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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Awesome work!! It is also a good moral booster!!
  2. Looks like we are having quite a lot of svn updates the last few days. LECP members don't forget to update!
  3. Make sure that the draw Text gets called after rendering the scene pseudo: //main loop { Update all objects Framework Render Draw All objects } *edit: since you are using a script you do not need to worry about the render command. I would do it like this: Give your model a script with a boolean 'inreach'. by default on false In the update function check if it is within reach and set the 'inreach' value for the boolean Then in the draw function you check if inreach is true and draw the text.
  4. Thanks for the help everyone. Really helpful!
  5. Hi everyone, One of things that I can't seem to get working is using a static method. I have written a simple Int to string function that I want to be able to call everywhere in the program. I am using a template to let you convert anything to a string. #include <sstream> class Convert { template <class T> static inline std::string ToString (const T& t) { std::stringstream ss; ss << t; return ss.str(); } } So my question is: How would I achieve this and what are alternatives to using static?
  6. Thanks Rick an Josh. The Zombie AI looks really clean.
  7. Video blog number 5. Walking around in the first level layout ingame.
  8. Is there a lua script attached with the base scripting in it? Look at the user guide for this base scrip.
  9. Really nice video. The particles look briljant. Josh did a good job hiring you.
  10. If that is the case then I will make a page on IndieDB. *Update: added the game to IndieDB. It is currently waiting approval. http://www.indiedb.com/games/lecp-midnight-salsa
  11. The community project is right on track: Upcomming video blog: Basic AI. Also: it has been set some weeks ago, but we have set a deadline for the first tech demo: 31 July 2012.
  12. ****, I can't be present. Hopefully next I will be there. Nice initiative though Josh. +1
  13. drooling.... Any chance you could make a dev diary on this? I am curious to see what is involved creating this magnificent water.
  14. The upcoming video blog explains the status of the project. This includes milestones, project planning and progress. What is essential for the comming weeks etc. Should be ready within 2 days.
  15. New video Blog (number 3). This time it is about Audio and Level design:
  16. Good idea, although I wouldn't make a page right now. However when we have finished the tech demo we could sure do that.
  17. We decided not to do this for the Tech demo since it isn't important at the moment. It is so easy to make the game more complex then it is. Although everyone agreed on the fact that a story is important, we want to wait with adding this to the game.
  18. Perfect! Thanks for the input everyone!
  19. Another Questions about this: How to define them when using headers? My header has: virtual void Draw(); and my CPP has virtual void Draw() = 0; although I do not get any errors during coding, the compiler sees it as a unresolved external.
  20. Okay, thanks for the help. I will use a virtual function and move the code that is inside the Draw function from the Base.
  21. Thanks for the answers guys. I haven't explained it good enough: When I use the draw function in the loop, I purely want to call the Draw function of that object type. So the draw function of the button/checkbox. I Don't want to use the Draw function from the base class. Perhaps this is not possible. If so, then I need to rearange some code and make the base class Draw function empty and add virtual to it. @Metatron, Yes this works, but here you define tia as a Child and not as a Horse. The list exists out of base elements but the actual items are sub elements.
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