. I am curious about what people want to create when LE3 comes out.
  11. I am deffinetly going to purchase it ones it is released. in combo with SSD it is going to be so incredibly superfast. I really like the release preview and I have to say that I really like the new interface.
  12. Welcome to Leadwerks and the community. Lots of fun and doesn't hesitate to ask the community for help. Documentation http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/user-guide/ or the downloadable User Guide http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/design/leadwerks-23-user-guide-r16
  13. or the lua variant: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/173-projector-light/
  14. AggrorJorn

    Visual Studio

    On another note: Leadwerks has allways been about high quality rendering. Something like CryTech was doing with the Cryeninge. You can keep supporting older platforms but at some point you need to let go. A strategic decission, but taking Leadwerks reputation in to consideration, I would go for high end platforms and focussing on newer technology.
  15. AggrorJorn

    Visual Studio

    I would suggest preparing Leadwerks for the future, thus VS2012.There are allready quite a number of games that are no longer supported for XP. sources: http://www.smashinglab.com/battlefield-will-not-have-windows-xp-support.html http://www.gamesradar.com/black-ops-2-will-not-support-windows-xp/
  16. Try loading the material to a variable. That way the programm doesn´t have to search the material everytime you create a bullethole. TMaterial bulletMaterial = LoadMaterial("abstract::bullethole.mat");
  17. Okay, so last night I got a burst of inspiration after seeing a horror movie. I wanted to use that energy to create a simple horror game. Recently I played Slender and I was surprised to see how 'easy to create' it seemed. Ofcourse that is easier said than done. So lets get to work Rebuild for Leadwerks So how hard can it be right? Within 2 hours I had a nice little start. You jump over a fence and thats were the fun begins. I have added a temporary ending to set the mood a little. Level The level itself is very easy. Just let leadwerks distribute some trees and place a fence around your level. Add some distance fog and remove all the lighting. Player Next: the player. Nothing special there either. Just a simple character controller that has been used in countless tutorials. Also added a small flashlight. Sound The most fun untill now was the adding of sound. The sound boosts the scare factor of the game immensly. I spend a good hour searching for sound effects and a background music. I mostly use http://www.freesound.org/. Next blog The pages: adding some page in the game scenery. Giving the player some raycast abalities to pick them up etc. The slenderman-system. When do you see him and how do you die? Version 0.1 http://www.leadwerks...le/378-slender/
  18. AggrorJorn


    it is in a very early stage. Slenderman himself isn't even there yet.
  19. AggrorJorn


    Mmm. The code is very straightforward. I will have a look tomorrow.
  20. AggrorJorn


    I have that to, but only if I have the editor opened as well. I would try a restart and see if it happens again.
  21. AggrorJorn


    The slender game has become a hit quite fast. How does it look in Leadwerks? Do you dare? Do note that it is not finished yet, but the scare elements work quite well allready. I wanted to see what it would take to re-create that game. http://www.leadwerks...le/378-slender/
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