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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Thanks for the feedback everyone. There is a lot to do for us. Debug and Release The tech demo was build as a debug project. There is nothing wrong with it except for the part where you need a special dll installed on your computer. To prevent people from requiring this dll, we build the demo as a Release demo. Unfortunately this doesn’t work that good. When the level is loaded, the screen starts to the glow white. Anyone with the knowledge why this would occur is welcome to aid. Respawn The players respawn isn’t working correctly. This was working allready but is nog longer. This will be fixed for the next tech demo upload. Reload The players reload animation is no longer working correctly. This was working allready but is nog longer. This will be fixed for the next tech demo upload. Double menu The buttons of every menu that is created are not being removed due to the lack of destructors. These will be added. Double level loading Giant problem here. When you quit the level and go back to the main menu, the level itself is not removed. We have been trying several things here but haven’t been able to get right. Loading the level twice leads to numerous problems like massive frame drop, incorrect player behaviour and sounds playing double. Exit error Exiting the game makes it crash :S and more.... So lots of stuff to do this weekend Jorn
  2. - Thanks for reporting. I do not immediately get a white screen. It happens with me after I reach the subway trains. - When you quit the game, does it happen when you press the quit button, or when you close the window etc?
  3. Thanks for the response macklebee. Never done that before. It is as simple as selecting 'Release' from the dropdown and build a new exe? If so, here is a new exe. Could you please confirm if that one is correct. I will upload a new version after the confirmation. MidnightSalsa.zip
  4. Here we go. LECP tech demo:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/365-midnight-salsa-tech-demo/
  5. Awesome work Shadmar. I wonder how this works in the background though. If you would put it right after the switch state, it no longer works.
  6. Tried all of that, but doesn't seem to work. Thanks for the help though.
  7. Lets see without password - The assets.pak resides in the root like the exe. - I created a zip and then renamed it to pak. - Assets like textures get loaded correctly. When I try it again, only this time with a password, it crashes as soon as I reach SetStreaMPassword. And not just the game, visual studio also hangs itself.
  8. The 7th video blog. The last video blog before the tech demo release.
  9. I am trying to set the ZipstreamPassword but it keeps crashing. SetZipStreamPassword("assets.pak","2012"); I have made a zip file with password of the assets folders using winrar. Renamed the .zip to .pak. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4379-using-pak-solved/page__hl__encryption Anything else I should add or change?
  10. Nice demo pixel. My experience is almost the same as with mumbles. The loading takes about 5 minutes, but after that it plays really smooth. I like the loading screen though. A very simple screen with a new nice small green loading bar. How do you track the loading process?
  11. That graphics card has more than enough power. You also might want to take a look at this. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/design/leadwerks-23-user-guide-r16
  12. Dude awesome! ...in 500 years... funny I love how your scene has so much activity already. And it seems like a very good environment for AI testing. Maybe it is interesting to add stairs to a city wall for testing out the pathfinding on higher grounds. If you need more voices I also would be happy to provide severall character voices.
  13. You can 'paint' the terrain with a brush so that it becomes invisible. You can use that to go from the terrain to underground buildings.
  14. Lol. Took me half an hour. How could I have missed that? Thanks for the help.
  15. I want to make a simple iteration through a vector, yet I get the error that operator is not matching the operands. //.h vector<resolution*> resolutionList; //.CPP resolutionList.push_back(new resolution(640,480,resolution.Ratio._4_3_)); vector<resolution>::iterator i; for(i = resolutionList.begin(); i != resolutionList.end(); ++i) { What am I doing wrong here?
  16. 2 weeks left until the first tech demo will be made public to the community.
  17. Many new feauters - Awesome particle system - prefabs - csg editing - realtime model - Project manager - newton physics 3 - support for android, ios, mac and pc. (other OS will be added later) - better support for editing models and textures - Pathfinding and navigation mesh integration - recording movies and screenshots from the editor - Models have multi-script support
  18. translated from a Dutch article 31 mei 2012. http://tweakers.net/...ics-engine.html The starting developer studio BeamNG has a physics engine in development that promises to be different than other engines. De engine simulates on micro level, where normal engines use macro level. The softbody engine from BeamNG, who is currently being used for simmulating gravity with vehicles, was announced monday. The cry engine is used because of its C++ api. Although the engine has been tested with the Cry engine, there is (for now) no agreement on working together with Crytek. "A car is normally being simulated as a whole, that also moves and rotates as a whole object". These engines are not suited for realistic impact behaviour and friction that occurs when wheels touch the ground. This is allways faked(Burnout paradise, GTA etc). The beamNG engine handles every part of the car separately. The system uses an optimized and subtle version of what car industries use to test out car crashes. Another advantage of this technique is that you do not need to have a separate simmulation for every car. Using the beam engine, the design of the car also determines its behaviour. So if somebody would design a car or a plane, then it will also act as a plane or car.
  19. Haha nice. Would be a cool scary moment. Player goes for a drink and instead of a coke he gets a head.
  20. Note that this physics engine is still under heavy development and uses physics on micro level, while other physics engines use a macro level. Physx, newton etc. all use macro.
  21. thanks for the help macklebee.
  22. I am wondering if I can display a part of an image or making a part opague with using Leadwerks commands. I am displaying a background image which has a weird shape. Then I want to display a toplayer image but only a specific amount depending on a percentage. Any idea how I can do this?
  23. Very nice work shadmar. You have a reall talent in shaderprogramming.
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