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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. So it is kinda like how constructors work? It first executes the base class and then goes to the next child class?
  2. I have a list of GUI elements. GUI elements like button, checkbox etc inherit from a base GUI class. The list is of the base Type: vector<LCPGui*> mainMenuElements; The elements added are checkboxes and buttons. Via a for loop I want to call their respective draw functions: for(int i = 0; i < mainMenuElements.size(); i++) mainMenuElements.at(i)->Draw(); The Draw function that is being called, resides in the GUI class, whiles I need the Draw function from the sub classes. 1 way to solve this would be to add the 'virtual' keyword to the Draw function in the base class. However sometimes I need to use the base class Draw function. How can I call the Draw function from the subclasses?
  3. Attention project members: you've got mail. A new forum is created. Lets forget this little setback and continue making an awesome game!
  4. The entire site is down unfortunately. My Hosting provider noticed severall exploits running on my server. When I logged in my control panel, there were hundreds of spam accounts active since 2 days etc. Thats why I had to lock my site down. I have send an email to all project members about the what we are going to do next, forum wise.
  5. When you create a project with the Leadwerks builder in the SDK you area already using the C# files
  6. Thanks for the reply Mumbles and Roland. So enum Enum{} can then be used as a variable with TextPosition::Enum& pos . Fascinating!
  7. My key was sent to my email that I entered on the contact form. And yes the purchases are processed manually.
  8. Thanks for the help paratoxic. *I added the aLabal:: in front of it to recude the amount of errors. And yes it is inside a class.
  9. Hello everyone, I have a beginners problems with C++ enums and switch. My header has in the public section the following: enum TextPosition { Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight }; TextPosition textPosition; Now the CPP initializes the textPosition variable in the constructor. #include "aLabel.h" aLabel::aLabel(void) { textPosition = aLabel::TextPosition.Center; } However during a switch case I get the message Unexpected type "aLabel::TextPosition". case aLabel::TextPosition.Center: What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance for the help.
  10. I see its missing in the project definition: Level1: Melee: bat Handgun: 9mm for the entire tech demo: Melee: bat Handgun: 9mm machineGun: ak47 shotgun: (2 shots, reload) rifle: sniper special: rocket launcher throwable: grenade
  11. Currently the task for the modelers and the designer are on their way. I am working with Rick on the tasks for the programmers. This is the current state of how we work: - Project Wiki - Project Forum - Google docs for brainstorming - Google drive for asset management - SVN for Source control. Sprint 2 The team has arrived in Sprint 2. This means that the initial setup is done. The basic Design of the game is clear and we start making stuff. Sprint 2 is by far the largest of them all. It contains Sprint 2 - Concepts and prototypes 2.1. Paper prototyping round 1 Brainstorm about small prototypes: aka character control, inventory, driving, enemies Creating art work Task driven work: Working with tasks that are divided among the project members. Making sure that everyone knows what to expect from the rest of the team. Evaluating progress and making up a first balance. Redefining direction and adjusting project flow (task management, adjusting game design documentation). Creating first prototypes and level designs. Have to be tested and evaluated by the entire team for feedback [*]Fine tuning prototypes and level designs [*]Preparing code for injection in main project
  12. Oh sorry, I meant the forum I send you all in an email. I do not mean this forum.
  13. @ David Will: Certainly, I will send you a PM. The forum is open for the project members.
  14. AggrorJorn


    A lovely concept to fool around with. have you played portal 1 with commentary? They explain a lot about the technical process on how they build portals.
  15. New/edited Documents: - Brainstorm outcome updated
  16. Lead Level Design/Art It is decided that Scarlet Thread Studios is no the Lead Level design/Art. Poll, Planning I am working on the last poll, that will be send. After that I will update the Game design document post the results to the project members and the forum. The planning will also be made available at this time. What everyone can do is trying to visualise a bit how the scene is going to look. One of the tasks of the level designers will be making a topdown map and create a temporary placeholder lever. See the following blog for inspiration. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/42/entry-172-the-zone-blog-01-getting-my-feet-wet/
  17. The answers are always anonymous. I can not see who filled in a form.
  18. @ pancakes: Good point. I have asked the people involved if they can share a link to their portfolio. Special powers The vote speaks for it self. The game does not conclude special powers.
  19. Poll and Subleaders I have sent out Poll 1.5. The answer I will get will be used to clean the brainstorm 2.0 a little. This Poll includes the question for the Lead Level design/Art. Rick is from now on appointed to Lead Programmer. SubLeaders The reason we need subleaders is because more expertise is required for a group. Also the subleaders have a supportive roll towards their team mates and project manager. Naming conventions I am working on a Naming Convention Design. The Naming convention is based for the assets and for global game management. The programming naming convention will be discussed in its own Brainstorm, Lead programmer and project manager. The document contains other project information and will be published soon You can view it but not edit it. If you have suggestions, feedback or comments, please send me a PM or post in this topic. Tasks I have had a look in to several task manager tools, websites etc. I have come to the conclusion that it might we the easiest if we stick to Google Docs, since all the other information is on there as well. The task overview is already set up and will be published soon. Only the project manager and the subleaders (Lead Programming and Lead design) can edit the task overview. You can view it but not edit it. If you have suggestions, feedback or comments, please send me a PM or post in this topic. Thanks for all the work so far! I am really happy with the results that we as a team have been able to achieve.
  20. Once the second brainstorm and poll are over I want to get started right away. Thats why I am looking for a Lead artist, Lead programmer, Lead Level design and Lead Audio. Task: Giving support to the programmers, Audio, Art en level design. You can reply in this topic.
  21. New/edited Documents: - Brainstorm 1 outcome (Please read it before continuing with brainstorm 2) - Brainstorm 2 @Rick: yeah I was supprised about that one. I didn't vote for it, but it got a lot of votes. Yes, the invisibility patches. awesome.
  22. I also added a rar file. Somehow the image gets really blurry during upload. I'll remove the image.
  23. Ladies and gentelmen, The poll results. ***Note: Not every question was enirely decissive. Some (like the indoor/outdoor qeustion) are conclusive to the game. The next brainstorm will narrow things down even more. Download the High Resolution Image. brainstorm 1- poll results.rar
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